Some men see things as they are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were, and ask why notOscar Wilde.

How we look at the world is central to how we allow ourselves to think beyond the limiting mental boxes we live within.  For many decades we have been expanding our ideas on what our universe looks like and how we fit within it.  Ervin Laszlo observed that as our understanding expanded so did our cosmology.  Today we seem to have reached a point where dogmatic scientism is loathe to go the next step despite all the evidence pointing to something even bigger.  Einstein spent his life trying to find a unified explanation for how the ‘four forces (Gravity, Electromagnetism, Strong forces, and Weak forces)’ and space-time combined to create everything in the universe.  Quantum Physics is now viewed more like shamanism in the physical science fields.  This is important since it is a science that deserves to be treated as the science that explains everything so profoundly as to finally connect science and spirituality for the first time since the Renaissance period created that split over 700 years ago.  We are at a point now where we can use physics to explain spirituality.  But first, let me backtrack a little.   

Through much of human history, human cosmologies have been dominated by various religions and cosmologies that spoke of deities and worlds beyond this physical realm.  Around the time of the renaissance (1300-1600) there was a rebirth in learning about the logic and cosmology of the Greeks.  At the start of the 1700s began the era known as the enlightenment that issued in ‘The Age of Reason.’  It was this period when religious cosmology was rejected as superstition and scientific materialism grew as a philosophy that dominated the coming technological surge, we now call the Industrial revolution.  This period was where great thinkers like Newton, Bacon, Beccaria, Descartes, and Goethe rationalized that we lived in a physical universe where we could learn its laws to understand the dominant human place within it.  Then around the mid-1920s a group of brilliant physicists began to show us that all the early cosmologists, early religions and paganists knew something unique, that the physical world is merely an illusionary part of a metaphysical multiverse.  Quantum physics shows us that our physical world with its immutable laws is merely an extension of a metaphysical realm where these laws do not exist – other laws that govern energy at various frequencies and dimensions far beyond the one we live within dominate the universe.  Indeed, the physical universe we can see is barely 4.9% of what is there, since 26.8% is made of dark matter and 68.3% made of Dark energy.  It’s not dark per se but matter and energy that we do not see as energy occurring as photons.  However, our understanding of this dark matter/energy is vague, based more on mathematical calculations rather than direct measurements

The current scientific cosmology in our western thinking is focused on the ‘Big Bang Theoryand explains just the 4 to 5% we can observe directly (The Big Bang hypothesis states that all of the current and past matter in the Universe came into existence at the same time, roughly 13.8 billion years ago. At this time, all matter was compacted into a very small ball with infinite density and intense heat called a Singularity. Suddenly, the Singularity began expanding, and the universe as we know it began).  Inchoate quantum potentials are proposed to have manifested as energy or particles without any predictability, but inconveniently we now know it could be controlled by conscious intention (that’s another post).  

Theories are explanations are based on accepted evidence.  If you wanted a job in academia you could not work in anything that would be considered pseudoscience. Yet, science has a whole range of taboos about data it cannot explain or is so inconvenient to existing theories.  And therefore, that data until recently has been pushed to the side and left to the realm of pseudoscience.  Even Einstein was bothered by ‘spooky actions at a distance’ that could not be explained by his Theory of Relativity.  Newtonian Physics has spent over 4 centuries working to explain that 4% of the universe that we can observe directly.  In the mid-1900s, it was finally recognized that there is a remaining 96% that could only be explained by quantum Physics and until recently that was only through mathematical equations. 

We had particle physicists using large colliders to delve deeper into the quantum field with discoveries like the Higgs Boson (2013), but even this did not explain the four forces and space-time that make up the energetic field of the universe.  If you try to understand String Theory and modern physics the explanations get more and more complex as the cosmology gets more convoluted.  The unified field theory that eluded Einstein and his contemporaries to modern particle physicists has been finally resolved it seems, but only in the last seven years. 

Meet paradigm game changer Nassim Haramein who has been preaching in the scientific wilderness for the past 30 years.  He doesn’t have a PhD and he isn’t part of some prestigious university but he is brilliant mind.  He thinks differently than most narrowly focused academics and it is his non-academic background that allowed him to escape adopting restrictive academic beliefs and theories.  Nassim Haramein is a modern Renaissance man because he delves into research that creates connections in physics, mathematics, geometry, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology, chemistry, anthropology and archeology, plus mystical teachings to produce groundbreaking theories in unified physics that are finally gaining worldwide recognition and acceptance.

Information can be found at his research website for the Resonance Science Foundation.  “Haramein’s findings are based on a fundamental geometric quantization of spacetime, formalizing a unification between the quantum scale and cosmological-sized objects, including the universe itself.”  His math has been shown to calculate previously inaccurate data, such as the precise value of the charge radius of the proton which disagreed with the Standard Model by 4%. “This prediction was later confirmed by a team of scientists at the Paul Scherrer Institute utilizing muons in a proton accelerator. The measurement has since been validated by the adjusted 2018 CODATA value of the proton RMS charge radius.”  If you can, watch The Connected Universe, the documentary reviews Haramein’ s discoveries and their potential impact on generations to come.  And it is his research that shows the promise of technology as far beyond modern thinking as the microchip is beyond the invention of fire.

I have often asked my physicist friends why we cannot harness the ‘zero-point’ energy field (the quantum state with the lowest possible energy; it contains no physical particles, and is the energy of the ground state) and they state that it is impossible.  Yet, Haramein’s theories show that the potential for new energy sources from this zero-point field are indeed plausible and almost limitless if they can be realized.  In the next post I will overview his ideas and what the potentials are within the near future for both resources as well as a more scientific spirituality to guide how we live together.

To Be Continued ……………


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