Geoengineering 2 – Playing the HAARP: High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.

The most prominent instrument at HAARP is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high-power radio frequency transmitter facility operating in the high frequency (HF) band. The IRI is used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere.  Sounds Innocuous doesn’t it?   According to the Patents associated with HAARP, the military experiments say it Read more…

VISION – How we focus on what we really Want 3

POPULATION, ECONOMICS, CHOICE and MORALITY                     I didn’t get to complete my thoughts on this in the last post because of a keyboard problem.  Countries that have invested in female education and family planning have demonstrated major drops in total fertility rates. Regardless of which counties are used as comparisons (e.g. Read more…

Wisdom of our ancestors 3

What makes the Leaver worldview unique is that it is completely community oriented.  Our current westernized culture thrives on competition, individualism, and reliance on authority to solve problems.  I need to be careful here – I am NOT condoning some Ayn Rand way of looking at the world, that is Read more…

Wisdom of our ancestors 2

The word Dominion as it is emphasized in the English language, influenced by orthodox Christianity, not surprisingly has come to be accepted as a type of rule over others.  Whether this is by a monarch, or by humans over nature, it implies absolute power over.  If you look at Dominion Read more…