There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with people. Given a story to enact that puts them in accord with the world, they will live in accord with the world. But given a story to enact that puts them at odds with the world, as yours does, they will live at odds with the world. Given a story to enact in which they are the lords of the world, they will ACT like lords of the world. And, given a story to enact in which the world is a foe to be conquered, they will conquer it like a foe, and one day, inevitably, their foe will lie bleeding to death at their feet, as the world is now” Daniel Quinn, Ishmael

A continuation of a fictional reflection by a hundred-year-old Espe from 2112 about the start and on-going movement of transformation to Sustainable Living.  I add clarification links and quotes as needed.

I am asked often what it was that changed in the world back by 2030.  There was so much that changed but I think what really changed was that a crucial number of people all over the planet stopped thinking that exploitation of any kind was normal and acceptable.  I think the global transformation occurred when we changed our story of how we thought of ourselves.    

Our story was based on one of exploitation and it all came from a social conditioning we accepted as normal, because conditioning is a ‘Socially Constructed Reality.’  While the developed nations of the pre-Covid era enjoyed the benefits of consumer materialism, the majority of others languished and looked with envy at the perceived wonders of a consumer lifestyle.  But it all came with a price that became more and more obvious to all as the Covid Era continued.      

People had grown to be skeptical and even cynical of authorities of any kind before the Covid era, but they inherently believed and trusted that authorities always had the people’s best interest at heart.  My Uncle was a communications specialist and he always said that telling people the truth might not make you popular but people respected knowing what was happening.  It’s was a bit like standing in a line for something.  If you knew that you would get your turn and that if meant a two hour wait, then people would tolerate the inconvenience.  But if people jumped the line or the wait went beyond the two hours, then people start to get belligerent.  It was the complete erosion of ‘trust’ from an egregious hierarchy that created the conditions for a new social story to be adopted. 

Once we were faced with the reality that all our global institutions highjacked by the Cabal and that they were driving ……………  So much FEAR, suffering and struggle envelop us.  We changed our beliefs about ourselves to become co-creators of a new kind of society and not victims of the few psychopaths trying to dominate us.  It was an opportunity to change all we didn’t want anymore.   But change was so scary and it was a hard time for many to undergo such a radical change in not only our human thinking but also how we would live with each other.  It was literally the rut we knew and understood versus the unknown!  (see Why We Stay in the Rut parts 1, 2, and 3 {May 2018}).

The most incredible change in our thinking had to do with simple respect and application of  spiritual wisdom to our decision-making.  This was more a spiritual transformation – a true metamorphosis.  We had literally spent centuries accruing knowledge and creating technology without recognizing that knowledge without the wise guidance of Compassion and unconditional Love merely creates a blind and destructive egoic based energy.  As Isaac Asimov, one of the foremost science fiction writers of the twentieth century commented, “The saddest aspect of life now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.”  It’s what brought us to the ecological crises we faced in the twenty first century.  We are now heart centered in our ways, and Aristotle said it perfectly, “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”     

Our politics today reflects what humanity had been recognizing since 1899, when ‘the International Peace Conference’ was held in The Hague to determine elaborate instruments for settling world crises peacefully.  This was euphemistically framed as preventing wars by codifying rules of warfare – it’s OK to kill people and destroy regions, but do it nicely.  This conference also created the World Court in 1902 at the Hague for Settlement of International Disputes with the Permanent Court of Arbitration.  We know how well it worked because of World War One.  But that didn’t stop the desire to find a way to prevent further Wars-to-End-all-Wars from reoccurring.    

The year after WW1, the ‘League of Nations’ was established to ‘to promote international cooperation and to achieve peace and security.’   While the President of the United States of America began the idea of this League, the lack of this world power (at the time) as part of the League meant its world influence was minimal and lacked any mechanisms to enforce its ideas.  The League also required unanimous agreements to pass any resolutions, which meant that any one country voting against a resolution rendered it worthless.  This would explain how the axis powers managed to generate World War 2. The League, however, did serve to teach humanity a valuable initial lesson – diplomacy without a means of enforcement was not effective for peacekeeping. 

After the League was disbanded in 1945, all its assets were used to create the United Nations (UN).  This started out as a noble idea where the world’s nations “could gather together, discuss common problems, and find shared solutions’ for all kinds of global problems.  It didn’t stop conflicts, despite its ‘Security Council’ with its military enforcement arm, and sociological and ecological problems that merely got worse rather than better.  The problem with the UN was that it failed to achieve its noble goals to seek world peace and help all humanity attain a good standard of living in a safe ecological environment.  Its failure was mainly due to growing immorality and an egoic expression by too many countries for self-serving policies.  The UN was insular (having a narrow view of the world) and stuck in a global worldview of materialistic consumerism that couldn’t function with its stated goals.   In essence, it was a Tiger with no teeth in a squabbling arena of jackals! 

The Covid Era revealed the gross inadequacies of existing global organizations like the UN and The World Health Organization (WHO) and more surprisingly how they had been coopted and captured by the Cabal and Transnational Corporations.  Despite minor successes, the global organizations could not advocate successfully for people to live in peace and harmony and in a ‘clean-healthy’ environment. Indeed, they had become puppets of the Cabal trying to set up a global dominance by using language that seemed to fit what we all wanted, but on reflection was just Double-Speak (language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words). That’s how the 2020s got to be so bad.

The UN and elitist organizations like the World Economic Forum (WEF) kept pushing for a single world government, a single law enforcement system, and a single Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) to resolve all of the global problems.  Well, the idea was OK, but the controllers of this new world order would have been the same psychopaths that created the chaotic world of the 2020s.  It would have been a dystopian world ruled by a corrupt hierarchy with people as slaves to the hierarchy’s whims.  Fortunately, hundreds of millions reacted against the draconian dictates and the new world order that finally grew out of the chaos was one we created for ourselves.  It was our collective intention for a better world that created the conditions for it to occur.  Once we stood up for ourselves and against those draconian forces, we started transforming.  It was an amazing time.  We didn’t know how it would turn out but we had faith in ourselves and each other, and empowered ourselves instead of looking outward.  And that was the magic for which we had been waiting for to transform us.  

To Be Continued ……


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