“Mindfulness is observing your life right now.  Accepting your current situation without judgment or struggle.  Allowing feelings to exist without letting them driving your actions.  Noticing thoughts that occur without needing to buy into them.  Taking action based on what you feel in your heart rather than old habits or short-term convenience.”  Anon.

I was giving a friend some spiritual advice and she advised me to print the following information I have about this time of change from a spiritual perspective.  “We are in a time of choice.  We won’t necessarily know we actually chose a specific timeline, but we do it with the vibration we will connect with at this time.  There are many possibilities and a few probabilities we will now unconsciously be selecting from.  Think of it as 7.8 billion players of a video game playing this game called life but each player has different parameters they are using to navigate the ‘matrix’ of the game. Those, where the parameters are similar will select scenario’s (timeline’s) that join them together in the game.  The scenario we select, and the relationships within that scenario, are being reduced to a specific set of timelines for all the players as they move forward through this process of consciousness raising we are calling ‘the shift.’  

You are trying to accept a timeline that is of a higher vibration that is more focused on Love and Compassion – something that all humanity will eventually choose when the consciousness has raised enough – we are a species evolving to a higher plane of learning.  What is getting in the way for you (and a majority of others) is an attachment to the 3D material world we all lived within for so many millennia.  (The 3D has already ended – we are currently living through a memory of what was.)  Many of us have learned the lessons and are ready to graduate to a different plane.  The 3D existence was about learning how to control our creation energy, especially using our emotional energy.  

Up to now we have had a buffer called time where thoughts and feelings had a time buffer before they were created. (e.g. “eat shit and die you bastard” didn’t happen immediately because we had time to reconsider that choice unconsciously.) Now understand just why the Earth School was so hard with all that high energy from relationships and attachments if emotions were able to manifest immediately – that control of emotional energy is the incredible gift this humanity is taking into the 5D.  If we take that unmanaged focus into the 5D plane we would think a negative thought and it would manifest immediately – think how impossible it would be to do anything if we all released the monsters of the ID all the time. (The id is the primitive and instinctive component of personality. … The id is the impulsive (and unconscious) part of our psyche which responds directly and immediately to basic urges, needs, and desires.)  That is the premise of a well-done science fiction film from 1956 ‘Forbidden Planet.’

There is no ‘the way’ or ‘the right way’ to do anything, but there is a better way that serves more people than yourself.  To its most simple message – CHOOSE LOVE if you want to graduate to a new game.  Choose anything else if you want to keep playing the old game again.  There is no win or lose in this game, only evolution of consciousness.”

I have emphasized many times in this blog that we need a spiritual and social change just as much as we need a technological one.  Indeed, if we can elevate our thinking and feelings to take advantage of our ‘better Angels,’ the changes we currently struggle with will just happen organically.  As I confidently stated on the very first post in this blog, we are going to be sustainable or we are not going to need to be concerned whether humanity will survive – simple choice really, yet one that could sink or swim the human race!  Currently, so many people insist on hanging on to an old consumer paradigm, fearing the desired change of sustainability might mean having to let go of modern life’s technological toys that are complicit in helping the corporations ruin the planet for everyone and everything. 

Even when we have alternatives that are, or will eventually lead to, sustainability, people cling to the old.  Whether it is fear of change, cost of alternatives, or simply pure apathy, we all need to start choosing the alternate reality that will be a sustainable future.  Change our hearts.  Change our minds.  Make mindful choices. That’s the way forward that leaves behind the current dystopic system.  I suppose I have been teaching about sustainability for so many years that I still have to step back and accept that many people still think of sustainability as just a greener version of recycling and alternate energy systems like wind and solar.  It is up to us all to get the word out to everyone we know that we are the change we want to see and that we do not have to meekly accept a dystopian future.      

“You can argue all day about whether one person not using a plastic straw or going vegan will make a difference.  The point is the mindset.  We need to change our thinking from this idea that Earth is a bottomless pit of resources and start acting like what we do matter.  Changing the philosophy of cultures and societies starts with individuals changing their own hearts and minds.  That’s the importance of grassroots action.  It’s not that my composting will empty landfills of food waste but my changed mind and heart may influence others.  And that could spread and Change the world.” Olga Evans     

Since so many expect technology is the way to change, perhaps I should jazz up this blog and discuss some sexy leaps of technology that may get people to think more about the future and how their lives will become better.  The vinegar approach doesn’t seem to be working as well, time for some sugar approach.  But, first a visit to how we manufacture stuff and how that will change in the coming years ahead, and already is if we embrace it.    


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