The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. This is a great line from the movie, The Usual Suspects.  Without giving the story line away, it is a great story about how people get bamboozled.  Today, the mainstream media and the corporate systems manipulated by the Cabal continue to bamboozle billions worldwide.  And the next big con that is happening as I write is that of the artificial Intelligence (AI) takeover.  The very soul of humanity is now at risk.  I will repeat what I have said many times, I am not against technology.  It has a lot of benefits and has been part of the reason for the incredible standard of living that much of the developed world enjoys today and that many in the undeveloped world would like to enjoy.  Yet, in our rush to become so technological we lost the critical ability to have discourse and debate about what is happening.  Who is controlling this rush, the long-term consequences, and what an AI world means to humanity and the whole biotic environment that we call planet Earth? 

Are we masters or slaves of AI?  Don’t be too quick to answer.   I have been a little reticent on talking about AI too much (you can read my earlier thoughts in posts The Hierarchy 2 – Waiting for Superman {February 2018}) and Biophilia and Biodiversity 3: Nature – love it because it is essential to humanity! {June 2018}).  I don’t have to become a conspiracy theorist like Serge Monast and his Blue Beam Project, to see how giving full control of humanity over to AI is not a good idea – transhumanism.  It is often hard to tell fiction from fact these days with everything that does not fit the official narrative being given over to conspiracy theory.  Eco Umberto’s novel ‘Foucault’s Pendulum’ in essence tells how conspiracies have been created by the controlling elites throughout history to hide the real conspiracies occurring.  My advice, just look at the evidence from all sides of something, verify that evidence, and be highly discerning about what you accept and reject.  It is also good to look at why you reject or accept something – use metacognition to see if you are merely doing belief confirmation or seriously challenging your beliefs to remain truly open-minded (see earlier post, The role of Limiting Beliefs and Empowering Beliefs 1 – Becoming Empowered through Metacognition {May 2019}).

We don’t need to delve in to the realms of fiction to see the results of AI in our modern world.  Many of my younger friends especially seem to get annoyed because I am not instantly available via electronic joy whenever they try to contact me.  I may or may not have my smart phone near me – I know that sounds incredible to many of you, but I value my personal time and time to think without listening to every ping or sound my phone makes to alert me to the fact that someone has sent a text, message, or that someone on Facebook liked a post I made, etc.  Maybe I’m old school, but I find it fascinating how people cannot seem to exist without their phones immediately on them.  When I’m out and about I have my phone on me, but I can often have it all muted. That way I only look at the phone when I want to and not when I prompted like Pavlov’s dog to grab it whenever it makes a noise.  What is it that occurs on your phone that needs your instant attention, and how did you become that way?  Is every alert a life-threatening event?  How often are you so engrossed in your electronic joy that you fail to notice what is around you?  Try leaving your phone at home and go for a walk in a natural setting.  How do you initially feel?  I bet that many will feel anxious because something, however minor, may be happening on your phone and you are not there to see it! 

Also notice, that unless you are old-school, what you read tends to be the headlines and sound-bites that your phones algorithms’ have selected for you, hereby merely reinforcing the beliefs that you hold dear.  You may do a google search for instance, but the results from anything that is not straight information, is manipulated by the algorithm to show you what it thinks you want to see.  And who programs the algorithms?  Hopefully you see what I am getting at.  We have all been conditioned to accept the smartphone technology without question, and also without noticing how it has been so usefully, and additively, entrenched into our lives.  It takes a huge effort to not be addicted.  The mainstream media, film media, social media, and whatever else comes across your electronic joy now determines how you see and live your reality.  The ruling elites have always used propaganda to control the narrative that controls peoples’ perceptions of reality, but now we have an ideal situation for them where they can now program everyone worldwide at the same time.  Why do you think it was so easy to have a global lockdown during Covid, when it could not happen previously?  Everyone is now connected through the web via our electronic joy, and if the web controllers manipulate and control the narrative using innocuous programming, then it becomes easy to shepherd peoples thinking and beliefs.  And AI is being inserted into everything – started out slowly but is now escalating to a point that we accept it without any questioning whatsoever.            

 So, what could be in store for us with AI and future humanity?  We need to become aware and start perceiving the world as it really is and not through the media driven realities imposed upon us.  Your thoughts create your reality, so creating the new future means to create it in your mind first, and not through futures given to you through an AI interface.  I’ll keep the post short this week because I really want you to let what I have said today percolate through your mind.  Are you living mindfully free or living addicted to your phone – already a slave to your phone?  The former can change the world, the latter will merely be pawns in their own demise.       

They underestimated us.  We didn’t come to Earth at this time to participate or pander to their broken, corrupt, greedy systems of governance and society.  We came here to create ripples of such profound love, joy and unity to usher in a new world of peace and abundance that no old system based on illusion can prevent.  Hold that vision, for so it is” Ethereal Alchemy.


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