Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and freedom” Viktor Frankel.   

If we are to thrive in the new world coming, we need two major things to change.  One is to move past the patriarchy of the past and start letting women have their place in the world.  Wherever you go in the world, when women have a voice and an accepted power in any community, the community thrives.  This is not negating a man’s place, but letting men find their androgyny, and allowing men and women to be partners, even as they biologically express themselves.  The second thing needed is for everyone to find their spiritual roles and accept the vast diversity of human abilities as primary to thriving, not just something on the side while surviving.

Again, like many of my observations, I have spoken about these in past posts (e.g., see Spirituality Vs. Religion parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 {April 2018).  In one of these posts (part 2), I give the lyrics to a John Lennon song that expresses the future admirably.     

Imagine there’s no heaven, it’s easy if you try.  No hell below us, above us only sky. Imagine all the people living for today. Imagine there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do.  Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too. Imagine all the people living life in peace.  You, you may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us and the world will be as one. Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can. No need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man [sic].  Imagine all the people sharing all the world. You, you may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will live as one.  Imagine lyrics by John Lennon.

It’s hard for anyone anchored in a consumer-materialist mindset to envision a world where people are collaborative, sharing, and compassionate.  This is a world where purpose, happiness, joy, and thriving will be daily expectations, not just fantasy dreams. 

Very soon, I see the global Cabal trying to push us into an Orwellian nightmare of their design.  The only path against this new feudalistic world order being imposed upon us will be to simply ignore it and set about working with each other to begin a new world of our choosing.  There is no solution to our global problems coming down from high.  The solutions we need will come form the grass roots – from us all, the people.  The Frankel quote above says it succinctly, we will have to respond from a place of Love and not Fear.  The Cabal will try to instill terror in us, but we need to look fear in the face and defiantly make heartfelt choices that benefit us.  When we look at the world from a spiritual perspective, we will see that ‘Fear’ is merely an acronym, ‘False, Evidence, Appearing Real.’  The reality of the Cabal is that they are not a ferocious animal waiting to devour us, but an old, blind, toothless, and clawless monster that can hardly move.    

Your vision will only become clear when you can look into your own heart.  Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside, awakes” Carl Jung.

Instead of merely dreaming with forlorn hope of a bright and beautiful future as the chaos unfolds, we need to awaken to our own power and help everyone else awaken to their power.  By reaching out to each other, we will find that we can tap into the inherent wisdom we all have within us.  We will find that we can achieve miracles when we trust each other and listen without judgment.  Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.”  M. C. Escher

Courage is not being fearless, but being fearful and deciding to be courageous anyway.  “Courage is the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation.”  We will all need courage in coming months, but if we can find that heartfelt expression of brotherly and sisterly love within us, we can move beyond fear, distrust, anger, hatred, and envy to a world where we work together with personal sovereignty and a sense of purpose that promotes equity, fairness, and emboldened hope.  That is a world that John Lennon sang about in his Imagine song.    

A quote I used in my Hierarchy 2 post {February 2018}, “Very typically, when people question me about the future, they ask if I really believe people will be willing to give up the wonderful things, we have for the mere privilege of avoiding extinction.  When I speak… of another story to be in, they seem to imagine I’m touting a sort of miserable half-life of voluntary poverty, donning sackcloth, and rags to do penance for our environmental sins. They’re sure that living in a sustainable way must be about giving up things.  It doesn’t occur to them that living in an UNsustainable way is also about giving up things, very precious things like security, hope, light-heartedness, and freedom from anxiety, fear, and guilt” Daniel Quinn.  No need for a revolution to put in place a new hierarchy, just a transformation of society from the bottom up.    

We are so used to the idea of quick fixes and simple solutions that considering such a massive change is daunting.  Most of us around the world know what needs to be done, but it has always seemed easier to let the ‘powers that be’ convince us they have the answers, even when we know that their answers are as fictitious as the tooth fairy when it comes to our needs coming first.  This coming global transition of a sustainability revolution will be messy, but it doesn’t have to be violent.  As a metaphorical way of looking at it, think about rebuilding a kitchen while living in the house. 

One of my nephew’s is a self-employed architect specializing in sustainable technology design.  He is now winning awards for his innovative work, but as anyone who has had to build their reputation, it took a while. He bought a small house that while livable needed much renovation work and funding was restricted.  He had to live in the house with his wife and two young boys.  Rebuilding the kitchen meant that he essentially had to use a corner of his living room as a kitchen with only a camp stove on a camp table, while half the house and kitchen was rebuilt by him over a two-year period.  To anyone in a third world setting this would have seemed totally normal, and to my nephew and his family, it became acceptable as the new rebuilt area would be superb once finished. 

The next few years of a sustainability revolution will be a similar kind of process.  So many people in the developed world may find this transition difficult, especially after having lived in relative comport and luxury, but the choices coming will be obvious.  The apparent golden years that the baby boomers lived through and the high-tech world we currently live in is changing rapidly.  The lockdowns of 2020 are only the precursor of things to come.  This is not me doing a woe, woe, and thrice woe, the ‘End is Near’ kind of prediction like some religious or conspiracy nutjob.  Anyone who follows world politics, economics, and historic socio-cultural trends, sees this as much more than a likely outcome, but a firm probable one.  We can choose the Cabalistic neo-feudalism we will be terrorized into accepting, or the sustainability revolution I have been talking about.

‘The proof is in the pudding’ so to speak.  If you are reading this blog then you can be more prepared when the Cabal’s shit hits the proverbial fan.  Most people will wait until it actually happens, which I see happening sooner rather than later – even beginning as early as this year.  The Cabal’s plan is to finalize their complete takeover by 2030 (just read WEF documents among many other sources) – they are totally open about it, although it is veiled in language of hierarchical beneficence.  Orwell would be smiling at how the Cabal uses doublespeak so effectively. 

While we wait for the events to unfold, we can start to plan how we will use sustainability in the new world about to arrive.  We can choose to express our personal sovereignty and work with our neighbors now to plan what our future communities may look like.  It’s as simple as ‘we take back our power’ or ‘we give it away.’  There is no middle ground – there is no one coming to save us. We have to make the choice.  The Nova Renascentia is almost here (see Creating Sustainable Community – Part 10: The spiritual path – all about choices (December 2022).

To Be Continued …………………


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