If you want to understand any problem in [the world], you need to look at who profits from that problem, not at who suffers from that problem” Dr. Amos Wilson.  

A continuation of a fictional reflection by a hundred-year-old Espe from 2112 about the start and on-going movement of transformation to Sustainable Living.  I add clarification links and quotes as needed.

People in the twenty second century accept technology quite readily.  There were many radical die-hard environmentalists around the time of The Great Change (TGC) that insisted humanity had to return to a pre-industrial lifestyle to save humanity and the planet.  Indeed, some of the elite and governmental ‘green deals’ of the time seemed predicated upon this very idea for the mass of humanity so that the elites could retain their materialistic lives.  Of course, they didn’t explicitly say this in their agendas and policies, but reading between the lines that was what they wanted.  The plague of pollution on the planet was all because of a profit-first mentality with no real regard for planetary welfare.    

It really didn’t matter what technology we use since the base of any technology is having enough energy to accomplish tasks and manufacturing.  Before TGC all technology was based on the failed economic policies that had driven the economy.  While pure profit driven systems existed for decades, they were self-defeating as the problems they created (e.g. pollution and toxic buildups) started to build exponentially).  Although ecologically things were bad in 2020, they were not in crisis just then, but the elites tried to convince of a crisis to push their nefarious agendas.  After TGC, we hard to take a long hard look at the worldview that had driven our lives for centuries. Technologies that were more beneficial were ignored simply because ‘they cost too much’ to implement.  We finally accepted that it was our way of living in the world that was broken and the lack of ‘earth-wisdom’ and not technology per se.  

Humanity had been locked into a way of thinking that dictated technology that was implemented.  It came down to technology and profit versus technology to make our lives better.  That itself was a transformation in worldview.  We had to start seeing money as a way to make things happen and not as a end goal in itself – amassing money to gain control and security (see Thinking anew pt 4 {December 2021}).  Our engineering mind set of Heat-Beat-Treat (see links 1 and 2) was resistant to thinking any other way.  Even before TGC, innovation was seen in the Biomimicry concepts, but they were slow in being adopted on a global scale.  But as I just said, reliable energy generation and utility are central to technological innovation.      

The ’green deals’ all centered around reducing the primary sources from fossil fuels and just increasing the renewables of the time (i.e. wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal).  The problems surrounding these highly touted renewable energies of that time were the need to be clean, reliability, and cost effectiveness, especially in the economic paradigm prior to the TGC.  The renewable technologies back then were only clean in the generation of electricity, with the manufacturing set up and breakdown of the technologies being highly polluting, ecological destructive and wasteful.  They were not reliable enough for large scale grid systems as were used back then, and the infrastructure to use them was not as cost effective as fossil fuels.  The biggest problem was trying to use the renewables with an old mindset.    

Energy storage was a long-researched problem so that when energy was generated it could be stored when reliability of instant renewable generation dropped.   Storage systems, like Batteries, was beginning to improve but not for the large scale needed and batteries were not cleaner, just different, as they took up large amounts of metals meaning more destructive mining than ever.   Whether it was hydrogen, hydro-pump schemes, or batteries, all traditional renewable energy options (see, Changing the Paradigm: Part 2 {August 2020}) had major limitations when thinking large scale.  Geothermal was one of the only reliable heat and cooling systems but was not commonly used, certainly not large scale, and not a source of electricity.

What was needed was innovation on a scale unknown before and open to new ideas no matter how implausible they might seem.  There were some really new kinds of technology to come, but in 2030 we had to deal with the problems using traditional technologies controlled by corporate systems.  Until we freed ourselves of a profit first mentality we were under its control. A first decision by many different countries was to break-away from and scale down the national grid systems and localize power sources that were most appropriate for given areas.  I know in my area of Colorado, local municipalities broke away from corporate energy groups and began retrofitting old homes with renewable technologies like solar panels, micro-wind generators, geothermal heating and cooling, with some form of neighborhood low scale carbon boiler cooperative (e.g. wood chip).  At first, quite radical electrical conservation measures were needed before everyone got on board.  All new homes were required to be self-generating energy systems.  All this fed into local grids to ensure reliability of service.  There was a lot of complaining but once people recognized the benefits from relocalized systems, they were readily accepted.          

As I already alluded to, we no longer the heat, beat and treat technology as the pre-Covid tech was described.  Our technology today is as different from the technologies of the ‘industrial revolution’ with its wood and fossil fuel energy sources as that era was different from the ages of muscle power and sail.  We had some large-scale grid electrical for a couple of decades based on Thorium-salt reactors that superseded nuclear (Uranium) reactor electrical generation.  Hydrogen fuel became more popular as a transportation and energy storage option using the Thorium system.  We had electrical vehicles for a while but the ecological cost (e.g. excessive mining and waste) of batteries was seen as too high for a growing spiritual consciousness.

The changes started when we stopped believing the experts who were locked in on old thinking.  What really changed our world around 2040 was when previously held-back technologies from the corporate systems flooded the global market place. Most were based on technology that Nikola Tesla would have recognized.  In 2112, we have ‘quantum energy that is a way of harnessing the planets energy streams, and also utilizing what is known as zero-point energy (the vacuum energy of the universe).  Once we got past thinking that the technology of the pre-twentieth first century was the only kind of technology, we stared to understand technology that must have existed long ago when civilizations existed before the Younger Dryas geological period. (That was a contentious topic during the Covid era about human civilization having existed during and before the last age.)  

When humanity was allowed to think outside the box from corporate and Cabalistic control, we evolved in more ways than just technology.  But inexpensive energy was a key to our evolution and quantum-energy provided it.  Twentieth century quantum physicist, like Feynman and Wheeler, calculated that the amount of zero-point energy is huge (Fenyman is quoted to have said that ‘the energy in the empty space of a teacup has enough energy to boil all the world oceans’ – and yes, we still have teacups in the twenty second century). 

Other big technological changes, once we ignored the ‘experts,’ were the creation of polymorphic materials and metals that are influenced and molded by magnetic fields, electromagnetic fields, and cymatic frequencies controlled by basic artificial intelligence computer manufacturing.  We also use tertiary crystal oscillation technology in combination with cymatics that allows clean manipulation of materials without the need for dangerous or polluting chemistry and manufacturing processes. Then, Toroidal Energy-Flow Field Patterning Systems were developed.  We worked with nature rather than try to force it to our way of thinking – that made the big difference. 

TBC ………………..


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