“One way to pick a future is to believe it is inevitable” Richard Bach. 

I find it amazing that most people I talk with really want a better world that is sustainable and harmonious with the natural world, and also where everyone lives in unity and harmony.  Yet, in the next sentence tell me it is only a dream and cannot be a reality; because they are convinced that we are enslaved within a globalized Consumer Capitalist system controlled by corporations and a psychopathic hierarchy (Cabal).  Talk about personal disempowerment!  I flash back to some lyrics from a sappy Broadway musical (South Pacific), “You gotta have a dream, if you don’t have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true?”  Everything starts with a dream and then becomes a focus, that manifests as a reality.  All successful entrepreneurs talk about this, and even the need for perseverance to overcome the setbacks that inevitably occur on the way to achieving the dream.  The reality is that not all dreams succeed, but having no dreams means never succeeding.  Choose a dystopia and with today’s trends you won’t be disappointed.  Choose a utopian option and it will probably be a lot better than what you had even if it isn’t perfect – and expecting perfection isn’t realistic anyway.   

As crazy as it may seem, when many people are focused on the same idea at the same time, there exists a merging of consciousness’s that create an elevated manifestation of that idea.  Research from the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR, 1979-2007), and now the International Consciousness Research Laboratories” (ICRL) confirms this, despite mainstream science poo-pooing any such research. The hierarchies do not want us knowing that options exist. As I have said often, and that the ICRL says from extensive valid research, “one thing is for certain: consciousness plays a pivotal role in the establishment of physical reality” – be careful how you think for that becomes your reality.  Believe you are enslaved and you will remain so.  It’s how the brain works.  How you think forms the framework for how you approach life and make decisions.  I’ll cover this more in the next blog post about the ‘Power of Words.’  But for now, let me continue about the creation of a vision of unity.  What follows is a mind-dump of ideas for creating unity consciousness.

  • The biggest challenges facing humanity – the idea of separation.  A unified humanity has the ability to meet every person’s basic needs.  When each of us strives to meet the needs of everyone, then none us will have any needs.  It’s not that we are all egotistical greedy, hoarding, fearful and selfish individuals, but we have to stop believing that everything is limited.  We have to stop acting like every moment is a struggle for existence.  Hoarding exists because of a belief in limitations.  For example, when Covid and the lockdowns began, for some reason, toilet paper, and all kinds of soft paper products were almost impossible to find.  Indeed, stores had to ration how much each customer could purchase to try and keep enough in stock for customers genuinely needing the products.  If you go into the stores today, you will probably see the shelves full.  Once we recognize that greed exists because of perceived limitations, then we can move to more sharing and collaboration to achieve our goals.    
  • I believe that the concept of hell exists only in our minds because of misplaced conditioned beliefs.  The hell of wars, hatred, famine, and ecological collapse are all created by our acceptance of victimhood to a destructive set of worldviews (e.g., Corporate Capitalist Consumerism) that almost no one likes. 
  • Our willingness to share is a statement of acceptance of a new worldview that says we can all thrive without corporate systems controlling everything.  Businesses can still thrive making profits but do we really need faceless, sociopathic transnational corporations working on errant business beliefs based solely on profit margins.  When we truly get our ‘needs’ met and meet a high Quality of Life, then we can focus on improving those areas that address our wants, that increase our standard of living, although when we have great quality of life, the standard will be less important.   
  • When we accept that we are all one, it does not mean some strange form of spiritual mumbo-jumbo or worse, misplaced political idealism, where what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine and we become political clones to ensure equality.  Instead, we place a premium on meeting others needs as much as we place on our own.  You will still have personal possessions and the continuous ability to express your unique individualism in whatever ways you want, without having to feel constrained by a survivalist dog-eat-dog world.  
  • A sense of unity occurs when we can live honestly and with integrity without fearing failure.  We can espouse gentleness and kindness and not fear ‘others’ because as a large peace-loving wholeness we have the power to be what we want.
  • The choices we make define us.  Our consumer lifestyle has hidden costs based on globalized corporate capitalism where hundreds of millions of workers in developing countries work in slave-like conditions so we can enjoy cheap prices for cheap products. 
  • Choose Love, Compassion and Unity for the common good, not Fear, Hatred, Suspicion, and separation. Keep choosing the latter and everyone but the hierarchies will have to make sacrifices.  Relocalization will bring Sustainable Living with a higher quality of Life and wholistic collaboration.  The hierarchy will bring sustainable technology through mandates, with fear and punishment for non-compliance.  This will be done in order to keep whatever declining standard of living we hang on to because political and economic expediency will justify the prime directive to ‘save the planet’ without recognizing that corporate capitalism and the hierarchy created the problems.  It’s a great control technique to blame the victim and make them feel guilty to get their compliance.       
  • We make choices every day. Start small, but make choices that benefit all of humanity and not the pockets of the hierarchies.  Work towards a global unity with globalized consciousness of compassion.  Empathy is already there.  We see it every day with local workers helping the needy and the homeless.  The hierarchy manage to suppress empathy by having us live in fear.  The only thing the hierarchy inspires is separation that unites people only in tribalized fear and suspicion of others.  Love and compassion bring global unity consciousness. 
  • At this point, even if you agree with this vision, I bet that are a large number of you are also feeling it is too hard to achieve.  So many literally choose, often by not choosing, by accepting what is given to them by the system – a life of victimhood.  But a life focused on planetary unity and everyday sustainability is also a choice.  Yes, it means doing things differently, but that’s the point.  What we have been doing wasn’t, isn’t, working, so let’s choose something completely different and see how it works.  It’s the disempowering acceptance of the known rut versus a fear of the unknown embankment that keeps us trapped in the conditioning.  Empowerment comes from personal courage and recognition of personal power. 

To be Continued ……………………..


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