Today’s post is from a set of ideas and musings I have stored up.  Still pertinent to the Espe stories I have been posting this last six months.  A couple of friends who read my blog comment that I don’t say enough about the sustainable technologies.  Yes, there are a lot of things going one around the world that improve our technologies, but until we change our thinking, as I have said several times, we will keep moving down the road to perdition.  We have had decades to make the better choices, but continue to let ourselves be controlled and manipulated in the mainstreams narrative.  If the Covid-19 debacle didn’t wake us up enough then the Cabal will win – plain and simple.  This seeming return to normalcy is merely a hiatus in the Cabals plan before the next ‘event.’ 

I don’t need anyone to agree with me.  I just want everyone to wake up and ponder a simple idea – That the world is perhaps not as straight forward as most think it is.  The power and money is in the hands of just a few major players – psychotic ones at that.  Governments are not our friends (and certainly not our servants), and both governments and corporations have agendas that do not benefit us.  What the hierarchy gives us is a lifestyle option is antithetical to the way humans evolved and truly desire.  Seriously, do we all want war, violence, aggression, continual trauma of all kinds.  The world isn’t a bad place – the people controlling it are!  

Our current global civilization with the corporate-profit modelled materialistic-consumer lifestyle is driving us into a nightmare of decadence, narcissism, depravity, and nihilism.  And this is not an accident or a simple consequence of the way technology has created the world we see today.  Just pay attention.  Br willing to think outside the mainstreams highly controlled narrative and be willing to question anything that doesn’t make sense to you.  Be skeptical.  Be discerning.  Question what you think you ‘know.’      

If you keep track of the economic events going on around the world, you will notice that things are not all well – at least for the majority of us.  “Things are not getting worse, they are getting uncovered.  We must hold each other tight and continue to pull back the veil” Adrienne Maree BrownIf you allow yourself to think outside the box of the mainstream narrative and discern what is going on, then you will wander through some highly insightful discussions about the world.  Let your discernment and exploration through multiple platforms guide you in coming to conclusions.    

The truth is out there with many incredible thinkers willing to say what needs to be said.  Anytime, anything is censored or banned, then that is a massive red flag!  Yes, there are idiots and head-bangers out there ranting on about all manner of conspiracies.  But when anyone with qualifications – as good as any of the mainstream talking heads, – says anything and is instantly branded a conspiracy theorist, then that is also a red flag.  Why are the mainstream so scared of alternative perspectives and open debate.  Recently, despite being marginalized and censored from multiple media platforms, deep thinker and analyst, Dr. David Martin, was invited to talk to the European Union parliament in Brussels, Belgium.  His short but poignant, 21 minute talk, was a crushing indictment to governments and formal global organizations all over the world.  Never heard of him, then wonder why?  He is just one of many credible voices that the mainstream work hard in ensuring you do not listen to at all. 

These alternate perspectives are not secret, it’s just that you will not hear them unless you look outside the highly controlled (and coordinated) mainstream media narrative.  Any historian worth their salt will tell you that history is “built on facts, but facts that are interpreted through the lens of social and political power, as well as personal experience” Richard Friedlander.  Napoleon said history ‘… is an agreed upon fable,’ and Winston Churchill said ‘History is written by the victors,’ and by people who most often won in geopolitical disputes or otherwise became dominant forces in society.  You get to see the sanctioned and cherry-picked facts and almost never all the facts.  I talked about this in a much earlier post (see, Technology and Business {February 2018}).  Or as Nigerian critical thinker, Chinua Achebe, said, Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.”  I like how he referred to the common people as lions, because that is how powerful we are if we allow ourselves to be so. 

Whenever anything is banned or censored, know that it is never in your best interest, regardless of how it is framed.  As author Stephen King states; Book banners, after all, insist that the entire community should see things in their own way, and only their own way.  When a book is banned, a whole set of thoughts is locked behind the assertion that there is only one set of values, one set of beliefs, one valid perception of the world.  It’s a scary idea, especially in any society which has been built on the ideas of free choice and free thought.”  Unlike book-burning in the open streets (like in Nazi German in the 1930s) today’s proverbial book burnings are much more subtle, and also done over a long-time. 

This mind control is not new, it has been going on for decades.  I recall a 1976 film (Network with Peter Finch) about how the media worked, and a couple of revealing clips that were allowed to be screened (see clips one and two).  And then we have the Orwellian idea of ‘Doublespeak’ so beloved as a tool by the mainstream. (Language that’s intended to deceive or confuse people. The words used in doublespeak can often be understood in more than one way. Doublespeak may take the form of euphemisms, unsupported generalizations, or deliberate ambiguityThoughtCo.)  One of my favorite satirist’s and social critic, is the late George Carlin, who frequently expressed his views over the years about how words and descriptors changed over time to disengage us from realties.  Words are not just words.  They are literally interpretations of how we think.  They describe how we look at the world; how we behave within the world; they shape our beliefs; they define who we think we are, and also how we think others see us (more in next post). 

If you cannot, or will not, think outside the mainstreams box, then you have allowed yourself to be completely conditioned by the mainstream system.  I have so many friends, family, and colleagues that refuse to even discuss anything outside their mainstream belief system.  Even when I ask them merely to ponder different ideas, they oppose, often vehemently – such is the power of conditioned belief.  if you truly desire to be a sovereign individual, then you must free yourself to explore the ‘rabbit warren’ of truth.  I can point you to alternate perspectives, but only you can make yourself ‘Think Free.’  Going down the rabbit hole can be damaging to your cherished beliefs. (Rabbit-Hole: To enter in to a situation or begin a process or journey that is particularly strange, problematic, difficult, complex, or chaotic, especially one that becomes increasingly so as it develops or unfolds.)  “Thinking openly and freely can be damaging to your dogmas.”   

I’ll finish today with some Moody Blues from 1969 (like I said earlier, a decades long awareness) that lends itself nicely to today’s post. 

Categories: BeliefsEmpowerment


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