Pathways to a Better Future – Espe part 12: Global Transformation – Part 2 – A New Political Reality.

“Truth does not mind being questioned – A lie does not like being challenged” Brian Weiner   A continuation of a fictional reflection by a hundred-year-old Espe from 2112 about the start and on-going movement of transformation to Sustainable Living.  I add clarification links and quotes as needed The political chaos Read more…

Adapting to Transformational changes 4 –Synergistic Democracy (Synocracy) that nurtures all people

I have talked many times about our need to become more collaborative, but what models exist in the political arena that use collaboration and not disruptive competition.  The concept of Synergistic Democracy was first proposed by Barbara Marx Hubbard (World Future Society).  The term Synocracy seems to have been independently Read more…