In my earlier posts of ‘Spirituality vs. Religion’ and ‘How Control Happens’ I covered how we are manipulated by elite hierarchies (the Cabal) to fit within certain norms of behavior.  These arbitrary norms have become our consensus reality within whose boundaries we unconsciously operate.  People all over the world are waking up to how the system isn’t working.  We all know it – I am constantly hearing people bitch and moan about the state of the world.  A world of fear, hate, greed, conflict, etc., doesn’t fit anyone’s idea of the world they want to live in.  In the last century the wars fought for and on behalf of the elites have wasted literally tens of millions of lives and destroyed whole countries, and to what effect?  The elites still control and the common people get to die because the hierarchy wants to gain power.  It’s all sold to us in the name of nationalism and patriotism of course, not that one shouldn’t be proud of the place in which one lives, but killing someone because they live on the different side of an artificial line or attend a different place of worship one day a week from you seems more than a tad ridiculous.  Especially since the only people who usually lose are us.  The uber-hierarchy always wins regardless of the outcomes – indeed they often fund both sides of the conflict that they initiated in order to maintain power over whatever outcome occurs.  I have covered this in several earlier posts (e.g.  The Hierarchy 2 – Waiting for Superman).

Philosopher Eric Hoffer talks about a supply steamer in 1914 that supplies an island colonized by several European nationals from a variety of countries.  They all live peacefully and in friendship.  Yet, one day in late 1914, the steamer arrives with the sad news about the start of WWI, and that half the colonies governments are now at war with the other half.  The war had been ongoing for several months, yet the colony had been friend’s all that time until the arrival of the steamer.  After the news, many of the colony left to fight for their countries even though the reasons for the war made no difference to the colony.  The ludicrousness of us fighting wars is further expressed in another short commentary.  There is a river that is the boundary between two countries.  On one side is a German farmer, and on the other is a French farmer.  They live a mere few feet apart from each other but because of the natural course of a river, each finds themselves speaking a different language, and caught up in a separate country with allegiance to a different government.  Many times, it is simply an artificial line on a map that separates people.  And for some reason we hold such store in these separations.  And the reason we remain separated is that Cabal loves separation – they control us that way.

In the 1930s film version of “All Quiet on the Western Front” the Sargeant Katczinsky is talking with some of his men about why they are fighting.  He responds that it would be better if when the hierarchies have a disagreement (such as the onset of WWI) that all the heads of state be put in a field and left to fight it out among themselves with the winners being the new controllers.  That’s what happens after any war anyway, except millions of common folk die to keep the elites in business.  In Joseph Heller’s “Catch 22,” an elderly Italian peasant is talking about how his life has always been largely divorced from the war and politics occurring all around him.  Over the peasant’s long life he has seen regimes come and go but his simple life in the village remains the same.  Yes, laws and taxes may change, but life goes on otherwise with family, friends and community being the center of existence.  This is not to down play the big corporate controllers and the horrendous things they do to maintain the hyper-consumer mindset, but at the end of the day, everyone on the planet, in whatever cultures they live, have similar goals for how they want to live.  And unless people have been warped through being brought up in a hate filled environment, people have a natural innate longing for love and belonging.  What we have been conditioned to experience, despite the best of our intentions, is Shame, Fear, and Vulnerability.  We are driven to sudden reactions instead of considered responses.  We don’t have to all agree, but we should be able to “agree to disagree’ and then treat each other with respect and compassion.  When we let shame take over we create separation and wonder why we have such a hard time living with each other.  When we perceive that enough similarities or kinship exists we make a concerted effort to get on with people around us (think family) even though we may ardently have different viewpoints.  Interestingly, shame isn’t just about “painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior (dictionary).” Shame goes much deeper than that, to the roots of our self-esteem and cultural upbringings.  This conditioning has been going on for centuries, creating wars and mayhem.  We are a global culture and now is the time to break out of this rut if humanity is to move ahead and be globally sustainable and with raised consciousness.   so, what is it about shame that keeps us in a rut of control by the Cabal.



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