I am going to get a tad esoteric in this blog post but I do so to point out just how our thinking has become so dogmatic and inflexible.  I am going to talk about incredible new energy research technology in the next post, but first some background on why it isn’t already plastered across the mainstream media.  We talk about science being our truth but then rigidly refuse to look at anything that doesn’t fit within the box of accepted beliefs.  We have reached a stage where we need to think more broadly and break apart the box of scientism to reveal the new science that gives us answers explaining who we are as a species and a fully encompassing cosmology of the universe. (Cosmology: the scientific study of the large-scale properties of the universe as a whole.)  One of the problems is the assumption that the scale of the quantum to the universe is different.     

Let me begin this trip down another branch of the rabbit hole with some insightful ideas from Rupert Sheldrake about how a majority of scientific thinkers use a set of default dogmatic delusions that constrain their ability to think outside the box.  In a nutshell, we have a modern cosmology that makes the universe fit a random mechanistic paradigm.  Sheldrake proposes several dogma’s that keep us fixed in our beliefs: The universe is mechanistic and machine-like and reductionist thinking can reveal its secrets.  This by default renders the whole universe unconscious, random and purposeless.  This means it is governed by fixed physical laws that control all interactions of matter and energy, both of which are totally fixed in amount.  At a more local level this has led biologists to determine that biological heredity is contained only within the genes of any species, when epigenetics has now explained much more about the process that is not genetically fixed (more on epigenetics coming soon).  Cognitive scientists propose that the mind is within your brain, which is also where all thinking and memories reside, when consciousness studies show otherwise.  This mechanistic mindset has led to medical research that proposes that only mechanistic medicine can be effective, but holistic medicine has better cure rates – Placebo’s are a nuisance since beliefs can affect how effective a medicine can be (I discuss placebo’s in a prior post Health – Sickcare 2).     

The biggest problem that began in the renaissance was the separation of science and spiritual mysticism.  For many centuries orthodox religious teaching kept us tightly constrained in how we thought about human cosmology.  Outside of religious boundaries spiritual mysticism that taught a more comprehensive cosmology was forced underground.  Today we have ‘The Big Bang Theory’ to explain the beginning of our universe with complex descriptions of what happened immediately after the Big Bang and how it has progressed for the past 15 billion years or so.  Physicists like Bohm, Einstein, Schrödinger, etc., did brilliant calculations and experiments in quantum physics during the 20th century to expand our cosmological understanding.  Of course, the ultimate problem of all modern cosmology was ‘what was there before the Big Bang’ – what was the singularity from which the big Bang began?  Therein lies a big quandary for science.  The human mind cannot comprehend Infinity – We can discuss it but not truly comprehend it.  We can comprehend the idea of a Big Bang start to the universe, but not what went before or what lies beyond the edge of all the matter we see that is expanding outwards.  Ethnobiologist Terrance McKenna is quoted as saying, “Modern science is based on the principle: ‘Give us one free miracle and we’ll explain the rest. ‘ The one free miracle is the appearance of all the mass and energy in the universe and all the laws that govern it in a single instant from nothing.”  

A problem not addressed in science classrooms is that the immutable laws of the universe are not immutable! – that is they are not as fixed as we have been led to believe.  Take the speed of light for instance.  Look it up and it is 186,282 miles per second (299,792 kilometers per second).  Bu that is only a convention set in 1972, because when we first started measuring it, we noticed that different labs got different results and even the same lab measuring it several years apart (e.g. 1929 and 1945) got a different speed (varied by 20Km/sec).  A mere 20 Km/sec doesn’t seem a big deal and it isn’t because measuring equipment got more accurate.  But isn’t a constant by definition immutable?  The speed of light constant we use is just an average of all the different measurements!   In fact, many of our scientific constants are actually variable.  Now scientists will not use ‘fudge factors’ to get their calculations spot on, but they do use adjustments.  There is actually a field of metrology, which is the scientific study of measurement. 

You would think that variable constants would be an embarrassing scientific problem, but no fear, we have a group to resolve that problem.   The BIPM (Bureau International Des Poids et Mesures) is the intergovernmental organization that sets anything related to measurement science and measurement standards used in science, trade and anything where there is a need for standardization of units.  Wow, a group that can fix constants and makes adjustments as needed.  This seems to be a case of ‘Intellectual Phase Locking’ – “the tendency for people in science/intellectual-endeavors to publish/assert results that are not too far from what other people are getting. With this tendency, it can take a while for a (science) community to drift from a fashionable, wrong belief to a more correct belief” Hacker News.  

To me, the fact that many constants are variable is a fascinating idea to study, but apparently not so to the rest of the field of science studies.  Indeed, these fluctuations and variables are of no apparent interest because constants, even if they are variable, need no research.  Sounds a lot like sweeping inconvenient things under the rug and out of sight.  This also emphasizes the notion that dogmatism is alive and well in science for dogmatic assumptions need no inquiry.  While science is a great way to study the universe, we must not forget that science is also an institution run by people with egos that are locked into their own belief systems just as much as any religion.  Add to that corporate control of technology that defines how profits are made and you get a dogmatic firewall called scientism in which scientific revolutions are blocked from seeing the light of day.   The good news?  That firewall is collapsing and new ideas and technology for a sustainable future are almost here.  But it requires we rethink our cosmology and understand just what it is that quantum physics has to tell us.  And curiously, it tells us what spiritual mystics have been saying about the universe for several millennia! 

To be Continued ……..     


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