“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”  Socrates.

As I read about the goings on around the world, what I see too much of is fear and anger being expressed.  There is an awakening going on that is recognizing the control and manipulation of humanity by corporations, governments expressing corporate dictates, and insidious agendas by the 0.01% of monetary wealthy and hence powerful elites (the Cabal) struggling to maintain control over the masses.  Any thoughts of going back to the old normal are just pipe dreams since we see themes expressed throughout the various media (both mass and social) that keep stating ‘the new normal.’   The new normal of course is promising constraints on personal freedom and more control by the Cabal.  The old normal wasn’t exactly great when we thought that “long working hours, stressful commutes, hectic crowds, mass consumerism, shopping centers, infinite choice, air pollution, and 24/7 everything was a mental health utopia – Austin Kasso.”  Change is here and we can meekly go with the authoritarian dictates and be controlled by fear of a multitude of things, or we can choose to create the society we want – there is no sitting on the fence like Humpty Dumpty (recall what happened to him).   

“The bubble of false comfort in which we live has burst”. We thought we were safe; we thought that we had removed ourselves so far from the ferocity of the natural world that we just didn’t have to think about it anymore, and this has been a stark and rude reminder that we have to think about it very hard indeed.” George Monbiot.  To put it simply, we have spent centuries isolating ourselves from the natural world – think about our climate-controlled building and how we travel in vehicles.  Time to get back to basics, and that means rethinking how we are part of the natural world and begin being more harmonious and not destructive in how we live within this world.

Around the world, this lockdown has allowed people the time to think and to reflect on their lives.  Curiously, what I have been seeing occur is a grieving process as people saw their seemingly ordered yet problematic world falling away from them.  The old normal wasn’t great but it was known, and people fear what the new normal could be since it is unknown.  Something I always say is that, “The only constant in life is change, but usually it occurs slowly enough to be acceptable to most people.”  Now it is thrust upon us.  Think about your own thinking and how they might have gone (or be going) through a grieving process of yearning for the old normal world.  The 5 stages of grief and loss are: 1. Denial and isolation; 2. Anger; 3. Bargaining; 4. Depression; 5. Acceptance.  People who are grieving do not necessarily go through the stages in the same order or experience all of them.  The quicker you get to acceptance, the sooner you join the tens of millions worldwide that are preparing to make decisions that create a sustainable world.  But we can’t do it if the majority cling to an old paradigm and accept more control from authoritarian systems that will never choose a sustainable future. 

A short meme I saw online that I liked was, “Nourish the roots not the leaves.”  The way I see it is that we like our comfortable lives, which can be equated to the leaves, but neglect the roots of our civilization that are in the natural world.  Of course, roots are always out of sight and it is easy to ignore them without thinking that they wither, so do we eventually.  One of my favorite spiritual gurus Michael Roads says, “Humanity treats humanity in the same way that humanity treats Nature…humanity either takes a step forward on its path of spiritual evolution, or…faces the consequences.”   

One of the biggest questions I get about this coming shift is how many people will it take to create the critical mass of change – the tipping point.  Logic suggests a consensus of 51%, but it is actually only about 2-4% of actualized people leading a cause that others see beneficial.  In an earlier post I addressed this (Disaster Capitalism – Coronavirus and Political Sleight of Hand): “innovators (the 3%) easily influence the early adopters who then lead the movements.  It becomes even more likely when you consider the massive numbers of cultural creatives (see previous post Imagination, Creativity, and Change 1).  Damon Centola states in his 2018 book, ‘How Behavior Spreads: The Science of Complex Contagions’ that the critical number is 25%.  If you consider that worldwide a large majority of the 99% are getting really pissed at world leaders, then I think we have more than enough people who desire change to a more sustainable world.”  

We need to get rid of our main controlling and debilitating meme, namely that the ‘Manipulating Cabal have all the power’ and recognize that their power is completely illusional.  They propagated this meme and all we need to do it change it to be ‘We have the power’ and really believe that, because we do!  Sometimes I go back and read my own textbooks and recall that I covered this framework for change a lot during the last 30 years.         

The Big Pharma and Big Agriculture business model is NOT to simply make drugs and vaccines, or produce food.  It is to get you, the consumer hooked on their unsustainable and unhealthy products and then to keep you buying using their products for ever – in short, it is to make you completely dependent, with little real choice, on what they produce.  This is a 200-year old industrial revolution model of control and misinformation that we can break NOW.  One of my friends commented on how I spend as much time trying to empower people to change as I do in covering concepts of sustainability.  Some of my posts deal with this more specifically (e.g. Reconditioning Ourselves: Alternative Perspectives 12 – Community Development – Part 4 The Egalitarian human vs. W.E.I.R.D.), but I will continue to expound on this because if we do not change our relationship to ourselves in our thinking and beliefs about who we are, then we will not support a more harmonious relationship with the natural world.  Imagine a world where we control our destinies and not the corporate system or the Cabal.       

Change is coming.  Everything in your life now will begin to propel forward.  You’ll notice a shift from stagnation to flow, from lack to abundance, from confusion to clarity, from pain to peace.  This is the turning point.  @15minutemanifestion. 


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