The greatest threat to our planet is the [disempowering] belief that someone else will save it.  Earth Guardians

I have talked with people about why we seem to have so little faith in our own better angels.  Experiences with greed and the lack of community seem to be the main reasons that I am hearing.  We feel so separate from everything and everybody and the fear of lack is so ingrained in the way we live.  Consumerism seems more of a survival mechanism rather than a way to actually live abundantly.  Understandably, people will tend to horde what they have, deny sharing with others, and mistrust others in their motives – the Cabal have done a good job in their conditioning of humankind.     

The one thing I often hear is how big the environmental issues and problems have become.  So much so that it seems impossible for individuals to effect any change.  The mass media promote the idea that only governments can get together to create policies to make change.  If you listen to the side stories or alternate press you will get a plethora of stories about how individuals all over the world from school children to villagers in desperate poverty in Africa are creating the changes we need.  As Margaret Mead once said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. “ Margaret Mead.

When you live in a consumer society you live under the constant fear of ‘lack’ of something.  Even the uber-rich live in fear of losing their money, their status, their power.  Our consumer society along with its crippling economic thinking thrives on fear of scarcity.   As long as you harbor this debilitating belief that scarcity exists, you live in fear of not having enough.  This is a singular cause of greed.  This is further enhanced by the media when more fear of ‘others’ coming to take your ‘stuff’ perpetuates even more separateness and individualistic self-centeredness.   In this blog I have laid out ideas for building community and the need to stop ‘waiting for superman’ and it always comes down to people working collaborative to cooperate on creating the world this want to see.  It is the debilitating beliefs that keep us trapped in maintaining this negative world we currently live within.   We don’ have to become saints, but we do need to start living more empowering beliefs such as self-worth and trust. 

Learning to be compassionate and understanding are a wonderful start.  Yes, there are difficult people we still have to live with, but more often than not it is the negativity that creates such people.  People have opinions and that is fine.  What is important is that we develop the ability to discuss problems and solutions to find out what is right and the best action for all concerned and not to simple argue trying to determine who is right.  Modern politics all over the world is plagued by beliefs and ideologies that have only one path with all others being vilified – a ‘my way or the highway’ mentality.    

The spiritual path as I have emphasized is not a religious path but more one about connection.  Understanding that we are all connected with each other and everything on the planet is a first step in realizing that connection.  This is more than mumbo-jumbo new-age stuff, it is scientifically verifiable ideas – I have covered this in this blog already.  I’m not going down the rabbit hole today, but please look at previous posts in this blog concerning spirituality.  Moving on from what I have already said, most of our thinking is framed through our beliefs, most of which are limiting beliefs about our ability to effect change in our lives and our world of reality.  I need to emphasize just how powerful is our thinking is in creating this reality.

In 1942, Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katharine Briggs began the work of developing a “sorter” instrument to help people identify their psychological type preferences, as described by the theory of C. G. Jung.  Just recognizing that there are 16 basic types of personality that determine how people think is a first step in understanding that we think differently, but also that we can understand how to communicate more clearly.  We are not locked into specific patterns of thinking any more than we are locked into our belief structures, but once we understand these basic patterns of ‘preferences’ we can learn to work together rather than challenge each other.  It is in the challenging that competition and misunderstanding occur.  Once you release the limitations that allow disempowering thoughts you begin to open up a world of cooperation and more compassion.  We can begin to exhibit faith in those around us as being trustworthy and reliable.

According to Myers-Briggs, there are four basic types of mind function: Feeling, Thinking (analytical), Sensing, and Intuiting.  Our minds are comprised of all four although we tend to be stronger in two and weaker in the other two depending on our conditioning that creates a preference mode for each of us.  There is also a complementarity, meaning that certain pairs tend to occur more often together than others types of pairing – this is common in nature and so having it in these psychological traits is not unexpected.  Thinking-sensing and feeling-intuiting tend to align.  It’s hard to think and feel at the same time – you can switch between them but not at the same time.  Through much of history men tended to be conditioned to be men thinking-sensors and women feeling-intuitives.  In the last 50 years, these ‘roles’ have been breaking down such that the old-guard that ran the paternalistic system for so many centuries with the tight roles of women and men are creating a new kind of male-female sets of roles.  Both genders are experiencing a kind of thinking androgyny.  Androgyny is the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics into an ambiguous form.  Once only applied as expression of biological sex, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual identity it is now being expressed in new male-female ways of thinking and doing.  I’ll explain this more in the next post along with tips on reprogramming our thinking.   To Be Continued…….. 


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