I am but a single drop in a limitless ocean, but what is an ocean but a multitude of drops?  David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas 

A continuation of a fictional reflection by a hundred-year-old Espe from 2112 about the start and on-going movement of transformation to Sustainable Living.  I add clarification links and quotes as needed.

As a child living through the Covid era I observed just how much anger there was in the world and how even minor issues seemed to push people into camps of thinking.  I was rightly disturbed by this and I remember my family telling me that this was a modern trend of that time.  In retrospect I now know what it was about and just how insidious the push of propaganda was from the ruling powers-that-be to control people.  Globally, we had all learned to accept the ‘poisonous society’ as a normal fact of life in order to maintain a lifestyle that many in the more developed countries at the time, especially the USA, believed would somehow get better if they just had more materialistic stuff in their lives. Most people didn’t associate the rampant ill-health with this zeitgeist resulting from all aspects of society since the end of the second World War and especially after commercial globalization in the 1980s.   

While we now know it was driven by the global Cabal of that time, the push by the Transnational Corporations (TNCs) of Reckless greed that used alluring propaganda to inculcate consumer materialism into an unaware and gullible human population.  I realize that I and my younger brother and sister had unusual childhoods raised as we were by our sustainability professor father and socially active mother, and a larger family, that believed strongly in self-sovereignty and strong community.            

What had been happening since the 1950s (In reality since the medieval Renaissance) was the slow yet relentless drive to train humans everywhere into accepting science as the ultimate truth.  This had worked so well that I can recall as a child during the Covid lockdowns, hearing ‘Trust the Science’ even when the science didn’t make sense.  The very fact that scientific authorities made claims about science was all it took for people to believe something, and led to the problem of ‘scientism’ controlled by a corrupt elite (see Scientism: A Barrier to Progress – The Scourge of Censorship {August 2020}).  Technology of all kinds was always promoted as good even when the evidence that it was not somehow made it to the news media and into books that socially critiqued such ‘progress.’  People were controlled and told what they needed to know, when they needed to know it.  We believed in a transparent scientific and media system, and were unwilling to recognize just how much ‘information’ had been controlled and censored for literally hundreds of years before the great change.     

My family tell me how they and millions of others had been environmentalists for many decades only to find how that movement had been coopted by the Cabal for decades starting in the 1960s with the ‘Club of Rome.’  This group was a mix of intellectual think-tanks and industrialists that purportedly wanted to solve complex environmental problems, ignoring the fact that their business actions were actually causing them.  Of course it was all a cover for the greater agenda they had that was to culminate with their drive for a one world government in the mid-2020s.  It arose out of the ideas derived from the meeting of world elites during the ‘annual Bilderberg meetings’ first started with global elites in 1954.  And at the time those were the obvious ones we knew about.  The number of other elite groups, secret societies among the elites, and the Cabal, had the world doing their bidding.  They even had control and power over our political leaders as well as the ‘United Nations’ of the time.   

It would have been too easy to call it all a conspiracy theorist dream, but it wasn’t a conspiracy.  Only the broader agenda was hidden.  The paths by which the elites took over all the global institutions was open and obvious, if not a little obfuscated to keep us all compliance to their plan.  Using the science they wanted us to know, we all followed meekly and enthusiastically.  After all it all seemed to make sense for most people.  While many scientists also followed the scientism dogma, many more like my father and his colleagues tried to get the word out about the way people were being misled by cherry-picked science, but they had only a small platform on which to inform people.  The internet was the only thing that saved us in the end, despite the Cabal’s attempts to censor all dissenting voices within the internet.  Their Cabal’s mistake was trying to push too much, too quickly.  The truth was waiting to come out and many people finally recognized propaganda from truth.    

The initial draconian lockdowns that marked the start of the Covid era in 2020 was soon followed by proposed draconian measures to deal with the ‘Climate Emergency’ and then the institution of a global Central Bank Digital Currency CBDC) – the latter had been piloted in China at the time accompanied with the social credit scoring system.  Corrupted governments and Big Tech used Covid to accelerate the adoption of digital Identity for vaccine status.  This would have been unacceptable only a couple of years earlier, but the fear driven by the Covid crisis meant people were amenable for the Covid Surveillance push.  The process of checking in and displaying a Defacto digital ID, to participate in society, was normalized within less than two years.  The push for a unified digital CBDC system was planned and talked about in 2023 and amazingly people had now been so conditioned, they seemed willing to go along with it.   

The Cabal’s agenda may have worked had they not pushed too fast for the changes they wanted to see, but they had been scared that the people would see their schemes for what they were. The rampant global monetary inflation, the food shortages and rising food costs, the increase of illnesses following the vaccines,  the increased energy costs and frequent power outages of centralized energy-grid systems, the closing of local stores and the domination of shopping by online-services, the rush of money to the financial elites, the weaponization of social media, and the draconian policies proposed for many issues including the Climate Emergency were some of the factors that awakened the multitudes to come out in their millions to recognize what was happening.  People wanted change that benefitted them and not just the elites, although most still followed the consumer-materialism worldview so prevalent between 1918 and 2028.          

So much had to change and fortunately so much did, but it could just have easily gone with the Cabalistic agenda to a new kind of totalitarian world government had people everywhere not said, ‘Enough is Enough!’  Because of the many depravations that were occurring worldwide, most people were familiar with alternate social systems, and it wasn’t too hard to adapt as the countrywide governments all over the world started to weaken.  Today, governments as they existed in the early twenty first century do not exist in the same way.  Indeed, once people stood up for themselves and realized that they had control of themselves and were not beholden to corrupt hierarchies, the first problem was, ‘what next?’  The old way of substituting one authoritarian leadership with another no longer made sense anymore (see The Hierarchy 12 {February 2018}).    

 And that was the great change in how humanity saw itself.  The change was both spiritual and political.  We didn’t become saints, but we did become planetary citizens – one human species present on a planet of life, committed to life and finding meaning in a self-transcendent path that embraced Peace and Happiness.  Once people felt what true freedom could be it wasn’t too hard to get them on board with a sustainable worldview.      


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