Blog Site UPDATE

Hi everyone, and apparently that is now a lot of you that have recently discovered my blog. I’ve had lots of comments from the comments section and while it is wonderful and positive feedback, I have to be honest because it is now getting overwhelming. So I have added a Read more…

Reality 3 – A Spiritual perspective – How we become separated from our true selves.   

In my earlier posts of ‘Spirituality vs. Religion’ and ‘How Control Happens’ I covered how we are manipulated by elite hierarchies (the Cabal) to fit within certain norms of behavior.  These arbitrary norms have become our consensus reality within whose boundaries we unconsciously operate.  People all over the world are Read more…

Economics and Energetics of farming 4 – Changing the way we farm and eat to get to Sustainable Agriculture (SA)   

An obvious, yet poignant question I used to ask my students to get them thinking – “What does the term Sustainable Agriculture imply about modern industrial agriculture?”  I am always amazed how so many people talk about sustainability but still practice unsustainability as something that is commonplace and acceptable.  As Read more…