The Sustainability Revolution – part 13: Technology – part 1, Energy

Technology is always a double-edged sword that can benefit us but can also have severe consequences when used inappropriately without wisdom.  We have reached that time when moving blindly forward with uncritical thinking and unquestioning hubris about long-term consequences of technological innovations are swiftly coming back to haunt us all. Read more…

Miscellaneous Musings – Part 11:  A Different Worldview – Learning from our Indigenous Roots part 3

I have been traveling a lot recently (through Iceland, Denmark, and Norway – I’ll call them collectively Scandinavia for this post).  Wherever I went, and got into a conversation about sustainability, the same problem arose that I observed during my sabbatical trip in 2010.  Most people are oblivious to the Read more…

Blog Site UPDATE

Hi everyone, and apparently that is now a lot of you that have recently discovered my blog. I’ve had lots of comments from the comments section and while it is wonderful and positive feedback, I have to be honest because it is now getting overwhelming. So I have added a Read more…