I recently watched a news pundit on the MSM justifying the censorship about Covid.  How noble of him to want to safeguard people from misinformation and from having people to think for themselves with more than the singular narrative.  Could that be because they are truly concerned about the public health or possibly because they know that alternative perspectives can ruin how pervasive the MSM information machinery is at promoting propaganda and in telling you what ‘their’ truth is – this is a case of menticide – sowing confusion and doubt are their tools.   The most amazing part of the modern MSM propaganda machine is that it works so brilliantly.  The antidote to menticide is believing in yourself and to exercise your right to question everything – it takes effort but is necessary for your mental health and sovereignty of mind.  As long as the MSM is controlled by a mega-corporate system the only truths we are likely to find about the world around us are going to be independent systems not beholden to the corporate system.  A sad commentary for sure, but discretion and discernment are our only tools at this time. 

A question I ended the last post with was, “why do so many let it happen?” because that is the problem about why we have so much chaos in the world.  We let it happen because we have been carefully conditioned – seriously.  The psychologists know well how to push the right buttons to get the desired results from an unsuspecting public.  Look no further than advertising!! What is advertising but propaganda for products?  Until the 1960s, ads were basically enthusiastic endorsements of a product, but then Madison Avenue decided to hire social psychologists to help persuade people.  And did they do a great job of analyzing the minds of select publics using propaganda techniques, qualitative research interviewing techniques, focus group research, and many other techniques to delve into the human mind’s desires and phobias.  What they were doing is developing what is now known as Neo-Linguistic programming (NLP) as a way to program public perceptions (see earlier post, PERSONAL SOVEREIGNTY – Breaking Past the Control {October 2018).  Now add in the nefarious support of intelligence organizations and you start to see Orwellian agendas of public manipulation.  The goals are to create useful Egregores – aspects of group mind. (see earlier posts Risk – Part 6: Minimizing risk from a consumer lifestyle {December 2020} and A New Beginning – Part 1: Wake up Time {January 2021}). 

We have this illusion of our own idealism that we have understanding and control of both our deep beliefs and emotions, but psychologists have been controlling us for decades from both the corporate world and the governmental dark world.  Like I said, they have done a brilliant job, and the Covid fiasco is pure evidence of that once you step back and start to look at the MSM messaging and how the censorship has managed to easily split us into fractions.  It’s OK to have ideas but shouldn’t we allow others to make up their own minds – after all you like your opinion so let others have theirs – but be willing to discuss everything rationally even if you don’t agree.  The MSM have done a wonderful job of vilifying alternative perspectives and creating tribalized groups full of fear and condemnation.  That’s how you control people!!

Persuasion techniques can so effective that you could almost believe that they were subliminal, but they are merely ways that hit home to minds sensitive to specific messaging.  Do it enough and you get people to disbelieve their own observations in order to fit in with the group!  Then add in authoritarian dictates and people will do all manner of things because they are merely obeying instructions or orders they feel disempowered to ignore.  Just look up anything about the 1963 Milgram Shock Experiment.    

How bad has it become?  Imagine a large segment of society is watching a tennis match, but the persuasion is so profound that there is no actual ball, only players pretending to play with a ball.  It’s a similar story to The Emperor has no Clothes story but like Plato’s Allegory of the Cave anyone who points out the obvious contradictions is beaten into silence.  We see this throughout history.  Early Mysticism (e.g., The Essenes) was hijacked by orthodox religion.  Science has now been hijacked by corporate industry, and society has been hijacked by consumerism.  And the bulk of the public’s mind has been hijacked by the MSM – and that includes the entertainment, marketing, and news systems.        

 Memes (Mind viruses) are throughout the social media platforms (see earlier post Transforming the world?  NeoTribalism for business and living {April 2018}) and serve to reinforce our beliefs and provide bias conformation.  Memes are not bad per se but it is crucial that one recognize when they are present and to acknowledge how they might be driving your personal thinking.  The MSM are experts in creating and manipulating memes they carefully craft.  At this time the MSM have truly become the bully pulpit of a controlling elite.   Our solution is to take a moral stance and demand that all sides be heard in open discussion.    

How bad is it?  Recently, investigative reporter, Matt Taibi, reviewed a negative Facebook fact-check about a British Medical Journal (BMJ) paper reporting on inconsistencies in Covid vaccine trials.  It was concluded that the fact-checker had politicized itself such that, “firms have successfully manipulated reporters and internet platforms into seeing a binary reality in which all critics are conspiracy theorists.“  Facebook frequently flags reports for misinformation that we can recognize as, “an intellectual warning label for true but politically troublesome information.”  We need to agree to disagree and not resort to condemnation and alienation of anyone simple because we don’t agree.  To allow people to have open debate and discussion, even in the midst of crises is the hallmark of a free and open society.  Anything less is tip-toing into a totalitarian system.  We have a moral duty to press for free speech while it is still available for all of us.  See my last post for more on this.     

So, ‘morality’ is doing what is right regardless of what you are told. OBEDIENCE is doing what you are told regardless of what is right!  “Historically, the most terrible things—war, genocide, and slavery—have resulted not from disobedience, but from obedience.” —Howard Zinn.  The obedient always think about themselves as virtuous, rather than cowardly” Robert Anton Wilson.  We have a great need for courage to be who we know we are, not to we think we are who people think we should be.  Courage is facing our inner demons instead of trying to hide from them.  Most people cope with fear and anxiety through maladaptive emotional reactions that lead them to accepting all manner of restrictions, inaction or surrendering personal sovereignty – things they would never do when adapting healthily through considered responses (observing and labeling the emotion) that express resulting actions that face the problems) head on and take us outside our comfort zones.  “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear” Mark Twain.  

There is no shortage of deranged idiots out there with extreme agendas, but a recent report from the Dept of Homeland Security (DHS) is disturbing in itself.  The bulletin seems to be trying to set up the platform for any information that isn’t considered ‘right.’  What right means is always subjective, but in this report the MSM sides with the DHS bulletin to define a new kind of domestic terrorism – disagreeing with the state.  This is as Orwellian as you can get.  The basic definitions for information that counters the mainstream narrative are:

Misinformation – is false, but not created or shared with the intention of causing harm.

Disinformation – is deliberately created to mislead, harm, or mislead a person, social group, organization, or country.

Malinformation – is based on fact, but used out of context to mislead, harm, or manipulate.

And, the sad news is that they all state that free speech is a problem they must control!!

So, the question I ask, like I concluded my last post, is why do so many comply with totalitarian-like dictates?  Can people be so stupid?  Actually, yes, but what is stupidity really?

To Be Continued ………..


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