A continuation of a fictional reflection by a hundred-year-old Esperanza (Espe) from 2112 about the start of the transformation to Sustainable Living.  I add clarification links and quotes as needed.   

You can argue all day about whether one person not using straws or going vegan makes a global difference. The point is the mindset. We need to change our thinking from this idea that the earth is a bottomless pit of resources and start acting like what we do matters. Changing the philosophy of cultures and societies starts with individuals changing their own hearts and minds. That’s the importance of grassroots action. It’s not that my composting will empty landfills of food waste, but my changed mind and heart may influence others, and that could spread and change the world Olga Evans

The transformation of modern humanity began in earnest before the start of the Covid Era with the economic problems of 2008 onwards.  This was a trigger for many just how corrupt and uncaring the control systems around the planet were towards the ‘common people.’  I recall one of my great granddaughters in 2098 laughing at one of my stories of the pre-transformation societies and the grossly unequal social systems that existed back then.  The Industrial Blight Era (IBE) seems unbelievable today, but a century can be a long time for the young people to realize just what those of us older than 90 experienced back then.  I was a young 10-year-old when the Covid Era began.  I still recall the fear of the first pandemic and the draconian lockdowns that were enacted to safeguard us.  I was lucky because I was home-schooled, as we called it then, by my parents.  So, while I didn’t feel the isolation as badly as many of my friends, I still recall the sadness of not being able to go out to play with them after they had finished regular school. 

The one thing that came out of the first Covid lockdown (2020 start) was the awakening of so many people to the reality of the controlling narratives of the world’s governments, run by the corporations and monetary elites.  It was at this time that tens of millions of people worldwide started looking more discerningly at the official narratives coming out of the mainstream media and the technocracies that were running them.  More and more, people started asking each other, “what’s going on? – something isn’t right anymore.”  The internet was a mess and it took a lot of self-control to seek out the true information from the many uninformed opinions and misinformation that were all too plentiful on the social media that was common back then. 

I remember my father teaching me to look at any subject from multiple perspectives and then to discern for myself what seemed rational and valid from what was simply confirmation bias to support an unquestioned belief.  My father was big into independent thinking that questioned everything, even when we agreed with something.  Once so many people started questioning things, there was shock and numbness at the many nefarious systems in place right under our noses that were coming to light.  It began the process of people demanding that the ‘systems’ running the world be cleaned up. 

The world’s population was split into two main fractions – the ‘true believers’ who still believed the mainstream narratives and the ‘doubters’ who started becoming more and more skeptical and demanding of truth and disclosure.  We had become so fixated on fixing our ecological problems through technology that most were incapable of realizing that it was a mindset that trapped us in the IBE, not our technology.  Yes, we kept thinking green technology would save us, but our salvation came from looking within ourselves, not looking outside ourselves.      

Even since 2012, all over the planet became tired of waiting for their governments to make decisions that would begin to solve environmental problems in the world. Communities across the westernized world decided that they wanted something better. As my father said, the world was going to change only when the westernized countries showed a different path from the consumer lifestyle that have dominated our westernized cultures since the industrial revolution.  And it around 2024 that so many people awakened to a reality they had not considered as they became aware of the controlling aspects of the lockdowns that precipitated the transformation. 

The memory of Covid lockdowns was still fresh in peoples’ minds when health officials and governments tried to instigate another lockdown for yet another pandemic scare.  This came on the heels of proposed global draconian rationing of food, all supplies, a personal carbon quota with major restrictions pushed by the climate catastrophe agenda, a global central bank digital currency system that tried to remove fiat money completely, and an Artificial Intelligence driven social credit system to keep us all compliant.       

At first it was highly contentious with the main contestation coming from public groups in every country against each other and not at the governments implementing the draconian actions.  So many remained compliant because they still believed it was all for the ‘common good.’  In retrospect we now see how it was a time of high manipulation by the global hierarchy, and it was also the crux of what caused the transformation.  We now know that it was a push by the Cabalistic hierarchy to drive us into enclaves dependent on the hierarchy.  Fortunately, enough of us realized it and responded in a way the hierarchy never predicted.  We could have fought each other giving the upper hand to the authorities, or we could just try something new and different.  Parallel societies had been around since the 1980s, but in the late 2020s they started to grow up everywhere.  While in some areas within countries there were literally revolutions, most of us by 2030 became independents within the global system and started our own community-based parallel societies.                 

If it proves impossible legally to compel the ruling power to change the ways it governs us, and if for various reasons those who reject this power cannot or do not wish to overthrow it by force, then the creation of an independent or alternative or parallel [society] is the only dignified solution…” “…the “independent society” does not compete for power. Its aim is not to replace the powers that be with power of another kind, but rather under this power – or beside it – to create structures that respect other laws and in which the voice of the ruling power is heard only as an insignificant echo from a world that is organized in an entirely different way” Ivan Jirous.  (see earlier posts, Thinking Anew – Parts 15-17 – Inflation, Parallel Society, and Transition Communities? Parts 1, 2, and 3 (March 2022).

In 2112, we find it amusing at how at-odds humanity had been with itself back then.  The real transformation came from how we interacted with each other.  We found ourselves having to rely on each other because of all the resource and food shortages and the economic shocks that made us look with deep introspection at how we lived!  It really was a chaotic time as change fell upon us.  Whatever social contracts had existed before were now up for complete renegotiation with all parts of our lives (see, Thinking Anew – Part 8 – Social Contracts and TRUST – part 1 {January 2022}).   

When people have to cooperate and trust each other you can either get contentious communities that eventually fail, or collaborative communities that thrive.  The difference?  What we found was that transformation happened when we demand respect and integrity from each other and our political systems!  It’s amazing what can happen when everyone feels respected!  The option to be true to our authentic selves with a personal code of ethics, honesty, respect, and integrity made it happen.  And that came as much from a new spiritual connection to life as much as anything else.  It changed the way we valued each other, life, and especially inappropriate technology that had been a driving problem with the IBE.  Of course, it wasn’t like flipping a switch and everything became better.  By 2030 much of humanity had set out a new course for living differently, but we still had stormy waters to navigate.   

To Be Continued ……………


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