Wisdom of our ancestors 3

What makes the Leaver worldview unique is that it is completely community oriented.  Our current westernized culture thrives on competition, individualism, and reliance on authority to solve problems.  I need to be careful here – I am NOT condoning some Ayn Rand way of looking at the world, that is Read more…

Wisdom of our ancestors 2

The word Dominion as it is emphasized in the English language, influenced by orthodox Christianity, not surprisingly has come to be accepted as a type of rule over others.  Whether this is by a monarch, or by humans over nature, it implies absolute power over.  If you look at Dominion Read more…

Wisdom of our ancestors 1

During the colonialization periods since Columbus, missionaries came across indigenous peoples and automatically labelled them savage pagans simply because they were not European Christians.  Not much has changed.  This really is a great indictment on how effective the Eurocentric Judeo-Christian worldview has dominated for several hundred years.  It is only Read more…

Spirituality 3

It is estimated that 90% of people intensely dislike the working week, which is a product of efficiency for the industrial revolution and machine system of living.  So, 10% of people have a living that is ideal for them.   They could work 15 hours a day and still love what Read more…

Spirituality 1

Time to talk a little about spirituality and its place in a sustainable world.  Let me be clear at the outset in this post, spirituality is NOT the same as religiosity.   While spirituality has been generally associated with religions, it is erroneous to connect them directly.  I have met many Read more…


I have just returned from Ouray, Colorado, as spectacular a mountain setting as can be found in many places around the world.  The men of European descent who first came here in the late 1800s didn’t come to appreciate the mountains.  To them the mountains were just a resource to Read more…

Urban Farming?

I’m busy ice-climbing this week enjoying the beauty of the mountains of Colorado!  More regular posts once I get back from playing. I live comfortably in a house much to big for my needs, although it is one of the more modest ones in my neighborhood subject to Home Owners Read more…