Economists do not like anything that cannot be put into some form of equation, which is strange if you think about it because economics is a social science (based on human psychological reactions).  The goal back in the 1800s was to find a way to measure well-being derived from economic benefit.  While physicists were using equations, economists were not and this formed a kind of physics envy.  As physicists evolved their discipline, economists took over some of the discarded math to force fit their ideas into a linear framework, conveniently ignoring variables that didn’t fit the math (e.g., externalities) (see earlier posts, Economics and Well-Being 1 {January 2018) and Reconditioning Ourselves: Alternative Perspectives 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 {January 2020).

I talked a little about ‘Emergy’ and its use for valuating the true cost of any item that we have.  I ended with the question of why isn’t it being used.  The first is economists say it is too complicated, which is a cop out because it really means it would require a complete and continuous analysis of the life cycle of products that cannot be fit into an equation.  The second is that it would require production and business in general to be more transparent at all levels.  Currently, all production is based on profit and the cheapest ways in which to produce any item.  Adding ethics and transparency into the system would upset the overbalance of the economy that rewards greed.  There’s a reason that mega-corporations now control the world since rapid globalization began in the 1980s, although it has always been there since the start of colonialization in the 15th century.  For instance, ten food corporation now control 80% of the worlds food markets; five corporations now control 95% of the worlds media; and six chemical companies control all the worlds chemical, pharmaceutical, and agricultural systems.  And let’s not forget that Blackrock and Vanguard are the major owners or shareholders within all of this globalized system in which all banks are also highly integrated.

And this system is overseen by major players who see no reason to relinquish control. Nothing is going to change until we make the decisions for ourselves.  Do we want a brighter and better future or more of the same, with a continuous decline of quality of life (and even standard of living)? Simple choice really.  Hoping that the elites will change the world for the better is a dubious path on which to pin our future.  We know what is needed to save civilization as we know it, BUT according to the elites is apparently NOT what is currently politically or economically feasible because they would lose control and power over it all.  And I suppose the big question is, ‘what is so great about civilization as it currently exists?’  I discuss this several times in my blog (e.g., see, How the control Happens {January 2018}, and, Reframing and Visualizing a New Society 1 {March 2018}).

We have CHOICES.  We can make them now and push for mobilization now with all of us working together.  That is what this blog is about, and it comes down to ‘Intentional Relocalization and more Community Building.’  The main problem in getting people to change is fear of the future.  Most perceive a sustainable future as a loss of lifestyle.  We need to sell this better future as better future based on optimism of what can happen, and stop dwelling in fear of what might happen with loss of normality.  As we saw during the last 2 years, normality went away and it wasn’t pretty with the elites running the lockdown.  Globally they had us all in fear, and FEAR does nothing except create apathy, anger and acceptance of things we did not like.  Instead of dark clouds, think of rainbows.  “Don’t’ be pushed around by the fears in your mind.  Be led by the dreams in your heart” Roy Bennett.          

I had a poster showing a group of sports fans enthusiastically screaming and shouting for their team in a stadium.  The caption was, “Imagine if everyone was this passionate about things that actually matter.” Set your imagination free to dream of what better can mean.  Not being millionaires, but being part of a supportive and loving community that gives you cradle to grave security   We need to reset the world in our vision business and technology that serves us and all the life on the planet favorably (see, Technology and Business {February 2018}).      Change happens when we let our imaginations run with dreams.  Imagine a lighting up of the human mind.  Imagine what comes after ‘green.’  Imagine living sustainably!

Social research since the 1950s has consistently shown that the things that really count for ‘happiness & well-being’ are physical comfort, good interpersonal relations, interesting cultural activities, good health, good nutrition, satisfying work & jobs, and finally purpose.  The latter ‘purpose’ being one of commitment to a higher ideal not the next big consumer acquisition.     

Amazing innovation is already out there (mostly suppressed by the system).  We need to reinvent ourselves.  sustainability is not just a new green form of electricity or a widget, it is a lighting up of the future!  What kind of world do we want to see?   Can we get past the consumer society and develop a sustainable one?  Many consider it impossible, but as Nelson Mandela said about changing South Africa, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” 

We have been conditioned to always measure success by financial viability, but what other measures would work better??  Again I have talked about this in the blog (see Health – Stress/Lifestyle 1 {January 2018} and a countrywide system exists that does just this.  It is the Bhutanese metrics for Gross Domestic Happiness (GDH) that measures things that matter and not just Gross Domestic Product (GDP).   

Once we consciously choose to make sustainability and community our focus then we find that human nature in which so much fear exists will diminish. Much of our conditioning is about fearing the other and making self-interest number one.  While I fully support self-sovereignty, we have to bring integrity and ‘niceness’ into all interactions and to believe in our better natures.  A simple exercise I use with people is to visualize your open hand with all the fingers outspread.  The little finger represents the need to care for the little guy.  The ring finger the need for commitment to each other and higher ideals.  The middle finger stands as a reminder to show respect for everything.  The first finger reminds us to be tolerant and avoid blame, and to take responsibility for our own actions.  Finally, the thumb reminds us to consider the best path for all.  We must recognize that we can function together as a single unit despite our unique differences with the 3 R’s: Respect for Self, Respect for Others, and Responsibility for our own Actions.  We must start to believe in our better angels, recognizing that Fear, hatred, rage, sorrow, jealousy, and envy serve no one except the elites that would keep us trapped in their narrative of separation. 

Regardless of the seeming complexity of this kind of change, the things that really count for Creating Sustainable Community are: Localized energy systems – each house its own generator system, and each ‘town’ its own grid – invest in near green and then true green energy and expanded Conservation; Develop local agriculture and community gardens; Develop efficient local/regional transportation systems; Develop Local Exchange Trading System currency and expand sub-regionally as it catches on, and; Develop community for now more like a ‘Cruise Ship’ with existing levels of SES, but all sharing community resources, benefits and effort as a Transition-Intentional Community.  All of these are topics for the next series of posts.

I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past” Thomas Jefferson.


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