Like most technology of the last 70 years, we start with what sounds like a great idea and then rush it to mass production without any real consideration of long-term consequences.  Then when consequences arise (as they always seem to do) we find that big money, scientists funded by them, and governments beholden to them keep wanting to turn a blind eye, or to debunk negative findings.  It is only relatively recently that we have truly started to understand the human body and how it really works.  We are more than bags of chemicals and electrical stimuli.   Whether we like it or not, we are being affected by EMFs every moment of the day.  It is creating subtle changes in our bodies and we do not question it.  On average a child receives a cell phone at the age of 8, and their skulls are less thick than an adults, thereby increasing the effective dose (recall the 1.6 W/Kg) each time they use the phone.  It is the kids that spend inordinate amounts of time on these devices.  Some people with clear symptoms of Electro Sensitivty (ES) literally have to have rooms in their homes shielded like a Faraday cage to prevent the affects of EMFs.  It is a growing and controversial problem that cell phone towers situated in the middle of housing developments are showing clusters of diseases (especially cancers) and no one seems concerned.  Researchers in the UK like Elaine Fox and James Rubin point to ‘ES worry’ as the cause of symptoms and not cell phones – so psychosomatic illness?  So they confirm that simply thinking you might get ill is enough to make you actually ill?  This is a lot like the placebo effect in pharmaceutical trials.  So what is going on.  I have said in previous posts (e.g. Health – Sickcare 2) that I will explain how this works (to be begin in next post) and it all ties down to spirituality in its broadest sense and our connections to the natural world.

To wrap up on this EMF problem.   Researchers like Lennart Hardell a Swedish oncologist, are showing clear valid connection to EMFs and certain cancers, although he shows a significant ‘latency’ period of 10 years between cause and effect.  What that means is it gets hard to prove in court that the EMFs may have caused your brain tumor, even though the research in other species with short life spans shows this clearly.   Bioelectrical signals help to regulate many processes of the human body. In fact, valid science suggests that every cell in your body might have its own EMF.  External EMFs can affect virtually any system within your body, from your sleep cycles to your stress levels to your immunities to your DNA.  More and more we are learning that the human body has adaptions we are only beginning to learn about that connect us in unique ways to the pulse of the planet.  For instance, have you heard of Pacinian corpuscles?  These are pressure-sensitive mechanoreceptors in the skin and joints that house an oval onion skinned like capsule terminating in some sensory nerve fibers.  These receptors can pick up Rayleigh waves that are produced in the earth, especially by earth quakes.  Animals using these receptors can sense earth quakes long before the main earth quake arrives to warn them of the oncoming quake.  For instance, during the great Indonesian Tsunami of 2004, there were very few dead animal to be found – they had all fled inland.  Only we humans, so disconnected from the natural world and its natural signals, hung around (ignoring the symptoms of the corpuscles) to watch the Tsunami wash us away.  Our bodies have many other kinds of systems that connect us to natural phenomena.  Our ancestors before we got distracted by physical technology understood how the world and the universe worked, even if they didn’t know the complex physics and chemistry behind it all.

In 2006, worldwide, Bee Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), was recognized as a growing possible global catastrophe. The loss of pollinators for all our crops (over 70% of them) rely on pollinators to fertilize them through the transfer of pollen.  The mechanisms of CCD are still unknown, but many causes are currently being considered, such as pesticides (especially Neonicotinoids), parasitic mites, fungi, beekeeping practices (such as the use of antibiotics or long-distance transportation of beehives), malnutrition, poor quality queens, starvation, other pathogens, and immunodeficiencies. The current scientific consensus is that no single factor is causing CCD, but that some of these factors in combination may lead are probably synergistically (multiple insults).  One rarely mentioned that correlates quite well is the rise of cell phone towers and EMFs.  Many animals including birds and insects have magnetite sensors and receptors behind the eyes containing cryptochromes.  Using light at specific frequencies and the magnetic lines of the earth itself, these creatures find their way not just around the neighborhood, but across vast distances (migrations), and back again.  Cryptochromes are also important in regulating Circadian Rhythms.  In the last 25 years particularly (since cell phones became commonplace), migratory species and many pollinating species have declined rapidly.  While this is tied to pesticides and habitat loss, the EMF effect is also notable.  How does this further affect human health?

Melatonin is a hormone produced in the Pineal Gland of the brain and is highly sensitive to light and EMFs – the Pineal Gland doesn’t know the difference between light and ER frequencies.  Consider how many people now sleep in areas of high light pollution in urban and suburban areas.  It is secreted at night and has major benefits to the body.   Melatonin is now believed to guide the ‘mopping-up’ of the more destructive oxidative groups of chemicals in the body called ‘Free-radicals.’   Melatonin is a major antioxidant and anticancer agent.  When Melatonin levels are consistently low, the heart and the immune system are compromised.  The disturbance of Melatonin by EMFs disrupts the production of Cytochrome P450 that is involved in melatonin production.  Our old enemy glyphosate also creeps into the picture in that tryptophan, which is a precursor of Serotonin, must be obtained from our food and glyphosate blocks tryptophan production in plants.  It also affects the production of these hormones in a gut flora.  As you’re gathering, it is a complex system and we are busy bombarding that system at many levels with insults cause by our consumer style of living.  And it is often the synergistic effects of the multiple insults that are wreaking havoc on everything.  It’s not the one thing or the two things, but a whole cascade of things we do, or allow to do, everyday over long periods of time.  If we are to live sustainably we have to come to terms with the myriad things we take for granted in our technologies that affect our bodies as well as our minds.  Our dysfunctional social conditioning (CONSUMERISM) and disconnection with the natural world as individualized and separate beings is another aspect we must take seriously and transform.  As I have said time and time again, to live sustainably means understanding how everything connects and then living in harmony with those connections.  At this time humanity has become a raging bull in a china shop where not only the ceramics are being destroyed but the very walls and structure of the shop itself.   


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