“Remember, everything is right until it’s wrong. You’ll know when it’s wrong” Ernest Hemingway.

In the film ‘The Matrix’ The hero Neo takes the red pill and awakens from his illusion of the consumer lifestyle to find himself in a dystopian ruined world run by artificial intelligence. He is the singular savior of the whole plot. Just like the super heroes of the comics and movies we come to see that it always the special individual that comes to save us – while entertaining I find that our faith in something out there saving us, somewhat disturbing. In our case within this illusion we live, we are in an insane dystopian world managed by career politicians and civil servants running the show on behalf of their masters. These masters (The Cabal) thrive on Greed, power, money, hate, and fear, especially fear. When we take the red pill, we will find that we are more powerful and able to co-create our own near-utopian world, if we make that choice. One of the greatest barriers we have is that we seem to have this belief, or desperate hope, with the Savior mentality. We keep hoping that some kind of Superman will arrive to vanquish the dystopian system and create a utopia for us. Sorry, I don’t think there will ever be a real person or special group of people who will do that for us. The strangest yet most empowering solution to all of this is that ‘WE ARE THE ONES WE ARE WAITING FOR!’ That is the secret revealed to us when we take the proverbial red pill. Why do we have so many secrets and conspiracies in the world? It is because the hierarchy can only control us when we are compliant to their vision – and they work hard to keep us in that rut. If we simply create and live our own vision then their power is just gone – we really don’t need them – we never did.

U.S. President John K Kennedy in 1961 had some commentary about secrets: “The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings … ”Today no war has been declared — and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack”…“We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence — on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day”…“It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.” In the last 5000 years, Nation states have focused the concept of war as a normal part of the human condition. Anyone with any thinking at all recognizes that wars are barbaric, psychopathic behaviors that never solve anything – certainly they never bring lasting peace, which is curiously what most people want. Someone must get something from wars, but it is not we the regular folk, the cannon fodder for the powers that be. Who really profits from a war? How did the elites convince us to accept war as normal, especially so when it is the common folk who do all the fighting and dying? How did the elites ever become elite with all this control in the first place? The mainstream explanation is that tribal chiefs became somewhat despotic and the people went along with it like they still do today to create the royal bloodlines. People were convinced they needed to be safeguarded by a military supporting the elites to safeguard the people from the ‘others’ who would harm them. That’s the rational we still use today with ‘False Flags’ used to rile us up! (More on False Flags in later posts.) While that may be somewhat valid with religious and bloodline hierarchies leading the charge for this kind of insane society, I prefer a simpler idea proposed by Daniel Quinn for my following story of why we let it happen.

When we began agriculture, we were still egalitarian in small villages growing what we needed each season and living a relaxed lifestyle. As agricultural techniques got better we began to grow more food than was needed and began long term storage. If you have extra stores of food and live in a relatively stable ecosystem you shouldn’t have to keep working hard to keep growing more and more food. That is, however, unless the administrative heads of the food stores become fearful of never having stored enough food in case of future disasters. Suppose you had a bumper crop yield for several years and the stores are overflowing. Why not have a year off farming and just enjoy yourselves. The food stores are in specially constructed and sealed granaries in order to keep them dry and protect them from vermin with sealed doors to keep vermin and moisture out. The administrators being fearful and protective of ‘their’ food denied access to the food stores and found ways to lock up the granaries with ‘guards’ chosen by the administrators to prevent unauthorized access. Despite the excess of food available, only those farmers willing to continue farming were allowed to get their portion of food. If you wanted to eat you had to farm. The administrators took on a mantle of self-righteous protection, coupled with religious leaders who controlled the game, and before long both became closed sects that maintained control of all aspects of the community. The farmers could either comply or take their chances ‘out there’ beyond the growing town’s boundaries. As the population grew, the need for more land grew and the guards were now a small military army conscripting young warriors to help them acquire more land for the good of the city. After only a few generations, the elite, now entrenched as some kind of bloodline royalty, had created fixed belief systems that this was the normal way of being civilized and all those outside the city were dangerous savages, uncivilized, and unworthy of the benefits of the growing city, soon to be state, then empire.

