A bit of a later post this weekend – we have a firestorm blazing in the forests just 8 miles northwest of us, raining ash and pouring smoke in red-orange hues over our homes.  More like a scene from Lord of the Rings and Mordor than a quiet Colorado town.  I’m busy doing rain dances to avoid evacuation.   

One of my friends wrote me to explain Nassim Haramein’s spinning space-time idea a little more.  Well, here goes.  Haramein’s equations explain the unity of spinning space-time and account for all the mass we observe in our universe without having to resort to having unexplained dark energy and dark matter.  For instance, we can use these equations to describe the periodic table of elements as differences in spin rates within the vacuum structure (just look up the ‘spiral periodic table’ for how elements can be organized in a unique and much more elegant way using these equations).  One key point that is explained is how quantum entanglement could be caused by wormholes at all levels of scale created by blackholes that also occur at all levels of scale.  We think of blackholes as these huge light-and gravity sinks swallowing everything into oblivion but it seems that since energy can be neither created or destroyed (yes, this fact is still true it seems) then something must emerge from the blackhole.  This would be the quantum field that is all information (I’m at the edge of my understanding here).  The energy of the universe is literally just information that describes infinite possibilities that can become coherent into matter when the field is acted upon – the big question is what is there that acts upon the field?   Haramein sees this as multiple level Planck networks of information that occur on the surface of blackholes.  

So, wherever any creation exists there is a blackhole at some scale from the Planck level through the cellular organic level all the way beyond the galaxy level.  We are literally, it seems, just a collections of Planck oscillators that spin space-time creating everything.  Before I finish with my barely adequate explanation, let me just bring up a couple of other points.  A single proton contains enough energy to create a universe such as the one we live within.  Haramein’s equations give us 1093 Planck oscillators per proton, which explains the 120 orders of magnitude difference of the ‘vacuum catastrophe’ problem in regular quantum physics (where did all the energy density go when the singularity expanded to create the universe from the ‘Big-Bang”).  Enough of that and more about the potential of zero-point energy as a source of energy technology.  If you want more detail about this new Cosmogenesis, then I would advise you to seek out some the many YouTube videos of Nassim Haramein explaining his mathematical theories. 

In standard physics, the laws of thermodynamics state that it is impossible to get more energy out than was inputted – i.e. perpetual motion not possible since entropy is a given at the macro scale that we live within – or so it seemed until the Haramein equations describe something different.  In Einstein’s famous equation E=MC2 the problem exists where our knowledge of energy is based on two unknowns: Einstein and his colleagues did not know where mass comes from or why the speed of light is what we say it is, which means we really did not know in reality what is energy!  This classic equation also assumes that our universe is a closed system where everything is also assumed to be non-coherent – i.e. there is no constant connection, yet the long-established quandary of wave-particle duality shows clearly that everything in the universe is entangled with everything else.  In essence, the universe is really an open system. 

So back to, how do we use free energy?  If everything is interacting at the vacuum fluctuation (Planck) scale to produce a spinning space-time vortex within the zero-point equilibrium, then all we should need to do is create a disequilibrium to give us a gradient where energy can then be used.  This would be a new scientific field of Quantum Vacuum Engineering, and it could be a reality provided our society could be convinced of its reality!  Before you rush to judgment, bear in mind that NASA researcher Harold ‘Sonny’ White is working on a Space-Warp drive that taps it energy from the quantum field.  He admits he is working on the edge and the theories are poorly understood and even more poorly funded, but NASA considers the possibility as worth pursuing.

Science fiction with its wormholes and bubble universes suddenly seems to have taken a quantum leap into the real scientific universe, but to get there we have to support the researchers and brilliant engineers that can get us there.  But free energy would change our society in ways that would make our current way of living completely obsolete.  Consider that if this energy could be realized in as little as 10 years as the supporters believe, then we are talking about a world so different as to be a way of living humanity cannot comprehend except in science fiction.  Our current world is predicated on scarcity.  How would we live if abundance was a norm instead?

Now, who would be against free energy?  Let me count the people – Oh yes, the heat, beat and treat brigades, like the fossil fuel companies for starters.  Billionaires would lose all their power and control.  The 1% would themselves become obsolete.  As I have said several times in this blog, the 1% need us to serve them, we do not need them.  Think about it.  A world like Michael Tellinger’s Ubuntu, but with free energy – No crime, no envy, no gluttony, no greed, no hoarding, no hierarchy, no hunger, no obstacles to true human progress.  Naysayers will refuse to support any research for energy from the Vacuum.  Indeed, their very egos are linked to a world where such an idea cannot exist.  Can you support the possibility of a new cosmology?       

We are beginning to see the entire universe as a holographically interlinked network of energy and information, organically whole and self-referential at all scales of its existence.  We, and all things in the universe, are non-locally connected with each other and with all things in ways that are unfettered by the hitherto known limitations of space and time.” Ervin Laszlo


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