This post is a play-day for me to explain some esoteric ideas.  If we can accept for a moment that the spiritual reality may be real and that this material existence is the illusion (a simulation) what can we uncover from knowledge found in shamanic cultures and ancient mystery schools?  Paganism (spiritual beliefs not a part of orthodox Christianity) is actually a set of beliefs that mirror Gnostic beliefs, and many of these beliefs sysems (many ancient) comment on physical life as an illusion.  How did they know?  All the great mystics throughout recorded history used stories to explain what is in essence incomprehensible by the human mind.  Just consider eternity or infinity – yes, we can think about them but actually grasping them gets mind-boggling.  I’m don’t claim to be a mystic, but from many years of esoteric study, I can try and explain what I perceive is going on and how we can reconsider ourselves differently to recreate a wonderful world we want to live in instead of this dystopian world that is quickly becoming a nightmare from which we want to escape.

As I stated in my previous post ‘’a simulation theory’ time and space are actually illusions of this simulation.  The late Stephen Hawking and James Hartle of the University of California Santa Barbara, proposed that space and imaginary time exist together in this universe.  That is, both scientists commented that space and time are part of the illusion we think of as real  As Hawking said, “Imaginary time may sound like science fiction, and it has been brought into Doctor Who. But nevertheless, it is a genuine scientific concept.”  So outside of our space time is a no-space, no-time, which is where our energy selves ‘live.’  So, what is this simulation we experience all about.  From many years of esoteric study, the following story is my simple summation of what may be happening.  This simple story I am going to relate here sounds quite fanciful, but I hope it brings home some understanding about some of the complexity of this simulation we call life.  Here goes….

Imagine a singularity that exists infinitely in no-space no-time.  This singularity is pure energy and consciousness.  It is the alpha and the omega, it is all-that-is.  It is the source of everything and is everything – it is simply pure LOVE and pure LIGHT. (Call it what you will.) This consciousness knows it is perfect and just is, yet its perfection knows nothing else.  IT decides to play a game to look at itself from outside of itself, to know its own perfection by observing what is not perfection.  It isolates a part of itself in to a quadtrillion (an almost infinite number) pieces with specific boundaries for many simulations running at multiple levels.  One of these simulations happens to be our universe – a simulation with a start and finish, and specific rules (physical laws) that control the working of the simulation.  We are just some of the quadtrillion sparks of the divine that exist within the various levels of other larger simulations that exist alongside this one – as light beings we can be are involved in more than one simulation (we are multidimentional).  For the sake of argument let’s say there are ten main levels, with the first being the source itself – the all-that-is.  Then as we move down the levels (none is better or worse) the vibrational frequency becomes slower and consciousness becomes less complex so that each is really a level of learning about consciousness.  As a divine spark learns what consciousness is at the lower level, it evolves by moving up in higher lfrequency to another level.  For this story, let’s say that we exist as incredible light beings at the sixth level (our higher self), and one aspect is that we are involved with learning more about ourselves by being a part of a simulation at the lower physical third level (the physical self).

Imagine that you are one of these wonderful light beings looking for new things to learn because that is what is all about – a journey of learning as you grow and increase your vibration to move up the levels back towards the source.  As you wander the mutiverse, you come across a strange and wonderful lower level three dimensional and difficult school called the Earth.   Along with many other light beings, you observe what is happening on the Earth level.  In one ancient Earth scene you see a pirate doing shocking, horrendous things, that to you as a loving light being you find incomprehensible. Yet, you are fascinated with observing another light being exhibiting behavior so hateful and evil to another light being that it prompts you to ask the organizers of this school how this could be so.  The director of this part of the earth program asks if you would like to experience a role as a pirate to learn the answers for yourself.  You say yes but cannot comprehend how you could achieve such evil.   As a being of Love and Light, you just know that you will always respond with Love and Compassion – it’s just who you are, and yet, every soul in the Earth school is like you.  The director says a scene is coming up that requires a light being to make a part of it join with a physical being in this school.  You agree to become a pirate – what an opportunity to learn about something you are not, even if you initially cannot understand how this will be done.  The director prepares you for the being a physical being and goes over the scene you will play in, and with a rough script in mind helps you enter the body of a baby destined to become a pirate later in life.  A law of the universe is that you have total free will.

