You are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was” Anthon St. Maarten

A continuation of a fictional reflection by a hundred-year-old Espe from 2112 about the start and on-going movement of transformation to Sustainable Living.  I add clarification links and quotes as needed.

I have commented on how our technology and consciousness are uniquely different than they were before The Great Change (GC).  We take so much for granted today in 2112 about our higher consciousness, but maybe a reflection of the changes will emphasize just how the old ways kept us so subdued.  But in the 2020s we were still embedded in a worldview and many thought that technology would be humanity’s savior.  Once we recognized that psychotic authoritarian figures were trying to prevent our evolution, we made choices to be compassionate to life.  Making those compassionate choices was our duty to ourselves and each other – not violent rebellion. 

Humanity is brilliant technologically, but before the GC, pathetic at being fair – political patience and expediency were always a problem.  What we needed was adaptation, not worrying fear tactics, scaring us to accept Faustian Bargains by the Cabal. The Global Climate crisis of the 2020s was predicated on the elites trying to convince us we could reach net zero carbon and still have a global capitalist system they controlled.  Net Zero with technology back then was unrealistic and unsustainable regardless of what dreams the technocrats tried to sell us.  We used to live in a culture where we believed that all problems had potential technical solutions, not realizing that our thinking (worldview) was the primary problem.   

The assault by the Cabal came on many fronts such as weaponizing medical technology against humanity for the population drawdown, total economic control, and pitting us against each other so that we never noticed the continual degradation of our sovereignty.  Caught up in lower consciousness of survival and instinctive reactions to fear made humanity neurotic and easily controllable.  One of my grandmothers had a song she loved that caught the frustrations of that time (What’s up).  So many people around the world were so frustrated and took out their anger at each other, but especially others who were perceived as different.  Violence was normal, but is a manifestation of a lower consciousness.       

Humanity of the 2020s was a culmination of a kind of social cancer of selfishness and derisiveness.  In the 2030s, we went through a rebirthing of ourselves, not in a religious way but a spiritual way.  To not have done would have meant following a very dark road indeed.  In a sense it was a lot like a social apoptosis – the death of the old as a normal and controlled part of an organism’s growth or development, in this case our sick global society.  The mass awakening because of the draconian actions of the Cabal caused the human collective to go through a literal cultural metamorphosis (see Thinking Anew part 20 {April 2022}).  Many were literally dragged through the transformation because they had to in order to thrive within the transforming communities.  The old consumer-materialism system was collapsing.     

Higher consciousness comes with a spiritual worldview.  It may or may not be associated with a religious background.  Its presence signifies a connectivity with all life and a sense of something greater than one’s self, whatever one may perceive that to be.  It’s what indigenous peoples and spiritual guru’s express as ‘oneness’ – everything is just part of the one.  What was happening in the late 2020s was a merging of science and spirituality, led by quantum physicists that quickly led to cognitive revolutions in all the sciences.  

Before the GC, all the sciences were seen as individual disciplines and separate systems.  What we now know of course is that everything is connected in wonderfully complex ways.  We also came to accept that consciousness was not something caused by electro-chemical interactions in the individual brain but is a singularity of the whole energy of the universe.  So, when spiritual gurus said we are all connected, they meant it literally.

Physicists’ and neuroscientists had long expressed beliefs that there was no fixed self that can be found in the brain and that consciousness was not a physical property as such but a form of energy and entirely nonmaterial (see Hofstadter link).  Indeed, writers from the 1990s had long expressed quantum science ideas that we are not physical at all but actually living in a kind of non-local holographic universe (see book link and The non-solid universe parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 {March 2018})

We now accept that we are all individuated aspects of a single consciousness – infinitely differing points of attention of the singularity.  The term ‘Oneness’ can be used can be interchangeably with ‘non-duality’ or ‘non-dual awareness’ used by quantum physicists.  In essence, oneness is a feeling of interconnectedness that transcends physical or cognitive boundaries.  Once experienced, it brings an intense opening of the heart emotions and a deep sense of the inherent goodness of all beings with equal or higher consciousness.    

The curious side effect of shifting our consciousness to a higher level also helped us to see new ways to develop quantum technologies!  We emerged from the dystopian global culture of the 2020s to a kind of utopia.  That might imply perfection, but it is a much better way to live.  I don’t think life is ever meant to be perfect since it always has its emotional challenges that are always teaching us about the dualities of emotions.  We can react negatively from a lower consciousness or respond compassionately from a point of higher consciousness.      

We had verifiable science about the mind-body connection since the 1960s, but consciousness was difficult for materialistic science that needed hard physical reproduceable evidence.  We always had evidence but didn’t fully understand how to measure it then – a bit like trying to explain electricity to someone living a primitive lifestyle in a cave.  “Spirituality is just an expanding set of connections… ineffable expanded states of consciousness for a new story to be in” Joan Borysenko. 

Everything you’ve learned in school as ‘obvious’ becomes less and less obvious as you begin to study the universe” Buckminster Fuller.

Another side-effect of higher consciousness is how androgenous we are now.  Pre-Covid era gender roles had been set for millennia with women being subjugated by male dominated societies.  One of my grandmothers always said that if women ran the world, there would be no war, just intense negotiations every month.  My father always joked that trying to understand the women in his life was like building a Penrose Triangle.  Our socio-historians have many ideas about the roles that men and women played through the millennia.  In general, women were looking for harmony, peace, happiness, and security as they had to raise children, and men had the role of protectors and providers.  It was recognized that during the latter part of the twentieth century, the role of a man was changing.  In the feminist movement of the 1960s, women started to find their own voice and a different place in society.  Many were providing for themselves and expecting equal status, which unfortunately was hard coming. 

In my last journal account I told about the ERA in the United States and how it was never ratified.  Today we do not need legislation to offer equity to everyone.  Traditional roles of mother, father and family still exist but in a much broader structure within communities.  But everyone is free to express themselves as they want in any way.  It is no longer the nuclear family as was typical of the twentieth century, and societies around the planet are no longer paternalistic.  Since wars no longer exist, men are able to relax their millennia old role and feel free to express their emotional side much more readily. Women show their strength as leaders in our societies with wise nurturing without having to resort to domineering tactics as was typical of politics before the GC.  We live spiritually, and we have more continuous fun than I can ever recall as I was growing up with the stresses of life before the GC. 

To Be Continued ………………    

“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind”  C.S. Lewis. 


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