The way you see people is the way you treat them, and the way you treat them is what they become” Goethe. 

A continuation of a fictional reflection by a hundred-year-old Espe from 2112 about the start and on-going movement of transformation to Sustainable Living.  I add clarification links and quotes as needed.

Once so many of us around the world understood how we had been controlled and manipulated for eons, it triggered a change never seen before.   We withdrew into ourselves to understand our personal sovereignty and that of our localities.  As the governments and large-scale organizations slowly languished, we began setting up parallel societies locally and then started building alliances that spread regionally.  We collaborated and stopped listening to the mainstream media attempts to reduce us.  That mainstream narrative also diminished quickly.  By 2028, we had global conferences that ignored the hierarchy.  By 2035 people everywhere were gaining in confidence and acceptance of a new kind of society.  When we had reached 2042, we were ready for fruitful discussions about a new global government, but not like anything we ever had before.  We had learned the lessons of the League and the UN and with a new mindset began setting up The Earth Confederation based on Compassion and sovereignty. 

We no longer have countries per se, but we still do have our cultural regions that so describe our uniqueness and diversity.  We are proud of our heritages without the need to defend them through conflict.  Everything is so much more collaborative.  We have a global currency, but it is not a CBDC that can be used to control and manipulate.  We think so much more critically and question everything.  Our educational systems are not just about knowledge, but about teaching wisdom and connection.  Wisdom is the deep understanding of the short- and long-term consequences of doing anything that affects life in any way. Modern intellect of the pre-Covid era merely saw knowledge as a way to propagate a failing materialistic-consumer and competitive based economy driving a destructive worldview.  Without the controlling narratives we started to think in ways that I believe humans were always meant to – as collaborative beings working together to help each other.  Millenia of hatred, suspicion and a closed-mindedness didn’t go away overnight per se, but recognition that we needed each other to thrive, created the conditions for the post-Covid period of cessation of conflicts of all kinds.   

As that great inventor and genius of the early twentieth century, Nikloa Tesla, said, “A new world must be born, a world that would justify the sacrifices offered by humanity. This new world must be a world in which there shall be no exploitation of the weak by the strong, of the good by the evil; where there will be no humiliation of the poor by the violence of the rich; where the products of intellect, science and art will serve society for the betterment and beautification of life, and not the individuals for achieving wealth. This new world shall not be a world of the downtrodden and humiliated, but of free men and free nations, equal in dignity and respect.”

Only when we are more heart-centered and considered whether how our actions were the ‘best thing’ to do for all life, did our new societies approach real intelligence instead of just being technologically smart. Not unlike the seventh generation thinking of many indigenous systems – we started to consider how our actions influenced seven generations hence.  Ironically, we began to understand how Materialistic-Consumerism created the stress that that consumed our life force and how we reacted to life.  We had to learn to   stop shunning, scapegoating, blaming, dividing and recognize how this divisional thinking destroyed far more than it protected. There’s was plenty of it going around and the Cabal kept trying to maintain control.  We stopped allowing the ruling elite to divide and destroy us and came together and remained united against those who would do so.

Representative politicians no longer exist as such.  Our leaders are really managers for organizing assemblies for discussions.  We understood the corrosive effect of power and initially we noted the lack of individuals that could resist that urge to be corrupted.  The Cabal didn’t just disappear and their lies and propaganda continued for a few years until their influence became so obvious, we saw it all for what it was.  The hierarchy started going overboard by telling even more lies to try and cover the old lies until they were falling over each other like fools until people everywhere completely lost trust in the system they once believed.  This loss of trust left many in a daze, almost unable to function coherently. The consumer lifestyle, especially in the developed countries, started breaking down and by 2030 was a shambles of the system it was.  Everyone had to begin thinking locally in order to survive and thrive.  We were forced to apply wisdom rather than technological smarts to begin thriving in in an uncertain future.  In short, we had to get back to a more natural way of looking at the world.      

Knowledge has an important role in our unfolding human drama for it created the world we had back then. But knowledge needs the guiding hand of wisdom, and wisdom is always based in Love and Compassion. Our current application of knowledge is now, always based in respect for all life.  If we have a Love for Nature, we do not pollute our vast oceans, lakes and rivers that cover over 70% of the Earth.  If we had a Love for the forests, we do not violate them. If we have a Love for the very Earth that sustains us, we would grow all our food organically and be mindful of the vast web that truly is the total connected system that we call Gaia. Before the Great Change we persisted in thinking that everything was individuated and just influenced everything else.  Now we know that connectedness is so much more than a nice ‘cliché’ but a literal statement of how life is interconnected at all levels. 

Human Health mirrored the health of the planet, and it wasn’t looking good in 2025.  When we looked at how we viewed health in 2025, it was obvious to most that the Big Pharma corporations didn’t care about health, only about profits for drugs to mask the many symptoms of disease caused by their partners in the rest of the corporate system.  For instance, allopathic doctors were great at diagnosing disease and medical problems, but tunnel-visioned in treating it.  We started asking simple questions like, “Why don’t doctors’ work to prevent disease rather than just treating it?”  That created a new mindset in medicine after 2026 when so many people were ailing and dying unnecessarily.  It wasn’t that allopathic doctors were corrupt – they had just bought into the lies and deceit of Big Pharma – they truly believed that Big Pharma was there to help them.         

Don’t keep your good manners to the end another time, but begin with them. The gods do not need sacrifices, so what might one do to please them? Acquire wisdom, it seems to me, and do all the good in one’s power to those humans who deserve it” Apollonius of Tyana.  Once we people put human welfare and our ecological systems ahead of corporate profits, things changed quickly, and for the better: although many decades of ecological abuse were not going away as quickly.  Our oceans may take centuries to fully clean.  But leadership and grass-root alliances following simple guidelines of respect for natural wisdom and compassion can do wonders. 

Fortunately, there were many local leaders everywhere that showed a path to self-sufficiency without the need to ‘be in control.’  We started ‘selecting leaders who showed peaceful attributes.  “All too often aggressive thoughts attract violent situations” Michael Roads.  My grandmother, a noted feminist from the 1960s believed that women, when allowed, would become much more empowered to join the many councils and alliances that were being set up during the Covid era.  She told everyone, often I might add, “Men haven’t done well running the world for several millennia, so letting women have a go is a good option for humanity to heal and thrive.”  She lived long enough to see the Great Change occur and a new consciousness come into being – A New Earth! The process was fascinating!


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