“When you complain, you make yourself a victim.  Leave the situation, change it, or accept it.  All else is madness.”  Eckhart Tolle. 

Regular readers of this blog will understand why I concentrate on the communication of topics around Sustainable Living and the social community perspective rather than simply writing about the technological aspects of sustainability.  Most blogs about sustainability talk about green technology and our need to change but do little to delve deep into why we have so much trouble changing our thinking.  Despite our fervent desire to live a sustainable lifestyle we continue to be completely disempowered and hopeless about actually doing anything about it.  That is why I often focus on the reasons and techniques in which we are controlled by an insidious elite hierarchy to remain ‘victims’ instead of fighting for the changes we desire.  One of the greatest problems we face is that most of us at heart are highly trusting, and as such we project that trust out into the world.  We have a difficult time believing that there is a small controlling psychopathic elite out there that would actually want to hurt and enslave us, make us go to war and kill, and perpetuate a world of hate and fear with separation to disempower us.   

When I first stepped away from being a biomedical researcher to study communications and then more about sustainability, I was naïve.  I believed the scientific paradigm I had been taught. I had always been an avid reader of all things scientific and subscribed to numerous science magazines and science journals to keep abreast of what was going on in the broader scope of science.  I thought that simply helping people understand the science would make the difference for choices to go sustainable.  It was one of the reasons that I went back to graduate school to learn more about education and communications.  My greatest personal education and awakening came when I started to read more deeply outside the mainstream into peer reviewed science that had been marginalized and then further into more esoteric science and spiritual (not religious) teachings.  (I had long ago studied world religions and especially the roots of Christianity.)  Many years along I now see a world very different from most people. 

I don’t particularly like the word ‘brainwashed’ but it does state what has happened to us, especially over the last 200 years.  (Defn: to make people believe only what you want them to believe by continually telling them that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching them.)  This definition implies we are forced against our will to behave the way we do (as hyper consumers) but the insidious nature of our conditioning is that we choose to be this way – to consciously live our lives as victims – materialistic and full of fear, hatred, rage, sorrow, jealousy, and envy, with occasional short term interjections of happiness and joy so we don’t all become too depressed at the sad state of the world we willingly help create.  We didn’t just arrive at the state we are in; we were carefully manipulated to be this way over generations.  I have written about this control repeatedly in this blog.

Another aspect of this control is Entrainment.  The science of psychology uses the term entrainment in at least three different ways: 1) Brainwave synchronization where the dominant EEG frequency (electroencephalogram measures the brains electrical activity) is stimulated by an external stimulus (such as music, sound, or light); 2) Bio musicology), the synchronization of organisms to an external created rhythm such as music; and  3) chronobiological adjustment of the biological clock and other cyclic systems such as solar and lunar related rhythms (biological rhythms).  It occurs naturally but can be influenced.  In number 2, think about how you feel in a dance club or at a movie with powerful music that sets up the emotional response in synchronization with the plot being portrayed.  Indigenous tribes have long used drumming and dancing as ways to celebrate specific spiritual rituals.  In number 3, we find that our natural rhythms are controlled by the seasons and settings.  In number 1, the mind connects to sounds that affect it greatly by synchronization with the rhythms.  Until relatively recently in human history, natural sounds and music were not manipulative, but as simple as noises in a forest or chants in a monastery.   Ceremonial chambers acoustically tuned to specific brainwave frequencies have been found dating back to the Bronze Age, and the ancient Greeks used flickering sunlight shining through a spinning wheel to induce altered states.   As you may gather, entrainment can be really useful in helping us connect to the natural world and also to each other and our cultural and spiritual connections.  Like most things, however, it does have a negative use when placed into the hands of those who want us subdued and malleable to suggestions that are not of the highest benefit for everyone.

Physicist Christiaan Huygens, in 1665, first discovered the phenomenon of entrainment while experimenting with pendulums.  He set several pendulums in motion with different swings and left them.  When he returned the next day, the pendulums had all the same swing – they had all synchronized with each other.  The results make more sense when you look at the world as a collection of electromagnetic frequencies that interrelate with each other.  If you are at a dance club and just sitting on the side while everyone else dances, you will still probably feel the beat of the music and synchronize to it. The beat has that effect, it entrains the brain into a specific state.  This can happen with a pulsing sound, light, or specific electromagnetic field. The pulses elicit the brain’s ‘frequency following‘ response, encouraging the brainwaves to align to the frequency of a given frequency. Indigenous tribes used to do this while dancing to the beat of drumming.  Indeed, if you get a hundred people in a room beating randomly on a drum, after a few minutes you will notice that a hardly heard dominant drum beat now leads the chorus of the rest of the drums in that room. 

When used positively, entrainment is commonly used to induce many brainwave states; such as a trance, enhanced focus as in learning, relaxation, meditation or sleep induction. Brainwave entrainment effectively pushes the entire brain into a certain state (see prior post TRANSFORMATION NOT REFORMATION – Reclaiming our Power is a Spiritual Transformation NOT a Mental One about specific frequencies of the brain at various low frequencies).  I’ll continue why this is important in the next post, but suffice to say, its importance in encouraging a population to act as docile sheep should not be underestimated.    

To Be continued……………… 

Categories: ControlEntrainment


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