About a week ago I posted on Facebook a cartoon from ‘Collectively Conscious.’ In it a young boy asks his mother, “Why do we have wars?”  The mother answers, “Because we are ruled by an elite group of psychopaths who own the banks that control the government and the media.  They fund both sides of war for profit and they manufacture consent of the public through the propaganda of the media.”

Today’s blog is less than a positive view because I need you to understand that if we do not follow our own positive visions for a sustainable future, the Cabalistic hierarchy will drag us down to a new feudal system.   It is about collapse and feudalism or expansion and a choice for a better world.  If you are reading this blog then you have already made a decision to expand your perspectives, even if you may not agree completely with all that I may have to say.  Denial and/or ignorance of what is happening is the biggest problem.

The system is set up to keep us from questioning what is happening.  We are driven into our left brains by the constant messaging from the mainstream.  The right side – intuition and creativity is also greatly suppressed.  The left side is our egoic side that grounds us in the illusion of materialism.  It is also the side that collects and logically analyzes information that we see everyday.  The right side is our spiritual side and connection to the universe.  Even Einstein recognized that an intuitive mind is a major form of intelligence.  All major scientific breakthroughs happen through the right brain.  But the right brain also sees connections that are not always logical and this aspect is one that the controllers would rather we not use (see previous posts on creativity).  The right brain allows us to clearly perceive possibilities and their potential reality before they actually exist. The right brain allows us to connect the dots.   Just keep remembering that the hierarchy does not really want a sustainable world while they can control us through the current dystopian model.  This is the dynamic aspect we are always struggling against – what we have now versus what we would like to see happen.

You might ask how the mainstream media ensure you are always distracted from alternate perspectives and to stay in our left brain, that curiously is also responsible for the lower energy thinking and the bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy (survival).  Fear keeps us in survival mode and the mainstream do a wonderful job of maintaining fear as a focus.  When you start connecting the dots, look carefully for the outcomes that seem to be happening.  We clearly recognize overt control in the form of tyrannical behavior from the hierarchical elite, but we do not recognize when this control is buried in something as innocuous as our mythology of mother culture and the everyday goings-on of our lives.  Just notice for instance how Donald Trump is front and center of almost everything in our lives.  What did he do today, what did he tweet, or what has he said lately. The reality show called Trump is all consuming.  Occasionally, we get options to watch things like the Royal Wedding, but what you miss is what is really going on around the world that the controllers are doing.  It’s like watching a magician and focusing just on where the magician wants you to watch while sleight of hand manipulates the trick.  Trump is todays showman keeping us focused away from real truth.  The more outrageous he is the more we remain distracted.  Behind the curtain, the ‘wrecking crew’ known as congress on the U.S. or parliament in Britain, enacts a host of legislation to promote elite agenda’s, or repeals of constitutional rights and public service programs, that the public consent to though lack of critique of what is happening.

Globalization has been the deliberate centralization of power in every area of our lives.  Corporations are NOT the source of globalization, but merely the vehicle in which it can occur.  Running on the Myth of FREE TRADE and tickle down economic insanity, the human and natural systems we take for granted are collapsing under the weight of human greed, stupidity, apathy, and fear.  None of this is a mystery.  If the majority of people could tear themselves away from sports, gameshows, electronic joy, and the spectacles that the mainstream throw at us they would see that everything that is happening is not secretive – the hierarchy actually publish their agenda in open forums!!!  In the early-1990s I was searching through the still relatively new public internet and came across a website from a neo-con conservative ‘think-tank’ (the American Enterprise Institute) in which most of today’s top neo-con movers and shakers were involved.  It had a list of objectives to remove ALL social safety nets, and to essentially return to the good old days of the U.S. Robber Barons of the 1870s.  In 1997 it was published under the name of ‘Project for a New American Century.’   In other western countries there were similar documents published, because the puppet masters are globally focused.  The people involved with these think-tanks are now heads of various governments or behind the scenes advisers.  Many are also central members of the ‘Bilderberg Group.’   As long as we stay quiet, they simply do what they want and the Cabal manipulates them.  They can only succeed because we let them – unwittingly it seems because they control what the majority see and hear every day.  They spin the illusions of modern life and keep us fed with information that depress people enough to make them shrink away in fear and feel unempowered.

“With so much negativity and feelings of fear around us how can we possibly face our fears with courage?  I think our confidence begins with here, like anything else in life, once we become aware of how fear creeps in, we can begin to change our relationship with it. We can use it to our own benefit, and we can transform how we view it, leaving us feeling much more empowered, courageous, and in control.  You can handle so much more than you think. Use your fear as a big stepping stone for growth.” Michelle Maros.

Becoming awakened is more than a spiritual journey, it is about seeing the world as it is, as it can be, and your role in making it the wonderful place it ought to be.  When you accept the dumbing down as normal, then you accept the world the Cabal give you.  If you choose to break out of the illusion then a whole set of new realities become possible.  Fear keeps you in the illusion.  Fear comes in many guises from will I be liked fear, to losing your job or life.  Fear serves a purpose if you are faced by a roaring lion or bear, but today we fear things that are illusionary and the Cabal capitalize on this to control the masses.  When you think freely and face your fears, you will see them for the shadows they mostly are.


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