Now think about this belief system today. How many would give up ‘civilization’ to go back to a new-tribal, hunter-gatherer-simple agronomic system? What comes to mind with that last sentence? Primitive, savage, living on the edge of survival? Look at your belief structure concerning civilization today. What makes it preferable? But more importantly identify WHY you have these beliefs! They were given to you as part of your upbringing and you accepted them without question or analysis. Truth is truth, even if it is uncomfortable to look at. The story of human culture that we all know is a complete myth. The elite maintain mind control by establishing belief structures through propaganda, myth making, enforcement of acceptable rigid ‘norms,’ and hiding secrets that would interfere with or reveal this control. Plato’s Allegory of the cave is a great explanation as to why we continue to accept the inconsistencies of this system we call civilization with its entrenched belief of hierarchies with birthrights to rule us. It is only very recently in human history that emperors and Kings started to be supplanted by newer hierarchies based on monetary wealth and power (I would argue the same bloodlines). We cannot go back to imagined simpler eras, we can only go forward with the best of the past and the best of the present to a society we prefer that we can all co-create! We don’t need the hierarchies to be controlling us in that future picture. Not to be negative, but on our current path, the picture for most of humanity is not a pretty one.

“Very typically, when people question me about the future, they ask if I really believe people will be willing to give up the wonderful things [Materialism] we have for the mere privilege of avoiding extinction. When I speak, as I did in [the novel] Ishmael, of another story to be in, they seem to imagine I’m touting a sort of miserable half-life of voluntary poverty, donning sackcloth and ashes to do penance for our environmental sins. They’re sure that living in a sustainable way must be about giving up things. It doesn’t occur to them that living in an UNsustainable way is also about giving up things, very precious things like security, hope, light-heartedness, and freedom from anxiety, fear, and guilt.” (Beyond Civilization – D Quinn)

As long as power and control are seen as the norm, then we shall be slaves to the system. Only through cooperation and sharing will we achieve egalitarian ideals. I think about Tolkien’s ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and the one being who was able to carry Sauron’s ring of power back to Mordor to destroy it. The elves, the dwarfs, and the humans are all arguing who should do the job, but it is the hobbits who accept the task. They are the only ones unaffected by the urge for power and a fear of the ‘others.’ In the Shire the Hobbits live contented, peaceful, organic lives. I’ll come back to this when I present ideas about community building and reframing human society to be able to live sustainably. This society will be one we all create and not be simply new elites leading us down the path. First some more revelations about the current dystopia we accept as normal.


Marketta Belt · June 19, 2018 at 2:22 pm

Good article. It is rather unfortunate that over the last ten years, the travel industry has already been able to to fight terrorism, SARS, tsunamis, bird flu, swine flu, as well as the first ever entire global economic downturn. Through it all the industry has really proven to be solid, resilient and also dynamic, locating new solutions to deal with adversity. There are usually fresh complications and chance to which the business must once again adapt and react.

    admin · June 19, 2018 at 2:35 pm

    Thanks for the comment. Resilience is the ability to adapt to changes – something we must build for ourselves rather than rely on mega-corporations who only have their profit interests at heart and not public health and benefit.

Auto approve list · September 22, 2018 at 1:47 pm

I’m compiling my latest list. I’m sorry there hasn’t been any recent updates.

I’ve had some problems building the list along the way.
I’ll talk more about that at a later date.

Free auto approve list 9-25-2018 · September 26, 2018 at 7:26 am

I added a new blog post yesterday. There’s a smaller list than usual in it.
I’m currently working on a bigger list. It’s going to
take some time to compile it. I hope all of you are having a good week.
I’m planning on doing some design changes to my site.
I’m also thinking about adding some new things too.
I’ll talk more about that in the days and weeks to come.

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