“Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected.”  William Plomer.

I am always surprised when I would introduce an innovative idea to a group I was working with and receive the reply, “it won’t work” because we don’t do things that way.  Whether this is in science or in management processes, the negative reaction is always based in naysayers that can only think within their own box of experience.  If you don’t stretch your imagination and allow something new, you will never expand or discover new things.  Despite entrepreneurs touting creativity, the truth is that in our western world today, creativity is not valued by the corporate management systems, which are focused on profit not social benefit.  This is as true of academia in its bid to be more business-like in how education is run-as it is of businesses themselves.  Exceptions might be seen within the Silicon Valley technologies, but I often wonder if our innovative computing and cell phone systems are purposefully designed to be more enslaving than liberating.

In the previous post I mentioned that I have asked physics academic colleagues about the potential of utilizing zero-point energy and been told that to do so would violate the laws of thermodynamics – it is not possible to reverse entropy. Yet, when I point out that nature does this everyday with photosynthesis, I just get the blank look or that photosynthesis is a unique condition and that the solar system as a whole still obeys the laws of thermodynamics.  Think about that for a minute.  Plants take the diffuse energy being emitted by the sun, which is a concentrated fusion energy source, and then reconcentrate that energy through photosynthesis into higher energy chemical bonds within the sugars, effectively for a short time reversing entropy.  This chemical energy is then used by life on Earth to drive metabolic processes that give off diffuse heat thereby continuing the increase of entropy.  My point is that the physical laws dictating the process of entropy can be reversed at a localized point, so can the zero-point energy of the universe be discretely tapped into and manipulated to create an endless higher energy source at a localized point in space?   

When we look at the four forces of nature (see previous post) that comprise the energetic structure of the universe some names emerge that made great leaps in our understanding of how we might be able to tap in and use them.  In the 1920s, T. Townsend Brown found that gravity and electrical charge are coupled.  Other researchers and inventors of that period were Nicholas Tesla, Lester Hendershot, and T. Henry Moray.  All discovered unique properties of the four forces, but their inventions (in electro-gravitics), which by all accounts were shown to work, were all dismantled or destroyed (by governmental or corporate systems) and the inventors themselves died without the recognition they deserved.  Curiously, the blueprints of their works were confiscated by government officials or simply disappeared, and this continues even to this day with inventors whose names do not grace our physics textbooks.    

I’ll keep this simple so please do not hold my feet to the fire if it is too simple.  The zero-point quantum field that is the universe is in equilibrium so at the ultimate entropic state.  To use any energy, we have to create a disequilibrium so there is gradient of some kind.  Think about trying to use a water wheel in a fast-flowing river versus a quiet lake.  The vast lake has lots of water but it has no gradient to be able to power that water wheel that less water in the river is able to achieve easily.  This idea of a creating a gradient in the zero-point field was proposed by Hendrick Casimir in 1948 and shown as a workable idea in 1997 by physicist S. K. Lamoreaux.  The initial problem is that creating this gradient takes as much energy as it generates, so a net sum gain.  What seems missing is a more thorough understanding of the unified field of the universe itself. In current quantum theory, we know that matter we can see or measure is only 4.9% of what is there, but calculations show there must be 26.8% dark matter and 68.3% dark energy for matter to exist in the universe.  The problem is that we cannot measure this dark stuff, only that to explain the universe that it must exist.    

At the end of the last post I talked about Nassim Haramein and his new theories that seem to show the holy grail of a unified theory that was sought after Einstein and his colleagues.  What Haramein showed mathematically in 2013 was that the four forces making up the field are not separate energy components making the field but are the consequential forces generated by the field itself.  For instance, Einstein believed that the force of gravity could curve space-time but Haramein shows that space-time and the four forces are actually a result of spinning energy of the vacuum fluctuations creating the field.  Everything in the field is a result of spin that creates a gradient structure within the quantum vacuum. (It’s not a vacuum in the sense of a vacuum chamber with the air pumped out of it, but of the non-physical matter vacuum that we call empty space containing all the energy.) 

At the Planck scale (the Planck Scale is the only scale that applies to everything in the universe and so used to explain measurements of distance, time, energy and mass) the energy between trillions of tiny particles spinning and interacting together gives the subatomic particles their mass in a concentrated form (i.e. matter).  When energy events act together, we get gravity, so gravity and mass are just results of the space-time spinning that also create curvature in space.  In its simplest explanation, this spinning is the creative force that creates the universe and addresses everything from the big bang and even how we might influence this spinning of space-time locally to use zero-point energy.  

To be Continued …………

“If you acknowledge that creative thoughts are the engine that drives innovation, suddenly creativity becomes really important.”  Tom Kelley.


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