“Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose.”  Janis Joplin – You got nothing left to lose…you can leave it all behind for its the anchor that holds you down…from being free.

For many decades the consumer dream, driven by a deeply flawed economic system, has been captivating.  But more and more, people are waking up see the true face of what it is doing to us.  Even before the lockdowns, most are aware of the gross inequalities on this planet and the ecological tipping points facing us.  Since the lockdowns, hundreds of millions of people in the western world have dropped into poverty or fallen even deeper into destitution, while the billionaires are doing better than ever.  You will see some mainstream complaints about billionaire greed, but how much do you hear of the many who see no light at the end of the Covid tunnel for their plummeting standards of living and already poor quality of life.     

In many indigenous cultures, the people within a specific tribal system believed they were sovereign beings that had no right to control another being within their tribe.  They obviously had rules that allowed them to live together, but no one had the right to tell or force another to follow a path that they didn’t want to follow.  But let me not romanticize the old tribal systems too much since they did have slavery for those outside the tribal unit.  I think we are fast approaching a time when we will start to consider all humanity as being part of one family.  This is not some Pollyanna fantasy but a unique evolution of the human species.  I have mentioned several times in the blog of how people come together in unity when faced with external challenges.  I think we are now realizing that there is an external crisis many of us are finally waking up to.  This awakening is occurring in different ways, but it all boils down to how a few psychopathic people are controlling humanity for their own ends and enslaving the rest of us though crushing economic debt. 

It’s natural to not want to believe that we are being controlled, manipulated, deliberately kept in fear, and dealing with greed and censorship from the hierarchy.  We become free and sovereign when we choose to no longer participate in their rigged game of power.  But finding our own voice, making our own choices, and being who we want ourselves to be is the very thing that the hierarchy do not want.  The very power they have is because we give it to them, and they feel quite unrepentant in exploiting us all and exerting their special privilege.  I find it amusing that the extreme censorship we now see is justified by the hierarchy and the true believers of their programming to stop harm because misinformation.  Yet, the mainstream message is the misinformation.  Once you awake and start to disobey and think for yourself, then you start to get cognitive dissonance.  There is a lot of misleading junk out there besides the mainstream but there are also a lot of voices that once you listen, you start to become more discerning in what to believe.  I don’t want to tell you what to believe, that is up to you.  I offer ideas and alternatives for you to ponder.  It is up to you to find that personal truth that makes real sense.    

Once you wake up and begin to admit that the world you think you live within is all a sham, scripted by the spin doctors working for the Cabalistic overlords, then hope begins.  While ‘The Matrix’ metaphor explains the vast separation between what we perceive and what is real, I find it too bleak for those actually waking up (e.g., see previous posts The Hierarchy 2 – Waiting for Superman {Feb 2018}; Why we stay in the rut 2 – A Reality Check {May 2018}; and Sustainability, Technology, Mindfulness and Choice {July 2020}).  Indeed, I prefer ‘The Truman Show’ metaphor (e.g., previous post Beliefs, Knowledge, Definitions – – Different Truths {Jan 2018}) because of the way Truman wakes up to his controlled system and then simply chooses to leave it and go out and live the way he wants to live. 

The control is very simple.  First the hierarchy sell us on the consumer dream, then they trap us into the illusion of affluence (standard of living).  Meanwhile the hierarchy eroded our quality of life over decades until it is but a quaint old-fashioned aspect of the past we dismiss as irrelevant.  Then social engineering change is instigated and freedoms removed systematically through planned events in which we give up freedoms in order to feel safer.  We little realize that the events that drove us into fear were set in place by the Cabal.  It is a process of False Flags that appeal to our conditioned beliefs.  This is the Problem – Reaction – Solution plot (e.g., previous posts The Hierarchy 1 {Feb 2018}; and More on conditioning 3 – More about False Narratives and how to Recognize Them {Dec 2019}).  Create any big problem that creates public outrage, and then milk it to get approval for a solution that would ordinarily never have been acceptable.  Rather than me giving you endless examples, look at any major historic event and then notice how it drove some unique change.  For instance, notice how eager. Isolationist. Americans were to get into WWII following Pearl Harbor – was that a false flag? Following 9/11, America sent troops into two never-ending wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to fight terrorism, and we accepted all manner of impositions to keep us safe – was that a false flag?  What I am getting at is that there are official versions that once you look at them closely do not make sense.  Yet, if you openly question them you become a conspiracy theorist risking ridicule. How about Covid-19, is it that deadly?  Once you read other valid perspectives, which are getting harder and harder to find because of censorship, then cognitive dissonance should ensue.  For instance, explain Sweden’s response and results to Covid-19 compared to the rest of the world. 

I hope you see what I am getting at.  I have been trying to promote a vision for sustainable living, and it is usually shown as a pipe dream with greatly diminished standard of living just to save the planet, in which the critical ecological systems, transnational corporations keep telling, are fine and under control. Notice the talking heads who keeps telling us GMOs and pesticides are efficacious and desirable with very few minor harmful effects.  Follow the money trails to see who owns what and who controls what.  Keep following them and look at the historic (and still occurring) influences of powerful people, some of whom live in the spotlight, and then those that stay in the shadows.  I have mentioned many in this blog over the past 3 years.  We live in a controlled dream world scripted for us.  Time to wake up and make a concerted effort to recognize what is going on, then start making some choices.

To Be Continued ………………….


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