“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed” Martin Luther King Jr.

A short break this week from the Espe stories to highlight a massive piece of global regulation about to erupt into our lives if we allow it.  As if the poorly conceived Covid lockdowns and draconian health policies were not enough power that were given to authoritarian bodies, like the World Health Organization (WHO), there is binding global legislation in the works to expand the powers of the WHO.  Obviously, it is being all framed as a benefit for the ‘greater good,’ a term I have frequently questioned within this blog.  Health and benefit of ‘the people’ is always used by tyrannical powers as an alibi for increased power grabs and control. 

 I like that term, ‘the WHO’ But who are the WHO?  Their website is impressive and chock full of the wonderful things they do worldwide with a range of global health goals.   And while that all sounds very noble, it has now become a lot more sinister when one looks at the players and the controlling agenda’s being played out in our world at this time.   

The WHO is an organization of 194 Member States. The Member States elect the Director-General, who leads the organization in achieving its global health goals.  Sounds innocent enough with noble goals as they claim to be ‘champions for healthier, safer lives.’  I am sure that many of the 8000+ professionals from medical, science and managerial fields believe that what they do is for the common good, but the corruption occurs at the top of the pyramid, and those further down the pecking order do as they are required.  Those that don’t rarely last long within the system.  

The WHO coordinates the world’s response to health emergencies, promotes well-being, prevents disease and expands access to health care in many developing countries and health emergencies in the developed world.  The leaders claim to provide solid scientific evidence they can rely on to promote their strategies.

About 20 years ago, the WHO rolled out their ‘One Health’ policy “as an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems” globally as they are “closely linked and interdependent.”  Like the Georgia Guidestones {see June 2018 post} (recently destroyed by an unknown activist), the devil is in understanding the details of implementation.  Notably, the rollout of ‘One Health’ coincided with active support by the US–CDC and the World Economic Forum (WEF).  Essentially this meant that hierarchical globalists saw a chance to use it for their own agenda’s and subsequently expanded its reach from human and animal health to include food crops, agricultural practices, and ecosystems – the whole planetary systems that we rely ipon.  And of course, they claim that it was all from a place of altruism.   

Despite some of the 194 member states contributing to the funding of the WHO, over 80% comes from ‘Corporate Sources (think Big Pharma and Big Agriculture)’ and private donors like our friendly global altruist, Bill Gates – a primary funder (over 88% of the 80%).  So, when the WHO say that the member states elect the Director General (DG), exactly how equal is the voting and who is responsible for the voting? And who oversees appointing the 34-person Executive Board (EB)?  The DG, like the EB, are supposedly qualified health professionals who ought to have reputations of high integrity.  After all, they have power to control our lives – think the recent Covid lockdowns!  Not trivial questions and concerns, but ones in which answers are not easy to find. 

And as for the powers of the WHO DG and EB, it should be noted that because of the setup of these bodies, currently they have advisory power over sovereign nations, especially in times of crisis and emergency.  It is this part that is about to become Machiavellian if we allow it.  A new binding Global Health Treaty and ‘Amendments to the International Health Regulations’ has been proposed and will be ratified by May 2024 for immediate policy unless there is enough outrage to stop it.  

In parallel with the pandemic accord negotiations, governments are also discussing more than 300 amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) “in an effort to make the world safer from communicable diseases and ensuring greater equity in the global response to public health emergencies.”  This is the justification to remove sovereignty from governments and individuals alike.”  A one source place to control emergencies and pandemics according to their vision.  Remember, the WHO led the charge for the failed lockdown measures and continues to support removal of any “disinformation’ that contradicts their policies or health logic with its cherry-picked science and scientism.      

Let me stress that The WHO is a top-down supranational body, and if this treaty is ratified, they will have total control of all global health polices, treatments, and information, and even environmental actions (such as Green Deals for Climate action).  Unless we the people tell our governmental representatives to reject this treaty and the health amendments, we will be giving binding and absolute authoritarian power to the unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats of the WHO.  As if that weren’t problematic, the DG, EB and many section heads have diplomatic immunity (free from any kind of indemnity or legal prosecution).  Now with Big Pharma on a roll with its new and highly lucrative mRNA medical toy, the outcomes from greed and harm from endless mRNA vaccines are also a reality.  Profit optimization using the Greater Good philosophy is not a good platform for global health policies that will affect everyone.    

With this treaty ratified, the WHO would have total power to declare an International Public Health Emergency of any kind at any time.  Not only would the WHO have the power to dictate health policy for any issue (including environmental and ecological ones), but to also determine which information was valid and which information was forbidden to be discussed on any media platform.  If you thought the censorship is bad now, think what it will be once ‘Big Brother’ censorship is allowed to override any free-speech laws in any country.  The health policies of every sovereign nation would be dictated by the WHO.  This would also include treatments and aid policies that benefit Big Pharma and Big Ag.  They could dictate specific medical treatments and withhold any alternative treatments (e.g. no ivermectin or HCQ), and mandate specific industrial farming practices, all in the name of saving the people and the planet.      

The current Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Dr Tedros), when head of Ethiopia’s Health Ministry, has been accused of covering up three cholera epidemics in his home country of Ethiopia before being nominated for the DG post.  He is a philosopher and manager by training without any medical qualifications, but once this treaty is passed, he will have the authority to enact emergencies of any kind to make any health or environmental mandates that he and his puppet masters see fit for their agenda’s.  Passing the WHO treaty will start the domino rush of other global control measures we will be unable to curtail.   CBDCs, social credit scoring, Vaccines for everything, health-passports, enforced implementation of AI-transhumanism, and creation of 15 minutes cities, are just some of the policies already waiting to be rolled out once we cannot resist.    

I’m sorry if this week seems like a bummer, but the next 12 months will determine which timeline we will be on for the next century.  Do not underestimate the Cabal and its plans for world control and the loss of our personal sovereignty.  Do you want a Hunger Games scenario or an Espe one?  Because the world you knew before Covid has already ended? What seems like a current return to normality is but an intermission.  Change is already here – choose which kind of change you wish to live with in the future!  I will continue with my Espe story to show you what is possible.          


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