The Hallmark of an open mind is not letting your ideas become your identity.  If you define yourself by your opinions, then questioning them is a threat to your integrity.  If you see yourself as a curious person or a lifelong learner, changing your mind is a moment of growth” Adam Grant.

I’m talking about economics in this post, but this statement is true about all our experiences.  Our expectations of others and of society in general are tainted by how we have been conditioned through our upbringing.  As such we often paint the way we both see and interact with the world around us.  Young children are born without prejudices but by the age of seven they have been conditioned with social norms and a worldview about how the world works.  When we are conditioned by the consumer worldview that is derived form a warped view of ‘scarcity economics’ ‘we come to see the world as a place of scarcity.  We may complain about inequities and the unfairness of the whole system – unless one is privileged to be born into monetary wealth – but we accept it as simply the way the world works.  This often produces a callousness as we are conditioned to struggle and deprivation and seeing others as threats to our own survival. 

The first step to a solution is to find or develop a community of like-minded people around that are willing to truly share and connect with each other and interact with genuine curiosity and interest for the wellbeing of all life.  We can then start localized economic systems that work for us instead of being an upward siphon of money from us to the monetary elites (e.g., see early post, Old Euro-Worldviews gone amok – Trying to Change Beliefs {April 2018}). 

I recently wrote an article for another website in which I emphasized how nearly everything that is good for the current economy (i.e., produces profit) is bad for the health of everything else on the planet (except the pocketbooks of the 1%).  One of the biggest examples of this is how violent conflict produces nothing except destruction at all levels (global ecological to human loss of life) from manufacturing of war materials to eventually outcomes when those materials are used.  And to what end?  So, power-minded people can get their way.  One of the biggest boondoggles pushed into us all is the Stock-Market.  Investment groups like Blackrock and Vanguard (e.g., see post, Saving the world through Meetings? – A Rant, WEF, COP26, etc. – Part 2 {November 2021}). The health of our economy is determined by the health of the stock-market.  Polices are made based on the stock market, which is a nice way of masking it is really a gambling system for the monetary elites.  The stock market is a faith based constructed reality that now controls our world.  You could have everyone in a country living in dire poverty, but if the stock-market is doing will, the economy is fine – sounds absolutely insane, but that is just one way how we have been conditioned to accept the ridiculous as normal.

An even bigger con is that they have convinced us that we need them to be rich and powerful so that the crumbs that fall from their tables coupled with their social Darwinism beliefs somehow benefit us.  This ranges from Dickensian economics of the early industrial revolution through today’s mythology of ‘trickle-down.’  Obviously, we are not going to get away from businesses that manufacture wonderful products, but we do have to become much more discerning about what we need in order to live well as opposed to consuming for the sake of consuming as the current worldview dictates.  As I have said before, to paraphrase philosopher novelist Daniel Quinn, we don’t’ want to get rid of the hierarchy just yet, after all they built a system that is very useful, but we do need change it to a sustainable system and that will require us to radically change our worldview.  Old Minds: How do we solve the problems? New Minds: How do we make happen what we want to happen? Daniel Quinn.  A quick way to make this happen is to revamp the economic system to work in our favor, not the elites!  If we let the big financial players control this transition (i.e., The Great Reset!) – like the WEF IMF, Big banks, etc.) – we will lose. 

Currently, the global corporate and investment system manages and controls most of the world’s assets, and by design, also control our governments through financial corruption of political systems.  The hierarchy are not going to be ready to relinquish control, after all they’ve had it for millennia, but we are at that pivotal point in history when for the first time ever, the global human populations in all countries are aware of each other and now have the means to communicate instantly across the globe, which allows us to work together.  We now have the ability to use a collective voice that can speak up to say ‘No More.’  We can collectively demand transparency and accountability from our political servants – and that is what they are, our servants, despite their dreams of grandeur that let them manage the corruption that tries to enslave us.  This does not have to be a bloody uprising or revolt, just a whole global people practicing ‘non-violence’ by standing up for their individual and collective sovereignties with a collective voice.      

Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong.  Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.  A ‘No’ uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a ‘Yes’ merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble” Mahama Gandhi.

So, what will it take to get everyone on the same page to revamp the economy, and to demand transparency and accountability of their political figures?  I think that the global hierarchy has already set it up so that they either win or lose.  After millennia of being in control they have pushed the final action to set their global feudal agenda in place.  Whether they succeed or not is all down to us.  Most people are unaware of the global hierarchical goal being set in place for next 18 months.  If you thought the C19 lockdowns were awful, wait to you see what is coming.  Up next.

Categories: Sovereignty


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