“You are not responsible for the programming you received in childhood.  But as an adult, you are 100% responsible for fixing it.”  Tiny Buddha.com

Laying down new neural pathways is a key to reprogramming our brains (see previous post VISION – How we focus on what we really Want 4).  A question I often ask as a trigger to provoke thinking for change is “what kind of world do you want to live within?”  You make that choice by your actions. You can complain as much as you want but if you do not actually make changes then don’t expect to see any changes that you want.  You might think about and want to live on a world of Love, Compassion and Collaboration, but if your actions are of judgment, fear, and competition within a broken consumerist system it won’t happen.  That awareness choice is the first and most crucial one – the feeling and the thinking of the choices you want to make and actually doing them.  Release, guilt, fear, judgment, and limitation.  At the moment we use our collective thinking to create this dystopian system we live within or we allow others to make those decision for us.  When we make our own personal decisions to improve our lives then we shouldn’t be surprised if everyone around us feels inspired to join us in creating a better world.  

You have been conditioned to have every single difference and characteristic stand out – it is what creates separation and disconnection from each other where competition is used to maintain that separation.  Then make that separation more complete by emphasizing how humans, by virtue of their ability to use technology, are conquerors of nature.  Decades ago, in his unique series ‘Cosmos,’ Carl Sagan warned us that an organism at war with itself is doomed.  We are at a point in human development where a unique awakening of consciousness is happening: One where we are seeing that one Gaia is how the world really works.  Yes, there is competition in nature, but it is more often a part of a symbiotic collaborative interaction of the whole local ecosystem rather than a winner takes all concept.            

A lot of what keeps us bound in conditioned thinking is assumptions derived from the conditioning.  There is an old joke: Be careful of the word ASSUME – it makes an ASS of U and ME.  We get so wound up in living ‘our stories,’ which inevitably are the drama’s we create for ourselves, that we believe that we are powerless to create change for ourselves.  We need to stop living through ‘Victimhood (the rational of being a victim of circumstances)’ and accept that we make the choices, even when we abrogate those choices, about what we accept and don’t accept in our lives.  Once we accept responsibility for ourselves things change.  You truly have full ‘Sovereignty and free will’ over your life.  Look at the reasons you choose to remain a victim – they are all reasons from the conditioning.  The consumer worldview is really an  addiction to crisis and drama and fear of not having enough of everything.  We talk about respect for ‘authority’ but it often more of a forced compliance based on fear.  I respect a wild bear and its cubs if they are near me.  That is sensible fear to not place myself in between the mother and it cub.  I do not fear if you like my blog or not.  If you like it great, but if you don’t then you don’t have to read it.  I don’t make it a condition of who I am that you have to like it.  Most of the consumer mentality comes out of fear of being different even as it creates separateness – that is the weird contradiction of this mentality.  Addition of guilt and anxiety to this kind of fear allows marketers and other controllers to manipulate our thinking.  Self-worth in the consumer system is derived through being accepted by others.  When you value who you are and stop wanting others to validate you then you become free.  If you fret over not having enough likes on your social media or not key ‘contacts’ don’t like you then you are not free to be the real you.   Once you escape the illusion, you will start to realize that the illusion contains a lot of incredibly false assumptions.  The biggest being that there is scarcity in the world

We need to accept that we have enough resources for everyone and can live harmoniously with the natural world.  The awakened voice of the people is the power of transformation.  We know we cannot rely on standard politicians to make the changes we know need to happen – they are too bought into the system to want, or be able, to change it.  And for sure, we know that big money through corporations and the Cabalistic hierarchy do not want the people to make decisions for themselves.  We know that we are a collaborative species but allow ourselves to be bamboozled into separation and competition from the illusion of resource lack.

Our thinking is mostly unconscious.  The flawed maxim that we only use 10% of our brain is really referring to our consciousness.  So much of what we do everyday is on unconscious autopilot.  We drift through each day with this constant voice chattering away in our head reliving every hurt, lie, and negative experience from our past and then extrapolate all that crap into an assumed future.  Yes, but what about all the good memories?  Those good past experiences are there but we do this wonderful trick of dwelling on them with the anxiety that they are rare experiences and may not happen in the future.  When we start using metacognition and being aware of everything NOW and look forward with optimism and empowerment, we can envision a new future that is far different from the fearful one the mass media and current collective consciousness take as an assumed one.  We can create a new consciousness and with it create a new story in which to live – a story of Compassion, Love and Collaboration.  Change the assumptions and you change the programming – you become enlightened in many ways about the reality of the world.  Act on the new programming and the sustainability changes you want will happen.               


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