“The ultimate, hidden truth of the world is that it is something that we make, and could just as easily make differently.” ― David Graeber.

I saw a cartoon this morning that showed lemmings as a flowing crowd leaping off a cliff.  One was trying to push back against the flow shouting that they should stop and look, as something wasn’t right!  This is how I feel many days and have for many years.  It has been nearly 60 years since Rachel Carson wrote a groundbreaking book (Silent Spring) exposing the dangers of chemical pesticides and the harm done to the natural world as well as agriculture and human food.  Yet, despite all these decades, and plenty of research done to show how the newer generations of pesticides are as bad and worse than what Carson warned, we are still plunging forward with apparent little regard for change. 

Most of us have gone through many courses in school and college that overview – usually in a doom and gloom fashion – all our ecological problems, but we still imitate the lemmings.  Many of us don’t believe the bullshit fed to us by the corporate propaganda machinery, yet sadly, many accept it as business as usual and so we keep all running at the abyss.  Disempowerment of the masses to drive complacency and acceptance is the name of the game, and all in the name of profit and control.  The result has been a constant victim mentality as the elites get their way at our expense.       

As the Graeber quote above states, it takes all of us to have allowed this dysfunctional mindset to be where it is today, and so we can change it is we really want to.  Mystic Manly P. Hall asked, “How do we live with more Balance, Love and Beauty in our lives?”  A simple question and one that I’m sure resonates with many.    There is no one right way to live.  We know deep down in our being what our preferred way is, but we allow the disempowered victim mentality to guide us as a crowd down dark paths to the abyss that we would never do alone.  The elites prefer that we feel trapped by their system, so we do not challenge it.  Our life goal should be to see our own potential and to live to achieve it. 

It’s not about saving the world by yourself.  The first step to action should be to find your own authenticity.  Once you find your center, then you can act like a beacon of hope for others to find theirs.  Changing the world is not a battle against evil forces working to control you.  It’s about your own thoughts, intentions, and actions.  Change yourself and others will be drawn to the light of hope you have become.  ‎You did not come here to fix or repair a broken world. You did come here to create a new one through.  The dark chaos in the world is obvious to everyone, yet the authentic person sees the bigger picture and recognizes that it isn’t about saving the world and all of the people in it from the shadows, control, and manipulation.   That’s how the controllers keep us within their system.     

A better world based on Love, harmony, kindness, and compassion begins with each one of us.  All of these aspects are spiritual aspects, but as Brene Brown believes, spirituality needs to be a central part of organizing a new system of living.  As the title of this series of my posts’ states, it is about spirituality, service and connection.  And NO, it is not about religion or some hippy Kumbaya around a campfire in some rustic off-the-grid commune.  It’s about the life you are living now BUT with a completely different set of values for decision making and for what is desired as a population of authentic people living their dreams!  We embody what we want to create and hold it within our hearts as we compassionately cooperatively for the benefit of everyone and everything.  We will do it with a deep understanding, appreciation, and gratitude for the incredible wonders of the world and our place within it.

It’s a subtle change that sparks authenticity, yet it is a profound one that changes you.  The illusion of separation is how the controllers do their work.  They have spent millennia doing it so you feel as if everything is outside of you and are alone in the universe – it’s why so many (most) see themselves as victims of a cold, callous, mechanistic universe.  And why wouldn’t they, it’s how we have been conditioned within the scientific materialistic mindset that led to the consumer paradigm we so readily accept as the current way to live.  Many are filled with anger at all the worlds injustices and deep feelings of indignation and righteousness.  But it is really as I have said many times, that is how the controllers keep us within their system.  How many times have populations gone through major revolutions of governmental change only to end up with the different leaders but still in the same old system?  (I explain this more in a previous post The Hierarchy 1 {February 2018}. 

Now is the time for the visionaries, the creators, and the change makers to get to work on building the new. We don’t want to build our new world based on old ways of thinking.  Instead let us birth a reality that is completely unrecognizable to the one we see before us.  In order to create harmony and peace on Earth we must first create it within ourselves” Jessica Rosalie.

Another maxim I often quote in this blog is, ‘The elites need us, but we don’t need them.’  Stop trying to stop, convert, or crush the existing system.  That just perpetuates the victimhood.  Like Nelson Mandela practiced, we change the system and then forgive those with reconciliation that wish to join our new system.  We cannot create a new world and heal everything with hate and suffering.  Change must come through Love and Compassion, as we work together by healing ourselves and then our society. 

One reason people are so resistant to change is because they focus on what they have to give up, instead of everything they have to gain.  We need now to take stock on what we are losing versus what we will gain from taking charge of our own destinies and quietly, yet purposefully, begin change that meets our needs, and not those of any hierarchy that need us to continue their agenda of control and monetary wealth consolidation.   We don’t need them to empower us – that’s just hegemony anyway.  We need to empower ourselves and everyone around us.  True change is like a Tsunami.  It doesn’t look much at first when out at sea, but from its birth as a seismic shock, it moves outward and as it confronts the land, it rises to make its presence and sweeps away the old.  The seismic shocks signaling true sustainable living are already happening and a Tsunami of change has already begun and it is moving already.   Are we ready to join it and make it happen?  Now is a time of action before the wave passes us by.

“There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long-range risks of comfortable inactions” John F. Kennedy.  


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