Imagine, if we were contacted by an alien race, what is the story we want to tell about humanity?  Would we want to emphasize the brutality or the humanity of our species?  Think about the message we sent out into the cosmos on two golden phonograph records aboard the Voyager I space craft.  It was a kind of time-capsule that highlighted the positive aspects of humanity’s presence on this planet.  If we could talk to them and tell them about ourselves, what would we want to emphasize?  “Warning, vicious Species” or “Welcome.”

Have you ever played a game where you didn’t know the rules to the game?  It is a most frustrating feeling.  Welcome to our modern system and way of living.  Sadly, nearly everyone lives their lives positioning themselves to gain acceptance and approval according to strange social norms – the worst and most prevalent is the belief that you must conform to someone else’s expectations because you are not OK and must work to gain ‘their’ approval.  But the good news is that people are waking up to what is going on.  The fact you are on this blog site (and I bet many more like it) is evidence that you, the reader, are a part of this movement. The apparent chaos occurring in the world is more evidence of this shifting paradigm of people wanting to create a just more equitable world.  To live that newer ideal we have to consciously start to actually live it and not just wistfully wish for it.  It doesn’t matter what mayhem those with the old paradigm are still living and apparently imposing upon those wishing to change.  Once you decide to live with respect……for wellbeing and kindness.

Spiritual guru Michael Roads says:”Our media certainly have a way of dramatising the news . . . even the weather is scorching or sweltering rather than hot! As I watch the World News I often get the feeling that humanity has never been more violent, but it would seem that this is not a genuine fact. I have been reading a few novels by Douglas Richards just lately; he is very good. He is one of those authors who researches his facts . . . which are mostly startling. He also was writing about the general perception of our unequaled violent times. This is a quote from Seeker, a novel. “The An Lushan Revolt in China in the 8th century killed 36 million people . . . greater than 10% of the world’s population at the time. This would equate to almost a billion deaths today. The Mongol conquests of China in the 13th century killed over a half billion by today’s standards. The Fall of Rome, hundreds of millions. Going back even further, on a per capita basis, early tribal warfare was nine times as deadly as the wars and genocide of the 20th century. The murder rate in medieval Europe was more than 30 times what it is today. Wars between modern, westernised countries have all but vanished, and even in the developing world, these wars kill only a fraction of what they did before. Rape, battery, and child abuse are all markedly lower than in earlier times.” He writes much more about this but the quote I have used gets my points across. We are actually making progress regarding our aggressive attitude in general, yet the sensationalising of the news would lead us to think otherwise. The deepest intrinsic nature of a human Being is Love. Some people think it is self-survival, but this come from the conditioning of our fears . . . and fear is not our true nature.”

A dissipative system is a thermodynamically open system which is operating out of, and often far from, thermodynamic equilibrium in an environment with which it exchanges energy and matter. Simply, it is a system in flux.  We find that in nature everything, everything including human society moves from Order to Chaos and back again.  The tension (or torsion) for change is the impetus that drives the creativity of life.  Whenever, anything is stable for too long, it seems that stagnation occurs and the option for creative change occurs.  I see that human society is in such a flux at this time.  Those in power and those that fear change would have us try to stay unchanged, but fortunately the tensions for change are already upon us.  Most of us know this and although we may consciously fear the unknown, unconsciously, it is clear that more people are ready for the transition we now face.  Like a kind of conscious evolution, humanity stands on the brink of transformation.  Yet, we have to choose it.

I have always classed myself as a naïve optimist with a focus on realism, and even now I feel a great calm at all the events going on.  I am a dreamer in the vein of John Lennon, and realistic enough to recognize that if the dream is to come true it will be a birthing process with great joy at the end of the birth canal.  While I do not class myself as some sort of Harri Seldon (c.f. Assimov’s foundation) I do see a similar trend in which the natural humanity of Homo Sapien transforms into Homo Universalis.  Do we actually have something akin to the foundation looking out for us??  An interesting question – does a work of fiction mirror a real reality?  George Orwell seems to have have been on track with what is going on in the world.  We are on a razors edge of change.  Do we have a feudal future or Human Universalis – time will tell – very soon I feel.  I guarantee that the way you may feel about a wonderful new world is shared by many others.  If you haven’t already, once you start talking to others you will find this out that many feel as you do – the time for change is now.


Categories: ChangeTransformation


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