I have spent the past week reading a lot about Coronavirus and the official responses such as the lockdown and in some places, extreme legal lockdown.  What is becoming obvious is the incredible misinformation that is happening, and the difficulty of a lay person to figure out what the true story is concerning this whole pandemic.  Initial pandemic models predicted tens of millions of deaths and it is these predictions that our politicians used as the basis for the lockdown policies.  Like most people I put myself into isolation because it seemed the logical thing to do. 

The official story is that it was a virulent flu-like pneumonia kind of virus, but even the recently recognized mechanism of how they virus works is now being suppressed in order to prolong the lockdown.  There was a lot of news about the desperate need for medical protection and ventilators.  Then the news started leaking that the death figures were not anywhere as high as expected and doctors started going online to state that the symptoms were more related to barotrauma symptoms than pneumonia or flu, which required different treatments than were being given – ventilators may actually be harming more people than helping.  What really started to bother me was the idea that the WHO and other medical groups were trying to develop vaccines to combat the pandemic that would be legally enforced. 

At first, I thought this was mere conspiracy theory stuff, but the bigger story starts to get insidious.  The apparent billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates not only keeps working to promote failed projects with GMOs for corporate control, but also pushing vaccines as the cure for all ills on the planet (including Coronavirus).   Sounds all very noble, but one of the less publicized things coming is the proposal of a mandatory vaccination program to prevent future pandemics – I’m not convinced this is a real pandemic.  I keep reading about a new vaccine ready to come out this year, but vaccines do not get prepared that fast so what is being rolled out?   In a nutshell, once the vaccine is released we will all be required to get vaccinated for everyone’s good or be literally cut out of society unable to travel, get a driver’s license, or even be out in public unless you have been tagged with an electronic marker (that can be easily scanned from you) showing you have been vaccinated!  Deaths from Coronavirus have been no worse than your typical annual flu, but the pandemic created with Corona seems to have created a paranoia and fear that goes well beyond health and more into proposals for draconian restrictions with more control for the Cabalistic hierarchy.  If this sounds like I’m supporting some form of conspiracy idea, then so be it.  I am a dot connector and I have been connecting a lot of dots recently that show me a draconian control system being implemented and played out in real time right now! 

You see the world the way you see yourself.” Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. 

You can’t change what you don’t notice.  Most of you live in a world that you accept without question even if it isn’t one you like that much.  We have much fear, hate, and conflict that comes when people with rigid belief structures (about anything) try to impose their beliefs onto others.  You only have to look at nearly every war to see this in action.  Even an emperor who states, “I am your divine leader,” is rooted in a rigid belief that forces armies to go to war on the emperor whims.  These are all part of what I call the conditioning or the ‘cultural stories’ we take as absolutes.  Our personalities are a composite of all the negative and positive experiences we grew up with to create our belief structures that continue to create logical meaning for us in how we interpret all expectations and new experiences.  We seek validation for our beliefs everywhere.  Most of life (95%) is subconsciously obeying your cultural story that turns out to be limiting beliefs.   “If you think you can do a thing or can’t do a thing, you’re right” Henry Ford. 

 A Cultural Story is a very large tale we are taught, that we then teach our children, and that they then teach theirs.  It is about “how it is,” of “who we are,” of “the way things work,” and of the purpose of it all.  It’s the narration that we hear every day of our lives, in one form or another.  It is the Passed-Down Understanding, the Inherited Hypothesis of existence, the Standard Supposition, the Memory Myth.  It is a story that provides the foundation for our religions, as well as our political process, our economic system, and all of our social interactions. It influences our lives at every level: our courting and relationship rituals, our sexual mores, our mating and marriage models, our parenting approaches, our conditions of friendship…everything. 

In the last post I talked about morals formed from our beliefs and how they control us, and two in particular are sacredness and tradition morals that have created much conflict and separation among us.  I think it’s because folks know that blind acceptance to our cultural stories are the real problem. Yet it is a story that is sacred to them, an oft-told tale to which they fiercely adhere and which they do not intend to relinquish or abandon. To do so would seem to them to be abandoning their ancestors, devaluing their traditions, dishonoring their history.  We use all manner of logic and whatever we find in our stories to justify everything we do.    

The one thing Coronavirus has done for many of us is reveal the cracks in our cultural stories.  The stay at home has allowed many to reflect on their social systems and give them time to be conscious of what is going on.  Unless you are continuously binge-watching mundane episodes of sit-coms, you have the time to go and review independent media sources.  Go look up sites like ‘London Real’ or any that are not mainstream sources.  Mainstream sources merely reinforce the story.  Look for anything and do it with an open mind.  I even listen to interviews with David Icke and Alex Jones and then go through many other sources on the internet to disconfirm their conspiracy information, or not!  Be an independent thinker that is willing to challenge your cultural story.  It is up to you to think for yourself and then process what you are learning.  Remember in the Matrix films, Nemo takes the Red pill to open up his reality.  Not questioning the story is to take the Blue pill to remain in blissful Ignorance until a new hard reality drops on you.  Taking the Red pill reveals the painful truth and desire to change things.  Change will not be straight forward, but reflect on what you consciously see and what you would like to see change.  It’s not about who you vote for in the next national election – the politicians are all part of the same flawed cultural story, which is what needs changing, not just tweaks here and there in the existing story.  So, what is it going to take to change?  What’s it going to take to create an equitable and Sustainable society now?

To Be Continued…………. 


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