Times of crisis are periods when the what we think was impossible can happen.  The elites find more ways to shaft us further in the guise of saving us from something, or we rise up and push our own agenda to help improve the lives of people.  In the wake of Covid-19, there is a move afoot to control us even further and even decrease our health even further than processed food, pesticides, toxic chemicals, and GMOs are currently doing.  Another unspoken epidemic is occurring that we seem to be complicit in accepting without question, and indeed, one that don’t even allow each other to question – the problem of vaccines.   There is almost a fundamentalist dogma from both the medical profession and most people that vaccines are the wonder story of modern health.  What I have finally recognized is that while there is some benefit to vaccines, the problem today is scientism linked to corporatism – that is a science-based dogmatic adherence to a principle using harmful sets of facts for the mere benefit of corporate profits.     

What I found after diving down this rabbit hole is disturbing and insidious.  To accept anything, I say in this post will force you to confront a very real conditional belief.   I have uncovered so much, I could write a book about it, but I will keep it succinct for the next two blog posts.  I will do an overview and point you the reader to resources to do your own research.  In a nutshell, it is about HEALTH FREEDOM.  We are about to enter a draconian system where you will comply with authoritarian directions to vaccinate without question or be severely penalized – this is not a drill, this is something real coming to you very soon, and it will come in the guise of protecting you.  You might think that vaccines are good, but what ‘Big Pharma’ controlled authorities are going to inject you with is are numerous vaccines with all manner of harmful ingredients.  Big Pharma wants to make oodles of money, the controlling Cabal simply wants to control you into complete compliance using their typical tool of fear by controlling the official narrative dogmas that are not open for discussion, let alone debate.             

One of the standard medical dogma’s we all accept without question is that vaccines are all positive and work.  After all, didn’t we eradicate many of the most infectious diseases that have plagued (pun intended) humanity throughout history.  I didn’t find the information I wanted through the CDC site or the World Health Organization (WHO) site.  I searched and found much under what is termed ‘Anti-Vax’ literature, which is highly discredited by the mainstream.  But this information comes from credible virologists, microbiologists, and many medical researchers whose careers were destroyed because they spoke out about the problems with vaccines.  A lot of information also comes from many practicing M.D.s who have transitioned to homeopathic immune building protocols rather than carry on using vaccines that create harm. 

If you take a look at the infectious disease deaths for the last two hundred years, an interesting trend is seen.  When vaccines were introduced for the various diseases they purport to protect against, the data clearly shows that these diseases deaths were already at all time lows to the point it is hard to truly know if the vaccine worked or that the disease was already phasing itself out – the reason?   There is no statistical correlation that vaccines work any better than naturally acquired immunity.  (Note: Immunization and vaccinations are not the same.)  We all gained healthy, robust, immune systems because of greatly improved clean piped water, hygienic sewage systems, better quality diets and nutrition (at least before pesticides and advent of processed food).

There are childhood vaccine protocols that are now given to your children based on recommendations from the CDC, WHO and Big Pharma.  Note: most people in the CDC, WHO, or Big Pharma will exempt their children from these protocols but happily ensure your children stick to it.  One big fact that has been discredited endlessly by mainstream media is that childhood Autism is linked to vaccines.  In 1979, before the vaccine schedules were mandated for babies and children the global Autism rate was 1 in 10,000.  In 1990, globally it had risen to 1 in 1000-2000 (depending on country), and in the USA in 2009 1 in 151, then in 2019 it is 1 in 49 and still rising.  It is estimated that by 2032, in the USA it will be 1 in 2 or 3.  So what is going on?  Remember from the last post that in the USA you cannot sue vaccine manufacturers or providers of vaccines for any reason!  They are not liable or responsible for any problems.  In the USA alone, Big Pharma has the largest lobby for pushing its agenda.  Most countries have a child Vaccination Schule that gives between 11-16 vaccinations from ages 2-15.  In the USA it is 69 vaccines against 16 diseases with boosters starting a few minutes after birth until age 16.  (More about why in the next post).  But, vaccines work you think? 

Well, in 1855, the great Edward Jenner started to eradicate smallpox using the cowpox vaccine and all was wonderful – or was it?  Dogma tells us it was the wonder success, but the reality is that it failed miserably!  The vaccine was mandatory during a smallpox outbreak, and the rate of deaths from smallpox rose with the numbers of vaccines given – the vaccine apparently conferred no benefit.  What worked to break these outbreaks was simply that people who were infected were placed under strict quarantine, while the rest of the population gained more robust immune systems.  Yet, couldn’t the vaccine have contributed to this immunity?  Possibly, but what we know from modern studies is that vaccines do stimulate antibodies to the infectious agent, yet do not seem to confer protection from the disease. 

Like I said at the start, I could write a book, but below are four good reads for you that are outside the current medical dogma.  Big Pharma, Healthcare systems, and most governments want you and your children to have more and more vaccines even if there is no crisis.  Oh, wait what about Covid-19?  That is disease paranoia that is no worse than regular flu – more on that in the next post.      

Good reads (sources):

  • Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents and Researchers, Neil Z. Miller.
  • Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children, Louise Kuo Habakus.
  • Jabbed: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment, and Government Stick It to You and Your Family, Brett Wilcox.
  • Dissolving Illusions, Suzanne Humphries. 

What is coming is a global push to mandate vaccines (The myth of Herd Immunity) to protect everyone, but it is really a loss of your health freedom and freedom of speech to dissent against a system based on dogma and NOT real science.  The ten points of health freedom known as the “Nuremberg Code (1947)” includes principles such as informed consent and absence of coercion; properly formulated scientific experimentation; and beneficence towards experiment participants.  This is about YOUR HEALTH FREEDOM.

Next: Vaccines Part 3: What is in the Vaccines that WILL harm you, and update on Covid-19 and Insidious Agendas. 


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