I have been reading a lot these past few months, on all kinds of media (Left, Right, Mass, and Alternate), about something called the ‘Great Reset.’  This ‘Great Reset’ agenda sounds OK on the surface until one looks more closely at what is being said and who is saying it.  We tread a razors edge between handing over all our power to the Hierarchy (Cabal, Oligarchs, 0.01%, Corporate Globalists, etc., take your pick) to run the world as they see fit for their needs, or actually making our own choices for what a sustainable world looks like to benefit us, the masses.  Anything from the far left or the far right is basically the same message, just different big talking heads promoting derisive division, polarized ideals, and openly stated agendas that the only solution for humanity is to live in a one global government that controls everything for our benefit.  A new world is literally before us, but is it a Nova Renascentia of individual sovereignty and social collaboration or a new Dark Age of Feudalism (think Hunger Games).  

Any thoughts of going back to life as it was in 2019 is now just a memory.  Everything has been changing for decades but now we are seeing the final struggle in the natural transition to a different way of living.  I think we have 2-3 years more of major chaos before the majority of us figure out the reality of what is going on.  We currently live in a Patriarchal society that is now breaking down.  This can be seen as a kind of a structured obedience society where authority is seen as absolute in the hierarchy.  When you see the growing numbers of female leaders now in the world, you will also notice that the societal structure is less hierarchical and starting to become more collaborative. What I have been reading about and observing is a rise in the role of the feminine not just in political and corporate roles but in the more androgenous psychological roles of men and women overall.  The genders are not changing per se and it’s not that we are moving into a matriarchy.  What is happening is that we are becoming more aware and freely accepting of our previously denied androgenous characteristics to feel comfortable in expressing both feminine and masculine aspects (e.g., it’s now becoming OK for women to be more assertive and men to be more emotional expressive overall).  I think this is an important part of the Nova Renascentia I talk about, as much as about a new way of living in the world with more compassion and empathy towards each other and all life on Earth.     

How this ‘Great Reset’ plays out is completely dependent on what we are willing to accept in the months and years ahead.  It is more than probable that a total economic collapse will occur before 2024.  We almost lost the economy back in 2008, but the banks had us bail them out to stop the crash that would have resulted, because the banks were literally too big to fail.  The banks didn’t change how they were functioning, and that business-as-usual attitude of Casino Capitalism is failing again, especially in these times of Covid global lockdowns during 2020-2021.  We currently have from Covid over $18 trillion of debt being paid with negative interest.  The big guys get all the profits and we pay all the interest, but so many workers have no jobs, or now have less paying jobs.  So, how are we, the masses supposed to pay all this interest?                    

The debauched economy we take for normal has to continually grow to pay the continually growing debt, hence the obsession with growth. But what happens in this pandemic when the workers are laid off and the growth stagnates, we get deflation.  The massive corporate systems and the big delivery to-your-door retailers like Amazon did well, but what about the small and mid-sized businesses?  Back in the 1980s, Buckminster Fuller in his book ‘The Grunch of Giants’ said that this economy was really a ‘Gross Universal Cash Heist’ by the banks.  The patriarchal hierarchy do not want to lose their grip on power and during 2020 expressed their solution to this present deflation as the reason we need their ‘Great Reset’ (e.g., Comments from the Head of the World Bank, Speakers at Davos, Head of Goldman Sachs), which if you read closely talks about a single world banking system with one single currency.  A continuation of the monopolistic currency we live in with a one world government calling all the shots.  Much like the ‘Georgia Guidestones’ (See previous post Signpost to a Sustainable Future, or … a Subversive Con?  The Georgia Guidestones! {June 2018}) sounds good on the surface but is really the next step to a feudal society. 

We have this plague of fake virtue at the moment.  Its main focus is to get conformity from the masses.  The true believers sincerely think they are being virtuous by shaming and lambasting those who dare to question such conformity, or heaven forbid, think individually.  We need individuals more than ever, but we also need those individuals to collaborate and cooperate with each other for the common good.  But we have to be on guard against fake virtue that exemplifies the common good over the individual good – that kind of righteousness was a rallying cry of both the Nazi and the Communist parties of the 20th century.  And, dare I say it, also with the lock-downs against C-19 this past 10 months of 2020 and into 2021.  (The road to hell is paved with good intentions – The goody-two-shoes are the thieves of virtue, paraphrased fromConfucius.)  

Now you might be saying,” How can we live without the capitalist economy?”  Simple answer, quite easily.  We stop the uphill siphon of value to the hierarchy and instead keep it more localized (see earlier post The world Economy – are we really doing better?  Measurement is everything! {Aug 2018}).  We all produce the economy and so we all should share the economy equitably.   That begs another discussion – How? But for now, it is about what kind of ‘Great Reset’ do you want to see.  One that gives all power to the hierarchy and crushes humanity or one that begins another kind of economy and set of life choices that works for you and everyone else.  The reset is coming whether you want it or not, so now is the time to choose.  Buckminster Fuller framed it simply as a critical Path choice that says, “Do for all others as you want for yourself.”  It’s about being an individual in a true community.  And wherever you live, it’s about starting to create a community, not just a neighborhood – something I have talked about for years (e.g., earlier post Relocalization and Community {Jan 2018} and Centralized versus Decentralized Living 2 – Economic Considerations {Nov 2019}).

Individual sovereignty is paramount to a better world.  Yet, individuals must work cooperatively for the successful inclusion of the whole.  Curiously, despite what current business economists might say, early economist Adam Smith envisioned this kind of world in his books about capitalism (e.g., earlier post Economics and Well-Being 1 {Jan 2018}).  It’s the difference between a dog-eat-dog world and a caring more balanced paternal-maternal and cooperative world.  It’s a new world based on what you believe is fair and right, or what you are being told to do.   

To Be Continued …………………….


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