In the last post I quoted a passage by Bennett Sherry of the OER Project.  Go back and reread that passage.  Despite numerous efforts to force international agreements on human rights, none have worked.  Now ask yourself why?  I don’t think it is a problem of the human collective.  No, it is a problem of the global Cabal and their puppet hierarchies.  They like war and conflict because it serves their purposes of control and maintenance of their power.  We have to say as a loud voice, “We will no longer accept war or violence, and we refuse to sanction it anymore.”    

The problem I get from most people is the belief that we must have the hierarchy to function as a society.  In our current global system this is true since they own and control it all.  We already live in a new kind of economic feudal system where the hierarchy control all the money, food and energy.  This was true of all ancient and past millennial feudal systems, and despite our attempts through the creation of republics to free us from such systems, we are still captured within a modern one.  And if I read Klaus Schwab and his WEFs proposals right, they wish to enslave us in an even tighter kind of feudalism with their vision of a ‘New World Order.’   

As regular readers will recognize, this is a regular rant of mine, so I will resist continuing on about it yet again.  I have several friends who believe what they believe and cannot seem to be able to hold a discussion outside the restrictive boundaries of their belief systems.  American writer-reporter and social critic Walter Lippman saw the basic problem of democracy was how it relied on the accuracy of news and the protection of sources.  He argued that using distorted information was a common feature of the human mind. That is, people make up their minds, often without relying on discerned facts using belief confirmation sources, instead of gathering and analyzing facts before reaching conclusions.  This is one reason why stereotyping is so prevalent (e.g., see earlier post about this The role of Limiting Beliefs and Empowering Beliefs 1 – Becoming Empowered through Metacognition {May 2019}).  Lippmann claimed that public opinion defined modern politics, and those that created those opinions through controlling narratives, controlled politics and hence the world we live in.     

That is also how mass movements begin, and while some work well, some fail miserably, at least for the common folk (see earlier post Reality 6 – Restarting Civic Engagement and Citizenship {May 2018}).  We are already in the middle of a new mass movement and most don’t even realize it yet.  Change is always occurring.  In centuries past it happened slowly overall and often with sudden swiftness when it did happen, e.g., when a famine forced people to move or an attacking army swept through.  This past 150 years is unique in how much change occurred.  But it was change that happened to us and rarely because of choices we made – more often as a result of technology and political events with global consequences.

We are on the cusp of one of the most momentous changes even as I write.  It will create massive change whether we choose it or not.  To not choose is to give away our power yet again, as we have been impulse to do these past millennia.  That lack of choice will give us a new feudalism ruled over by the Cabal and their monied elites.  This is the time for us to make the choice to empower our own future and where we thrive together.  While many of us are ready for that choice, there are still those that are afraid and willing to continue the same o, Same o, even if they don’t like what that is. 

There are many (and I mean millions already worldwide) living within intentional communities that already made the choice to live better, but they seem more a rarity at this moment without the publicity they deserve.  However, very soon, their path will be the only one for us to consider if we want to thrive with personal sovereignty and build a better world.  After the chaos of the 2020 lockdowns, everything seems to be returning to the normality of pre-Covid.  But don’t be lulled into a sense of complacency.  There are so many awakened to the hierarchical control, the Cabal are losing their control and are struggling to hang on to their power.  I’ve no doubt that the Cabal have a last-ditch big event coming, designed to thrust us all in to a fear, even a terror situation, where they can flex their control to reign us all in to do their bidding.

I am not talking about having to resort to a violent refusal, simply making a choice to ignore them and trust ourselves. Throughout history, ruling elites have always been scared of the populace waking up to their ploys.  The Pixar Movie, A Bug’s Life, covers this nicely with how the grasshoppers control the ants.  A pretty accurate simile of how the human Cabal controls humanity.

When the shit finally hits the fan (so to speak), you can choose to run around like a chicken with its head cut off, listening to the hierarchy telling you what to do; or make a decision to join with your neighbors and build a thriving community. If you choose the latter, then first order of business is to join together as sovereign individuals and relocalized the essentials of life.  Everyone has talents and must have a voice in the community plan.  Natural leaders will emerge, but be careful of delegating too much authority to any person or group.  A true leader encourages participation and involvement and encourages organic discussions that encourage personal sovereignty, not dictating everything from a place of power and hegemony.    

It will be messy to begin, but getting to know your community as people you can trust is a crucial step in creating a community with cohesion.  Most westernized societies have spent so much time being prompted to live in distrust of others that promoted separation, it may be a difficult transition for some to put their faith in them to work together.  Humans are social creatures, so coming together should not be more than a short awakening.  Everyone who stays with a community shares all the work and all the burdens, as well as all the benefits of a thriving system.       

Remember, living and thriving sustainably is not a technological change, although that will be a major component, but primarily a socio-cultural-psychological one.  Many undeveloped countries never lost their community spirit, although globalized modernity is severely eroding it, but developed countries need to relearn how to rely upon and work with their neighbors for everyone’s benefit.  The competitive mindset that dominates western society needs to make way for a collaborative mindset.   All nature collaborates.  It is only in the human mind that predator-prey relationship seems dominant.  Yes, there are ecological trophic feeding levels, but no one level is better than another – all co-exist for the betterment of the whole system. 

 Once we begin to trust each other, domination traits such as paternalism, class systems, and wealth gaps will dissipate, leading to more egalitarian and harmonious relationships.  We don’t have to agree with each other, and nor should we.  Accepting diverse views as well as diversity withing each other is as crucial a component for thriving.  There is no one right way, only the way that works at the moment.  Imagine working together with joy and purpose, laughing, dancing and singing throughout the day.  Imagine being joyful all the time in everything you do.  That will certainly piss off those that resist the changes coming, but once they see how much fun those that make the choices are having, it will be an easy sell. 

Those of us who are already awakened to the idea of a better way of living will need to exhibit compassion for those having a hard time letting go of their old conditioned worldviews.  A bit like trying to win the trust of a stray dog.  Kindness and compassion will eventually win everyone over once they see the light of a better world unfolding before them.  Don’t underestimate just how big a transition this sustainability revolution will be.  It is unlike anything collective humanity has seen in thousands of years. 

As a closing metaphor for this change, it will be like redesigning and rebuilding the airplane while we are flying it!!  No small feat, but one I am confident that people everywhere will be able to do once they are thrust into the reality of it needing to be done.  When we work together, rather than relying on talking heads that want to control us, we will be able to achieve amazing things. We can and must take back our power.  I don’t even want to consider the Cabals alternative. 

To Be Continued ………………


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