Spiritual Crisis is the World’s Greatest Problem Part 2 – Cultural Sensitivity and Empathy

“Opinion is the lowest from of human knowledge.  It requires no accountability, no understanding.  The Highest form of knowledge … is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another’s world.  It requires profound purpose larger than the self-kind of understanding.”  Bill Bullard To regular visitors Read more…

Social Media Promotes Polarization of Beliefs – part 3 –Social Media Data is being mined for Nefarious Purposes

As I said in the last post, Audience Analysis is good communications technique for well thought out and well-crafted ‘honest’ messaging.  Now using data sets from social media platforms with negatively fear based invented news and misinformation has turned it into something resembling an Orwellian control system.  We hear a Read more…

Social Media Promotes Polarization of Beliefs – part 2 – How Your Social Media Data is Used to Change the World

Collecting data about people has long been a primary goal of the advertising industry, e.g. The Madison Avenue crowd.  The more you know about potential customers, the more closely you can match your advertising to their interests and preferences.  This is true for any kind of communications messaging – it’s Read more…