You enter this baby and see through its eyes a world of physical reality that is unique and so different you’re your light body existence  – it is quite an exquisite experience.   While you only have the five human senses that seem so restrictive, the sensations you can have as a physical being are wonderful.  You’ve still no idea of how you could become so evil, but you play along.  After all, the director did tell you that you will have no knowledge of yourself as a higher-level light being, except for a deep yearning for love you cannot explain.  Because of circumstances from your harsh childhood you grow up to become a nasty and unloved child and an even worse adult, reacting negatively to anyone that crosses your path.  You are so consumed by greed, hate and fear, you lash out at everybody who dare challenge you.  Yet, somewhere at the back of your mind there exists a desire to be loved, yet it was denied to you by your family, friends and even strangers who judged you harshly in that scene making you react negatively.  You eventually become a pirate and become even meaner, hateful and evil with no thought about anything but desire for physical materialism – all your relationships are awful, unloving and untrusting.  One day you die in battle and are instantly out of the scene.  All your knowledge of your self as a light being returns, but you are absolutely horrified and judgmental of yourself for having being such a negative person in that life.  How could that have happened?  How could you have allowed yourself to be such a person?  Then you wonder what must it have been like to be on the receiving end of such barbarity that you perpetrated on others?  The director suggests you go back in another scene to understand what that feels like in a physical body.  You happily agree again.  Such incredible learning, and you will try to respond with Love and Compassion this next time.  You are reborn again with amnesia of your true essence as a future sailor that will run afoul of pirates and die a horrible death at their hands.  Along the way, you will again interact with other souls through relationships, yet for some reason you hurt a lot of people emotionally because of anger and fear derived from another harsh childhood with a family living in poverty.  In the last scene as a pirate you lived the high live while it existed, so a life of poverty is also a lesson.  Once you exist the scene again, you talk again with the director, you discuss how much you reacted from your egoic physical self.   You went in with the greatest intention to be a good and loving person even if you had to experience such barbarity and negativity, but as an incarnate human you simply reacted to events using negative emotions instead of trying to understand them.  The part you played was just that, a scene part – you don’t identify with it in any way as a light being, yet you recall that when you were within the scene, it was your physical identity reinforced by an Ego that drove your reactions.  The Ego is what the physical being uses to manage the physical world.

Naturally, you and all the others ‘souls’ you incarnate with in each of the scenes have a lot of learning to do in understanding and coming to terms with the harsh things you have done to each other.  All this is just part of your reactions that occurred inadvertently within each scene – what the director of your scenes called Karma.  It is not retribution, but simply something that needs to be learned.  If you were a slave master in one scene that was brutal to a specific slave, then in another scene you would experience what that slave felt so you would understand the lesson that experience gave.  The souls goal is to respond to each event with understanding through love and compassion and not simply react through emotional habit.  Although every event is a learning lesson whether is it a happy or nasty event.  Now imagine how much goes on in each scene, but how much you have learned about simply reacting without trying to understand.  After many endless scenes, your understanding and soul growth of consciousness have been elevated to a point such that when you now incarnate into another scene you actually are able to understand each experience as it occurs and begin to respond with Love and Compassion and not reactionary Fear, regardless of what the experience brings.  Even greed (the fear of lack) goes away, and you no longer react as you had done so many times before.  Even in amnesia, you recognize your human self as another expression of the divine.  Although you still do not recall any existence as a light being you feel the love and beauty of the divine breaking though the veil of forgetfulness to guide you.   Eventually, you will graduate from the Earth school, grateful for all the incredible learning and soul growing you had gained.

My favorite modern mystic Michael Roads has this to say about life:

“From the moment of birth we are inundated with illusion. Our parents live in and believe that life is the way it is – illusions. Their parents believed in the illusions of life, and their parents, on and on for countless generations. So the odds are very strong that each generation will be saturated in illusions, taking all the deeper meaning out of themselves and their lives.”

“The creative power of unconditional Love plays a very important role in piercing the illusion. Love is perceived as an emotion, but this is not so. Love is the power of creation. It is said that ‘God is Love’ which is true. And it is Love that created the world – not an emotion. Love is existence itself, it’s what we are; the frequency that links us all to each other, to Nature, to our world and to our relationship with our eternal divinity.

After that fanciful post, which I hope you realize is probably not that fanciful, it gives a gist of what could be happening.  The multiverse is so much more complex than our minds can comprehend.  More to come about how we bring Love to our lives to heal our connections to the world and each other.  This is in order to live more spiritual lives together that bring our souls intentions to this reality.  Obviously, reincarnation was a theme of this story and it is for EVERY religion and spiritual tradition  – even Christianity, although not from the orthodox teachings (it was expunged) but true for the Gnostic teachings!   More validation to come…

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