We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus!  That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t.  We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities; we are eaten up by nothing” Charles Bukowski. 

During his early life, my father went through hell and turned out sane.  He was a product of his cultural upbringing, yet throughout his life he always remained an optimist.  My mother on the other hand was a permanent victim of her own imaginings.  She had a period of intense stress during and after WWII, but was always living in a mythical past and an anxious future.  Both my parents taught me a lot about how to live a life with meaning.  My father, especially in his own way, taught me to look at the future with positivity and hope regardless of what everyone around you was worrying about.  It wasn’t that bad things never happened to my father, rather it was his positive way of responding instead of simply reacting.  He always believed in a future that would be better – maybe naively, but quantum reality research shows this to be the most likely way that we as a species are literally co-creating the future we collectively focus upon.

In neo-linguistic programming (NLP) (see earlier post, Personal Sovereignty – Breaking Past the Control {October 2018}) I talk about how you can consciously rewire your brain to break out of unconscious old habits and to accept new beliefs and hence new behaviors.  In the 2015 film Tomorrowland the protagonist refuses to accept the world as it is, or as it seems to be unfolding, and consciously makes an effort to reimagine a new and better future.  That is the point we are at in this present time.  What imaginings do you have about the future? – dystopian ones, or ones more focused on improvements for all humanity, even if you think utopian ideals are too idealistic.  If you thrive on dystopian news and programming, don’t be surprised if your world seems to be getting darker – that’s how the puppet masters want you to be.  To break out of that programmed conditioning you need to consciously think about the world you want and then be aware of how you are reacting or responding to everyday triggers.  Being enlightened is not some mythical state reserved for some guru on some mountaintop, but simple awareness of life, and being mindful of how you are reacting with the conditioning or preferably responding with mindful recognition of the triggers in your life.  Then sustainability becomes a way of living for you and how you do things every second of every day.

What gets in the way is when you try to be perfect with expectations that cause you to self- blame for not being able to do everything to be absolutely sustainable.  That is hard in our modern society when everything seemed geared to consumerism.  When you first try to live a new way, you are more likely to subconsciously fear that others will take advantage of you.  It’s possible that they might, but to break a subconscious pattern-habit you need to actually live that new pattern-habit and be the example of better behavior and actions regardless of what others think.  That is also part of being enlightened – you don’t give a damn what others think as you do what you consider to be a better way of living.  I don’t say the ‘right’ way of living because that implies there is a right way instead of there being many better ways that honor life in general instead of conflicting with life. 

Once you start to determine your own path and stop playing the victim card, it is amazing how your whole approach to life changes.  You begin to stop reacting and to start listening more actively.  You can still have internal judgment but you don’t feel the need to offer any judgment – without judgment forcing your reacting you become happier – really!  Hearing words that you want to react to versus active Listening without having to react is a crucial tool for harmonizing.  We too often polarize and argue for a position to win rather than try to understand. Communication with consideration and kindness promotes understanding.  Becoming enlightened also means acceptance.  Seeing everything as it was and as it is, without having to build a whole story of victimhood around every incident that happens.  Instead of being fixated on roles with imposed sets of expectations, achievements and levels of success, you find peace in just Being.  You move past the Blame and begin to forgive others.  This closes the Blame versus Forgiveness loop problem, and with that acceptance you claim back your power, regardless of what happens. 

It’s not that you never lose you temper.  Triggers still hit you as people say things you want to react to, but being in your own power makes you respond with awareness as you see things with a clarity that would have once seemed impossible.  Active listening becomes normal as you consciously engage with what you are hearing without thoughts about reacting back at the antagonists.  There are so many great websites that promote a peaceful and sustainable way of living.  The United People Foundation out of Holland is one that is anti-cabal, yet promotes ideas to avoid victimhood, because victims react with fear.  Enlightened people respond appropriately with Love, unconditional Love that binds everything.  Yes, there is ‘romantic love’, but it is nearly always conditional.  I have said this many times and it is part of living more spiritually within the world (e.g., Spirituality {February 2018}).  “Love is misinterpreted as an emotion, in reality, it is a state of consciousness, a way of being in the world, a way of seeing oneself and others” David Hawkins.

As I started this post, I talked about the collective consciousness.  When we live ‘our truth’ then we set an example for others to live like us and we start to change the whole collective.  This is important, because when we collectively are driven to live in fear, the world moves into fear of every kind.  When we collectively move into Love, then the positivity of life becomes the norm we see and experience.  After several millennia of fear-driven living, I think we have learned enough about what has not worked.  It’s time to start exploring what kind of life unconditional Love can bring us.  When we reach a threshold where enough of us say ‘enough is enough’ then we will transition.  Amazing as it may seem with all the apparent negativity in the world, we are not that far from the threshold of transitioning.  You won’t hear it in the mainstream news but at this time, there are literally hundreds of millions of people awakening and becoming enlightened, and all are thinking that something needs to change.  Most are simply not aware of the magnitude of the numbers who think like they do but whose voices are not being broadcast in the mainstream media.   

We are already reading how sustainable energy technology is financially competitive, if not better, than fossil fuels, and a wealth of sustainable technologies are emerging into blossoming global markets.  The only problem is that the cabal still controls the global markets so that ecological damage will still persist until we, the common people’ take up the call to guide our own destinies instead of letting ourselves be controlled by forces that think monetary profit and power is the only arbitrator of success.  To paraphrase activist Jim Wallis, ‘Anyone can love peace, but [pick prophet of your choice] didn’t say, “Blessed are the peace-lovers.” It is “peacemakers” referring to a life vocation of peace, not a hobby on the sidelines of life.’

The only difference between people who are truly abundant and thriving spiritually, emotionally, romantically, financially, and professionally and those who are stuck, stagnated, and feeling they are missing out and living the same boring, depressed, and small life is that those who are truly abundant know their Purposes and are living them daily” Mastin Kipp.    

Categories: PowerVictimhood


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