Human power comes from every human being on the planet.  The reason that the ultra elite-hierarchy or Cabal have such power is that we collectively give them our power.  We can happily exist without this super hierarchy – we don’t need them.  They make us believe that we do, but the truth is that we don’t.  We do need leaders or managers but we do not need this parasitic hierarchy that live on power and greed and enslave humanity.  We all can exist with much more equity throughout society such that everyone does what they are best suited to do.  Whether that be as a manager, artist, builder, or philosopher.  You may do what you’re best at, but you will also be good at being a generalist as well that can help out with the community you live within in different ways.  What we do not do is make up a pyramidal hierarchy where some at the top claim more, simply because of a few skills (or accident of birth) they might exhibit that somehow makes them think they are better than others.

I love a scene from the humor writer Douglas Adams book, ‘The Restaurant at the End of the Universe’ where a planet plans to ship out all its inhabitants in various arks of social usefulness [as the hierarchy perceived them].  “The ship [B ark] was filled with all the middlemen of Golgafrincham, such as the telephone sanitisers, account executives, hairdressers, tired TV producers, insurance salesmen, personnel officers, security guards, public relations executives and management consultants…A notation in the Guide about Golgafrincham after the departure of the B Ark states that the entire remaining population subsequently died from a virulent disease contracted from a dirty telephone.”  The moral – everyone’s skills and talents, however minor, serve a purpose and should never be dismissed in their importance.  The manager that heads the business serves a vital purpose, but so does the janitor.  Have you ever considered what your place of work would look like without the people who clean up after you when you are usually not about?  Community Capacity recognizes the value of everyone in a contributive community (contributionism).  In a sustainable society, while there may be differences in compensation for those with high skills versus those with minimal skills there can be no vast gulf as currently exists.  In a fair society, where everyone contributed to the community in some way, everyone would get all their basic needs as a ‘right.’  Everyone has a way to contribute and everyone would be appreciated for what they do.  I have already done a few posts where this is outlined, but for now, rebuilding Civic agency and capacity building becomes all of our focus to begin this process.

From my SL textbook, “The development of effective organizations and individual leaders is capacity-building.  Effective organizations rely on strong, dedicated and skilled individual leaders in order to achieve their goals. Capacity-building, however, goes beyond merely producing strong individuals, but also involves forming groups that collaboratively work toward common goals.” This sounds all very impressive, but if we can believe in ourselves and not be stuck in a disempowered rut then we can, and will, make the transition to a new society.  All the environmental problems are only going to get worse and WE are the only ones who have a vested interest in solving them.  Stop looking towards the current governments or the ultra-elites in charge of the world’s money supplies and corporations, they have no real reason to want to solve the problems – indeed, they continue to exacerbate them.  They live at the apex of this consumer mindset and cannot fathom a new society any more than you currently can.  They have it all – or so they think – but it is all dependent on you to keep them in power.  We can have harmonious relationships in a society of equity and abundance without all the stress and problems that make up this current system.  When we do make the change, the world’s environmental and resource issues will simply get resolved because of the sustainable way of living.  Almost none of these environmental issues can be resolved within the current global system – they can be minimalized a little, but the simple truth is that we cannot resolve the problems with the current economic mindset.  Einstein said it clearly – we have to have a new way of thinking.  That is what I have been expounding about in this blog since I began blogging in January 2018.

We have to stop listening to the voice that tells us how we need the current system.  We don’t need it.  What we need is each other – we need to empower each other.  We need to start talking with each other, whatever the differences.  We all have a lot more in common than any differences we might have.  The differences more often are simply accidents of birth – the places in which we are born – and those differences are beneficial because they offer all of us uniquely different perspectives on solving problems.  So how do we get started?   

Talk to people and begin building your group of contacts.  Those groups will eventually become coalitions that encompass multiple groups in which all within the coalitions have equal status.  These coalitions will most likely be formed of a larger and heterogeneous mixture of business/industry, agencies, and various community and special interest groups all working together with a focused goal – a new society that works equitably to resolve problems and create a more harmonious lifestyle for ALL life on earth.  WE don’t need to save the earth – we just need to save each other.

“To build civic capacity there are certain functions that must be addressed – Involve all coalition members equitably.

  • Establish a shared vision.
  • Set realistic goals and objectives.
  • Involve all members in some way.
  • Evaluate the levels of cooperation among coalition members.
  • Make meetings meaningful.
  • Share successes among all.
  • When conflict comes, as it always will, reveal it, do not conceal it.” Use it to understand the problems more succinctly.

While globalized corporations owned by the Cabal are creating most of the problems of the world, middle to small businesses are often more likely allies in this worldviews shift we need. What we need to do is enlist these businesses and show them that the predatory economic system that currently exists can be transformed to still allow businesses to work successfully while benefiting society and everyone in it.  New social contracts are coming and even now are already occurring around the world.   TBC…….


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