Miscellaneous Musings – Part 6: Finding Inner Peace – Part 3: Perceptions and Whole Brain

“Humanity’s next great evolutionary leap will be the discovery that cooperating is better than competing” Pietro Ubaldi. The one thing that characterizes the birth of great civilizations, and also, the fall of them, is how they approached problem solving – thinking in general changed between the beginning and the downfalls. Read more…

Spiritual Crisis is the World’s Greatest Problem Part 2 – Cultural Sensitivity and Empathy

“Opinion is the lowest from of human knowledge.  It requires no accountability, no understanding.  The Highest form of knowledge … is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another’s world.  It requires profound purpose larger than the self-kind of understanding.”  Bill Bullard To regular visitors Read more…

Reality 3 – A Spiritual perspective – How we become separated from our true selves.   

In my earlier posts of ‘Spirituality vs. Religion’ and ‘How Control Happens’ I covered how we are manipulated by elite hierarchies (the Cabal) to fit within certain norms of behavior.  These arbitrary norms have become our consensus reality within whose boundaries we unconsciously operate.  People all over the world are Read more…

VISION – How we focus on what we really Want 3

POPULATION, ECONOMICS, CHOICE and MORALITY                     I didn’t get to complete my thoughts on this in the last post because of a keyboard problem.  Countries that have invested in female education and family planning have demonstrated major drops in total fertility rates. Regardless of which counties are used as comparisons (e.g. Read more…