Conspiracies are rampant in all the information we seem to be getting at this time.  The result is an even greater polarization than ever, driven by the internet and its inherent anonymity of opinions from so many users.  It’s not that there may or may not be any conspiracies but that it seems to be consuming all of us.  The psychology of it all is merely to create division and separation instead of solidarity to a bigger idea – learning how to live together with adaptability and resilience in a world desperately needing to transition to one of sustainable development.     

I have been binge-watching some period-piece series based on books by Phillipa Gregory, Bernard Cornwell, and Ken Follett.   They’re all about medieval Kings and Queens and of course their loyal (when it suits their interests) aristocratic followers.  What I find amusing about all of it all is the absolute paranoia that existed within this aristocracy, and perhaps not as amusing, how the common person (the subjects, serfs, peasants, etc.) that went along with the royals as they plotted to overthrow and kill their own family members just for the privilege of being God’s chosen one to rule.  Rushing into battle armed only with a wooden pitchfork against a highly-trained and sword armed chain-mailed soldier just to support your opinion that one royal was a better asshole than another is quite a fascinating conviction.  Of course, we wouldn’t do that in modern times would we?  Thinking of the more than 20 million dead of WWI and over 60 million of WWII, suggests that this is a continuing situation.  There are many reasons that the hierarchy get us to do violent things we would never contemplate if we actually thought about it and had a free-choice.  The kicker is that we always have a choice, but we may not like the problem of saying what we really want for fear of ‘consequences.’

You may not be faced with having to go to war on behalf of some hierarchical asshole who is pissed off at some other hierarchical asshole, but in these times of modern media we are now more influenced to support a specific belief than ever.  Several thinkers have commented that ‘There is nothing more manipulatable than a genuine faith in something that isn’t streetwise.’  Think about all the conflicts over the centuries that have occurred in the name of one version of God over another.  Or, even one version of religion over another (Catholics vs. Protestants, or even evangelicals vs. non-evangelicals – it goes on infinitum).  Elite power and control are a house of cards – its power derives from us giving it power.  We are in a rut of disempowerment of our own choosing (see earlier post Why we stay in the rut 2 – A Reality Check).  Think about the Coronavirus crisis, one writer stated, we so readily became a population of coronavirus tribalists because of beliefs in the level of threat and also the hierarchical methods to control the contagion.  Think about how fear drives this even now – fear about death from the virus and fear about loss of freedom, with fear of ridicule from disagreeing with friends, relatives, other social media users, etc.      

At this time, we have rioting going on around the world about a multitude of things and our beliefs in them.  There are real grievances that need addressing, but are we addressing them?  If we sat still and really thought about any event or situation, we would see that there is always a person behind the curtain keeping us separated and against each other.  Divide and conquer has been a great tactic used by the elite for controlling the masses to do their bidding for millennia.  The strategy is basic – Problem, Reaction, Solution (PRS).  A problem arises (or is created) in which the population generates a specific public reaction to accept a draconian solution we would never normally accept if we didn’t have such a visceral reaction to the problem in the first place.  Whether it is a medieval King ‘protecting’ us from invading hordes, or modern governments ‘protecting’ us from viruses, the techniques of controlling the people to support various reactions and hence solutions are the still the same. 

I am not trying to say anything specific about what is currently happening, but to point out that that reason and rationale seem to disappear when people are prompted to react during periods where high levels of fear are present.  We look to the hierarchy to protect us and become too ready to accept draconian solutions we might not if we had real information and the time to debate and think about the outcomes.  Getting to real truth demands a willingness to recognize and step outside the boundaries of one’s own beliefs.  Whether it is viruses or environmental catastrophes we are too willing to go with technocrats who claim to have insights that no one else could have.              

Since we are perpetually kept in some level of fear, ‘We keep looking for solutions, instead of removing the cause of the problem.’  I recently wrote an opinion letter to the editor of my local newspaper about how we all seem to be too ready to destroy the global economy in order to safeguard us by using lockdowns from a virus in 2020, but quite willing to accept over ten times those numbers of deaths every year from fossil fuel related health problems to avoid spending money and minor lifestyle inconvenience by going to renewable fuels.  Think about that for a minute.  In 2020 so far, we have had a reported 461,000 deaths from Covid-19, but every year we have 3.61 million deaths from fossil fuel air pollution related health problems.  And for comparison, annual regular flu deaths are between 400,00 and 650,000 per year – and society just ticks along normally with the latter problems. 

This is not a debate about Covid-19, but an example of what we are asked to do when fear is driven high versus what happens when we are not truly informed.  The question I would pose here is why we are not publicly informed about most high-level threats to our welfare, yet the mass media are quite happy to spread hysteria on quite specific others.  Now consider, whose agenda is served by creating enhanced fear of a situation or by downplaying a situation to accept a problem as OK.  The puppet masters do this through their control of the information you receive.  A central tenet throughout history has been that those who control information, control society. 

Real solution: become informed by searching out alternate sites of information outside the mass media, and then be very discerning about what you read.  It is too easy to get sucked into bad information from both ‘official’ sites as well are conspiracy sites.  I support the idea of Epochē, which is, ‘suspension of judgment,’ or ‘withholding of assent’- a principle originally espoused by nondogmatic philosophical Skeptics of the ancient Greek Academy.  Be open-minded and be willing to explore alternate truths (all truth is contextual) before you decide for yourself where the ‘best’ information exists.  Who is feeding you lies versus who has the most rational explanations for events and situations?  Once you can recognize and step outside your belief boundaries, I guarantee your conditioned dogma’s will be challenged and you will never the same again. It’s the Red pill versus the Blue pill option – I recommend taking the Red pill for revelations about the real matrix we live within.  I’ll get back to worldviews in the next post and how the transition for change is occurring and how this polarizes us further from unconscious and disempowered believers who follow elite agendas to stop this transition.

To Be Continued……………….                 


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