I thought I had said enough about vaccines and Covid-19, but the medical tyranny we are facing is real and about to be imposed on us in a big way.  A British site I recommend is www.vernoncoleman.com.  He does YouTube videos and then has the transcripts on his website.   I love his approach which is laid back, informative, rational, and well-reasoned logic – a far cry from the hysteria found on the web for all manner of extreme views these days.  I agree with Coleman’s recent video about how we have all be brainwashed by the authorities into believing that Covid-19 is a deadly disease that warranted the ridiculous lockdown that will impact us for years to come.  The Coronavirus pandemic is a big lie deliberately designed to scare us into compliance for an ongoing series of draconian measures to enslave us all – I don’t say that lightly!  And the mass media have been completely complicit in the brainwashing messages that have polarized everyone such that the truth is lost in a series of control memes supporting the dangers of this virus. 

Governments are either incredibly inept at what they did and unwilling to back down from admitting it (and believe me there have been plenty of incompetent politicians all over the world during this fiasco), or there really is a controlling agenda,  I recognized the persuasive communications techniques used back in March (recall I have a communications background besides being a biologist and sustainabilitist) but like many people could not believe it was occurring as a deliberate program of manipulation.  There is misinformation and intentional disinformation that is screwing up how we think and interact with each other.  There are enough nutjobs out there with conspiracy theories galore, but when looks at merely what governments have actually been doing, you don’t need to theorize anything – it’s there in plain sight for all to see if you are willing to look critically and beyond the mainstream media.   

There are key players who have been pushing for this lockdown – see my four previous recent posts on Vaccines 1-4.  Bill Gates along with henchmen like Anthony Fauci (in the U.S.) and other heads of medical systems around the world have vested interests in Big Pharma.  And Big Pharma (drugs and vaccines), along with Big Agriculture, and the Chemical industry (they’re all the same group really) has a singular interest in controlling the food, health and commerce of this planet.  The Coronavirus (Covid-19) is an end-game for control.  Gates and medical technocrats from the WHO and the US-CDC tell us that tens of millions were predicted to die (courtesy of the Gates funded computer modeler Neil Ferguson and his crew), but the actually numbers were more like a regular flu season.  No apologies or reduction of the draconian lockdown.  Many more people will die from the after effects of this lockdown than ever might have died from the virus itself in its worst-case scenario.

There is talk of a coming vaccine, which Gates tells us is the only way to safeguard the world, but note that Covid-19 is similar to the 2003 SARS virus and despite 17 years of research researchers are not close to a vaccine and there are no expectations anytime soon.  So, telling us one is coming is either a fabrication or the Covid-19 vaccine pushed out with minimal safety testing (don’t forget the numerous toxic adjuvants and other contaminants) will be more dangerous than the virus could be.  Gates is on video saying, “We will not go back to normal until we have a new vaccine,” which I add that he will have the patent on.  Saint Bill Gates is renowned for his philanthropic giving to the world, but considering his wealth of up to $300 billion, a gift of $10 billion is not much, and his return on investment from vaccines is at least double that much – he isn’t losing any of his money, just gaining more power and control.   

There are really currently only three viruses in the world of concern – Tuberculosis, Smallpox, and Ebola.  The rest are variations of flu or common cold viruses and we certainly don’t do global lockdowns for those, despite the global number of deaths they produce each year in susceptible immune compromised people. 

I have yet to have anyone explain to me how catching the Covid-19 virus does not induce immunity by natural immune response, yet this rushed out vaccine will somehow give everyone immunity, which is why we will be obliged, then required to have it to function in a Brave New World we are entering.  Whatever the USA does, the rest of the world does the same it seems.

In January, despite news from Asia, western news sources reported that governments stated Covid-19 was not considered a high consequence.  Yet, within days we had emergency bills introduced in many countries, specific to a Covid-19 virus.  After the 9/11 Trade Tower attack, the U.S. government activated the Patriot Act (mimicked by other governments around the world) to protect us from future terrorist threats.  Curiously, this Act had been written ten years earlier so all Congress had to do was dust it off and push it out.   I talked about the Vaccine protection act given to Big Pharma in 1986.  With this immunity from prosecution because of all the expected problems and side-effects inherent in vaccines, Big Pharma has been rushing to produce all manner of vaccines to protect us from every possible and even new unheard-of diseases.   What started out as a $750 million a year business with vaccine collateral damage problems, has turned into a government required monopoly generating $60 billion profit.  Projections from this Covid-19 vaccine being given to everyone on Earth is around $600 billion with expected and required booster shots required – so expectations of trillions of dollars is likely.  And that is just what we know without all the other conspiracy theories out there. 

After 9/11, the threat of bio-terrorism was scaring governments and the U.S. was particularly concerned.  Between 2003 and 2005, 13 new bills were introduced to protect big Pharma from drug and vaccine problems.  In 2005 Congress enacted the BIOSHIELD program ($5.6 billion over 10 year for emergency funding) and the PREP act (Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act).  The PREP Act essentially is that during a bio-emergency, government will use public money to help Big Pharma do research and development of bio-threats and any products created to fight such threats.  Any products not used in an emergency will then be re-purchased back by the government (talk about double dipping), AND big Pharma is completely free from any liability during any emergencies – NO oversight at all.  NOTE: Before we even knew Covid-19 was a major problem, on February 4, 2020, PREP activation was quietly added to the Federal Registry (The official journal of the federal government of the United States that contains government agency rules, proposed rules, and public notices.) and the Covid-19 emergency declared under PREP on March 17. This will continue until such time that the Secretary of Health (Alex Lazar, also known to have major financial connections to Bill Gates) declares the emergency over – reported to be at least 18 months.  In Britain, the 329-page coronavirus bill (conveniently on hand), was enacted by Parliament in one single day and be in force for two years. 

Do your own research, avoid the mainstream media that seems to have only an authoritarian fear-based agenda.  Go to alternate and independent media sources.  Move beyond fear and start thinking what you can do at the local level to develop new community-based living that is compassionate and focuses on sustainable and safe solutions.  Time to get back to self-empowerment and away from authoritarianism.   


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