The middle way – Mutual Benefit – Altruism: Love, Compassion and Non-violence (e.g., the Dalai Lama, Gandhi) – The power of truth must come through openness and transparency with no censorship and certainly no lies.  I titled this post ‘health freedom’ but it could just as easily have been about personal sovereignty, of which I have written much about in earlier posts (e.g., Sovereignty {November 2018}).  What I have witnessed, and keep witnessing, is the continued shrill call from the mainstream media (MSM) to place the common good above our personal freedom.  The voices of medical technocrats continue to dominate the MSM platforms along with the true believers within social media as shaming and virtue signaling continue unabated. As we head into year two of the C19 vaccines people simply no longer talk about it, except in hushed tones as ‘normally’ descends on us.  Yet, I wonder for how long before the next round of crappola is thrust up on us with all its best of intentions set there by the powers that want to control us.            

You can call it what you like, corporatism, fascism, totalitarianism, Communism; it doesn’t really matter, as long you recognize that it is some authoritarian system that wishes to control your personal rights.  What is important to realize is that these systems do not start out crushing you under foot, but practice the art of hiding truth behind a facade of wholesome virtue.  George Orwell’s classic Animal Farm spells out the story for soviet communism, but it could as easily be the story of authoritarianism in general.  It’s always done as self-sacrifice for the good of the many (the common good).  It’s a fine line and for that reason, it is so insidious.     

Transhumanism was science fiction a mere 20 years ago, but today is an unnerving potential reality for the whole world.  China has already started this slide down the slippery slope with its social programming merit system.  Authoritarian technocrats everywhere are drooling at the chance to allow us to let them do it to us as well.  True believers are quite happy to expose their arms to ever increasing numbers of booster jabs just as long as they feel protected by the cocktail being injected into their bodies.  And if they have to get a silicon chip implanted under the skin to use under any scanner that the authorities put in place, that is OK for the option to hedonistically party-on whenever the urge to do so arises.  And as for those evil free-thinkers, how dare they put everyone at risk by not complying with mandates and dictates of the various illustrious leaderships around the globe. 

The soviet revolutionaries of 1917 began this kind of programming with ideals of improving the lot of the common people – the drainage of swamps, village renewal, kids in school, trains running on time, and the tragic famines brought on by failed collectivist farming policies.  Twenty years later, the picture of Nazism was not people being oppressed, or rounded up in cattle cars for shipment to labor camps, but happy smiling people working together to rebuild the country.  The propaganda (both left and right) showed happy smiling people being trained in the art of self-righteousness, denigration of wrong-think, and collective obedience. They (the true believers) knew they were right, and that the others were the problem. Does that sound eerily familiar?      

The world we knew pre-Covid has gone, despite the apparent return to normalcy, because two-thirds of the worlds human population has now become an unwitting and voluntary part of a vast health experiment in which the long-term outcomes are speculative and unknown.   David Bell, writing for the Brownstone Institute states: “The societal changes of the past two years have been defined by, and led by, ‘public health.’ So, it is right to look for public health analogies in the past to help understand what is happening, what the drivers are, and where they might lead. We have witnessed our public health professions and the associations that represent them call for active discrimination and coercion over medical choice. They have advocated for policies that impoverish others, whilst maintaining their own salaries, controlling normal family life and even dictating how they can mourn their dead.”  

Many corporate hospital systems worldwide have been quite draconian when it came to health care.  During 2020, a friend of mine was denied access to his dying father in the name of protecting him from the dreaded virus, despite the fact that he would die alone and away from the ones he loved as he suffering, and died from his cancer within two days.  Anecdotally, I have read many reports through social media where in 2021, hospitals would not allow access to dying loved ones unless the family had been jabbed first. 

Obviously, it wasn’t immunity that drove the hospitals mandate, but compliance.  Within the health care system, I have seen people that I once thought caring and rational medical workers, join in as true believers, to condemn, vilify, and shame colleagues who believed in the Hippocratic oath, and even more heinously, dared to think about alternate treatments for Covid, rather than follow the disastrous and deadly protocols established through the CDC and the WHO.  After all, the most basic of patient rights is enshrined within the Nuremberg code: absence of coercion, informed consent, and non-discrimination.  I have yet to hear of any friends who actually were given informed consent for the C19 jabs.  They simply followed the mantra ‘safe and effective’ without ever questioning any of the research used to justify the emergency use authorization (EUA).  Most simply believed that the authorities were truthful and would never knowingly harm them.  Most cannot comprehend how we collectively select sociopathic and pyschopathic leaders who narcissistically tell who what we want to hear.

It has been staggering how so many health-care professionals say that evidence-based medicine should be dismissed in order to follow instructions from the government and public health technocrats.  The numbers who died (especially in the USA) from the deadly Remdesivir and intubation policy was an exercise in collective obedience and government sanctioned compensation policies for corporate hospitals.  That didn’t work s a defense for the Nazi war criminals after WWII, but apparently in our enlightened state of fear today, it is acceptable.  Do facts matter anymore??  Social memes were all about ‘Trust the Science,’ but apparently that was the acceptable officially sanctioned versions only that Godfather Fauci and his loyal henchmen wanted. 

Our modern health freedom was set after the horrors of Auschwitz were revealed in 1946.  The Nazi doctors felt justified in experimenting on people they considered sub-human and of no consequence except as guinea pigs.  Yet, only a few years earlier, Stalin had allowed millions to starve to death (especially in the Ukraine) rather than admit the soviet farming policies had problems.  When ‘the greater good’ is used to justify any policy, look for the marginalized people who bear the full cost of policies that benefit only the true believers.  The modern ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’ is just the latest in a set of policies to nullify individual rights with vaguely sounding scientific claptrap that justifies a reason to deny individual sovereignty.

To Be Continued ………………………


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