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If I could do a Vulcan mind-meld and drop all the information into your minds, I could get on with more discussion of things that need to be done. Curiously I put that metaphor in my second book, but the editors said the modern generation would not understand it, and so it was removed as was much else I though essential – one of the reasons I started this blog, to get this knowledge out finally. Most people I talk to seem to know down deep that something is wrong with the world. They cannot clarify why they know this, but they feel trapped in a system they don’t like and would like to see CHANGE that really works. YES, we can get this as I keep saying, but first we need to go down more of the rabbit hole so you understand. The world and the universe do not work the way we have been led to believe. I am pleased to be your guide if you will keep following me. I will reveal the insanity that keeps us where we are and then the sane options that we all really want, and can have!!

What is the best way to enslave people? – don’t tell them! Feed them false beliefs that make some apparent sense and then keep repeating those beliefs ad-nauseum. Helps if you keep out ALL other conflicting beliefs. Those who control the mainstream media control the messages we hear. And you will know (or will now I point it out) that the media has one main job – to sell something. For a start, it does this by selling advertising space and then it sells the one message we ALL get to hear – that you must be a good consumer – and today a HYPER-CONSUMER. You notice that the media must keep your attention so you don’t get sidelined with things that tell the truth (like this blog and Many other sources outside the mainstream). Primarily they do this by getting your attention with news (highly selected and even manufactured in some cases I might add – false flags) to promote a illusionary world you have no option but to live within. We all know good news doesn’t sell. Actually, it does! Ever notice how the news media often end with some micro feel good story after a whole half hour of death and destruction. If you get away from the mainstream media you will find all manner of wonderful stories that stir the soul and raise the spirit. But that is not the point. You need to be a controlled consumer and even more importantly, one that is kept in place through negative programming. Look at what you are afraid of and how often you hear about it happening!! FEAR sells and FEAR controls completely – it creates devils to hate and fear where none actually exist. It also breaks us up into lots of small fractions that are suspicious and fear each other. You create a lot of different communities of ‘True Believers’ as described beautifully by Eric Hoffer. You become complicit in making the world a highly competitive dog-eat-dog kind of place where survival can only come at the expense of others. We then use Darwinism to support this kind of thinking and show the vicious aspect of nature as the model of how life creates dominance – survival of the fittest!! As a biologist I always had to emphasize that fitness is a genetic aspect (being able to adapt) not something dependent on being the biggest, meanest, SOB in the area. The world isn’t a competitive place, it is actually a cooperative place. Yes, the eagle catches a dove in fight and devours it, but overall the whole natural system is a model of cooperation. The controllers don’t want cooperation unless it fits their ends and they do not care less about your well-being. Negativity that perpetuates, fear, hate, greed, envy, jealousy, etc… are the prime goals of those really in control (the CABAL) – not just to keep us in line, but they also thrive off of it! Yes, you are merely a means to an end (sound a bit like Hunger Games doesn’t it). What? Now this is going to take a lot more explanation about things most will not even know about – we’ll get there shortly.

In an earlier blog (Jan 11, 2018) I mentioned the top seven things we really ‘want’ are Physical Comfort, Good interpersonal relations, Interesting cultural activities, Good health, Good nutrition, Satisfying jobs, and Purpose. All compelling things for a reason to change. Let’s get to understanding more of what this all means in blogs to come.

Categories: Control


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