A continuation of a fictional reflection by a hundred-year-old Espe from 2112 about the start and on-going movement of transformation to Sustainable Living.  I add clarification links and quotes as needed.

There are a lot worse things than dying.  Living within an empire consciousness is one of them – living under a hierarchical system that pretends to care about you but doesn’t really is a great cause of stress.  Lack of self-worth and frustration were dominant features buried within our egos back then – it was created in us by our culture that emphasized the controlling nature of the global hierarchy – the Cabal.  Our culture, wherever we were on the planet, set us as odds against each other and the natural world – we were always in competition.  Some indigenous cultures existed outside of this influence and they were the keepers of the flame of humanity.  These cultures waited over the many millennia for humanity to wake up from a materialistic nightmare where scarcity, separateness, and controlled negative beliefs created acceptance to a paradigm, which limited everyone and made them compliant to a hierarchy that mentally enslaved them.  When we needed leaders who could develop strategies for adaption and resilience, what we got was corruption and a mix of malfeasance and misfeasance from multiple levels within our various aspects of global society.  All over the globe during the Covid era we got international laws that made things legal for the leaders, but they were not lawful and certainly never fair.       

We see it now with our sharing-caring consciousness.  But back then before 2030, it was normal to be in trauma of all kinds – we were conditioned to always be in stressful and fearful fight-flight mode even when there was usually little of which to be fearful about.  Most of humanity was gripped in this psychotic vice, thinking it was normal.  What changed was that the fantasies and distant hope of a better world that most people secretly harbored had a chance to happen.  That was the awakening that started the Great Change – a change in consciousness that matched our fantasies.  We realized we could control our own realities and not live the reality of a corrupt and uncaring hierarchy.   Deep down we somehow knew that the life we were living was an aberration of what we thought we could be.  About the time of the Covid era, it was amazing how many ‘superhero’ fantasy films (movies) were being released.  That’s because we felt so lost and incapable of real change we had to believe that somewhere some kind of superman would be around to save us.  It was when we realized that we were the ones we had been waiting for that things began to happen. 

We came together in need, but then realized that we all needed each other and were stronger because of it.  We emerged from our personal fantasies as superheroes and saviors to find that we could actually be closer to that reality than we realized.  Once we started really talking with each other we realized that we all shared similar fantasies of a better world.  Those of us who had awakened and felt more connected in ourselves were spiritual way-showers and pathfinders for a more spiritual way of adapting to the difficulties we were facing. 

We stopped agreeing to be disempowered by those who wanted to control, and chose personal sovereignty and self-worth over a disguised kind of slavery. We finally accepted that we are an empathic species, not only capable of caring and Love, but that they form the basis of who we truly are as a species.  People need hope.  People need something to inspire them.  People need to feel empowered to be who they want to be and not who they think others want them to be.  We were free to become authentic and self-actualized. (see linked 3 posts.)       

In 2112, we live in peace and relative harmony – we still have severe differences of opinion about actions and policies to be taken but we discuss them instead of resorting to violence.  We believe that everyone, literally, has a voice to be heard.  We live by integrity, and exhibit compassion for all life.  Our divinity is expressed in every thought we have – We are conscious of our divine selves.  We show humaneness for everything while living our unique and authentic selves. We live in unconditional Love and joy.  It is not some weird form of eternal bliss.  We are emotional beings and still go through the gamut of emotions every day, but we respond with kindness and understanding and not through trauma-based reactions that once created such strife and suffering in the world.  

We started to find the true power of being a human that went beyond anything Artificial Intelligence (AI) could have given us.  What was once seen as spiritual woo-woo is now commonplace capabilities of every person.  Studying quantum spirituality from both a spiritual and scientific perspective allowed us to physically tap in to quantum realities and physics in ways impossible within a simple materialistic paradigm.  Our consciousness changed as much as our physical reality did.  We realized that we were divine entities with all the capabilities of divinity of the masters.  But we could not have gotten there without releasing all the negative emotional baggage that had enslaved us for millennia. 

Like I said earlier.  It was truly like wakening up from a bad dream to realize that we could live a good dream simply by focusing on our positive emotional heartfelt feelings without the corrupting influence of fear in all its modes.  I thought I was really enlightened because of my upbringing, but once I really awakened, it felt almost magical – and it was, especially when so many of us did it at the same time.   We didn’t need AI technology to become super-human, we already were once we understood what we really were – physical beings with divine essence (see Thinking Anew Part 20 {April 2020}).   

So, I am often asked, did all 8 billion people make it.  Well sadly no.  About half died early by 2040 from various medical complications as a result of pollution and toxicities.  The population drawdown also came from infertility caused by endocrine disruption chemicals throughout our biosphere, and from less need to reproduce as people focused on rebuilding society.  Then many millions did follow an AI path.  While our communities co-existed alongside them for many years, they relied solely on technology and inexplicably ‘phased’ out of our spiritually based physical timeline.  It would be hard to explain to anyone from the 2030s, but quantum realities do not work like the materialistic world used to do.  Consciousness is rather unique and not explainable by materialistic paradigms.   

We now live in a world where there is only collaboration.  We live lives of abundance.  There is no greed, no competition, no need to compete with anyone.  We thrive on helping each other and supporting whatever we do that betters yourself and is also of service to each other.  As a child and young woman, I knew life before the Great Change and also from the stories of my older family members and older friends.  Back then the world was had it had been for millennia, a patriarchal society, but here in the twenty second century it is more a psychologically androgenous kind of society.  Men feel free to express emotions without being made to feel weak, and women can express more assertive manners without being accused of being aggressive.  Gender roles are no longer definitive of who we are.   No, it not utopia, for simply being alive means to never have perfection, and I am not sure I want perfection.  It’s the irregularities of life that give it spice.  But striving for something better is what makes humans different from most of the world.  We once lived unconsciously for the most part, reacting to life rather than responding to challenges with conscious wisdom.

We consider whether our technologies are healthy and beneficial for live.  We don’t measure things by their ability to bring profit, but we do apply worth to all endeavors and manufacturing.  We respect comforts and luxuries but are not driven by them.  We are kind!  We can live happy and contently even as we deal with challenges that can vex us. Divinity isn’t anything religious, it merely shows us our connectedness to all things.  Being spiritual means living naturally with a greater perspective of life and not from any required orthodoxy expectations.  A quote from the 14th Dalai Lama, Gyalwa Rinpoche, is still a guiding principle for us today, This is my simple religion: There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy.  Our own brain, our own heart is our temple. And the philosophy is kindness” Dalai Lama. 

TBC …………………………           



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