A continuation of a fictional reflection by a hundred-year-old Espe from 2112 about the start and on-going movement of transformation to Sustainable Living.  I add clarification links and quotes as needed.

I still recall the profound sadness I experienced as a young woman at the numbers of people whose life expectancy was being reduced by the global toxicities and medical malpractices created in the name of improving our standard of living.  In 2020 at the start of the Covid era, the main causes of ill-health and death in the developed countries was a result of the toxic lifestyle that was being exported to the less developed countries of the world.  Not that the less developed countries were without their own problems of illnesses that the developed world had managed to resolve decades before.  It was a trade-off of sorts, but the less developed countries were also suffering from extreme malnutrition and starvation because of a corrupt and uncaring Transnational Corporate (TNC) food distribution system that was also stealing land from farmers in the less developed countries. 

The globalized system that could have helped in so many ways to elevate human achievement was coopted by the TNCs for monetary profit to enrich the pockets of the global 0.001% at the expense of everyone else on the planet.  And that it seems wasn’t enough for those psychopaths.  The start of the Covid era began an era of global human health decline unprecedented in human history.  The fabled Medieval ‘Black Death’ and periodic plagues are estimated to have killed more than 200 million people in a world with only about 450 million people.  But the plagues killed people quickly.  The same kind of population drawdown after the start of the Covid era was a much longer and insidious period lasting more than 25 years. 

Our historians estimate that in 2020 as many as 80% of the human population were already in a state of ill-health that ranged from mild annoying allergies to full blown incapacitation simply because of global toxicities. The only mostly healthy people were mainly found in the places where the global toxins were minimized, or in the pockets within developed countries where people had turned to full sustainability styles of living.  And even they were not ideally healthy.  Even our global polluted air was something no one could escape from anywhere on the planet.  I know from my own memory just how insidiously invasive the industrialized food and processed food systems were in our societies.  To eat organic food, and drink uncontaminated (highly filtered) water was more costly and so the purview of people with higher standards of living.  Not that all helped much once the Covid treatments began.  We still don’t want to call them what they were euphemistically called back then – vaccines.   

The good news was that we did have treatments to counter the effects of that nefarious genetic experimentation – from the Covid diseases and the purported solution – what a tragic joke that was on so many.  The problem was that so many were true believers of the public health bureaucratic systems and Mainstream Media systems that had been ‘captured’ by the big-Pharma system of the time.  And true believers are a dangerous lot to stand-up against.  I recall my parents, and many of their like-minded friends and colleagues, being publicly vilified for daring to speak up about the poor science being pushed as ‘settled’ within the media and political systems to get people to comply with government mandates all over the world in the name of public health.  And it wasn’t just public health.  It was all aspects of global society from the economy to the climate alarmists in which an officially narrative was being pushed on everyone with dissent officially censored.  Fortunately there were a great many like my fathers and his colleagues that kept challenging the system to bring real science and truth to the fore – but it was hard in the early years the Covid-era.

Even as a young girl I remember many of the parents of my friends refusing to let me play with their kids because I was one of ‘them.’  My father said that true believers clung to their ‘truths’ with fundamentalist-like fanaticism. My family was typical of many, split and not talking with each other as those being true-believers alienated others like my parents being more widely informed – it was a sad time I remember.  Now I can appreciate how an ideolog was being set up by the cabalistic controlled leaders of the world’s institutions and countries.  Most of these leaders were not evil people, they just believed without question that what they were doing was for the ‘greater good.’   

A social critic of that time, Ian McGilchrist, said: “A characteristic of the politicians and bureaucrats who [support these ideologies] are deluded true believers in their ideology. They are convinced, in other words, that what they are trying to accomplish is for the good of humanity and that society would be worse off absent their rule. The [true believers] mind is similar to the schizophrenic mind. It believes the web of delusions in which it is caught; it sticks to its ideological model of the world in the face of disconfirming evidence; and it tends to hate those who try to pierce its illusions… A further characteristic [of these kinds of leaders] is their tendency to judge moral issues through a utilitarian lens. When making policy decisions, in other words, [true-believers] tend to use the criteria of the greatest good, for the greatest number of people as the justification for their actions. Individual rights matter little to the [true believer], what matters is the good of the collective and to the ideology, the good of the collective always means achieving its ideological ends.”  It was this idea of the ‘good of the collective’ that spurred major debates for more than 20 years until the ‘Global Bill of Rights’ was signed in 2052 (I’ll talk more about this seminal event later).

Back to the Covid event.  There were so many simple and effective treatments for Covid symptoms, but many governments forbade them to ensure that the ‘Emergency Authorization Use EAU)’ vaccines could be rolled out – you can’t do an EAU if there are alternate treatments available.  That was one of the facts at the time that awakened many to the nefarious activities of the public health technocrats. Despite the complexity of the situation, Big-Pharma was pushing a dangerous technology on to humanity, both to make obscene profits and also to begin the Cabals agenda of population drawdown.  While money doesn’t mean the same today, at that time, pharmaceutical companies in 2022 made over $100 billion in pure profit.  And then they went straight on to start using the mRNA technology on all the feedlot animals.  What that meant was anyone who ate feedlot meat was getting genetic technology of some kind from their food as well as many medicines and hormones used to treat the animals that adversely affected their health.  There was no end to the avenues of toxins hitting humanity. 

After 2022, Chronic health problems became the norm for billions.  The next step in the quiet sustainability revolution started in 2025 when enough people saw the truth of how TNCs with global controllers were harming all of humanity and the planet.  The unanswered excess deaths stirred a lot of anger worldwide and the period of protests and marches began.  People in their droves started turning away from the allopathic medical system and to more naturopathic healers that had health solutions.  Today, we have a natural mixture of health healers.  Since we are so much healthier in 2112, we don’t need as much.  Our healers concentrate on the whole person from birth throughout their lives as integrative beings.  And it is all non-profit so that there is no incentive to create disease to make profits of proposed treatments.  We now think it immoral to allow illness to exist when we can prevent or cure it at it root. 

By 2030, so much happened, almost all at the same time like a cascading system.  As we moved towards a more spiritual framework to live with each other, it naturally created a deeper connection to the natural world.  That created a different way of thinking about what was important and the personal drive to heal in ways that were transformative for ourselves, our societies, and the whole planet.         

Categories: ESPEHealth


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